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"You're not nimble enough.but you'll get there one day. but until then then princess daphne is still mine" lucas said. "whatever.im still tops on centipede and dig dug" dustin said. "you sure about that?" keith said making them look up the right. "sure about what?" dustin said eyeing him. keith just took a cheese puff from the bag and ate it looking at dustin. they all looked at each other confused. it clicked in dustin mind. "you're kidding me.no,no,no." dustin said pushing will aside and running over to the game which everyone followed. as he got to the game a bunch more no's insured. he check both game. "751,300 point!" will exclaimed with his eyes wide. "that's impossible." mike said. "who is mad max?dustin asked keith.

"better then you." he said. dustin flicked him off. "is it you?" will asked. keith scoffed "you know i despise dig dug". "then who is ?" lucas asked. "yeah,spill it,keith." dustin said. "you want information then i need i something in return." he said with a smirk looming at mike. they all looked over at mike. "just tell us" bella said. "not until i get my date with nancy" he said. "no,no,no.no way. you're not getting. date with her." mike said. "mike,come on.just get him the date" lucas said. "i'm not prostituting my sister!" mike yelled at them. "buts it for. good cause." lucas said. mike nodded his head no. keith turned and looked at bella. "no. definitely not happening."she said. he rolled his eyes.

"no,don't get him the date.know what? he's gonna spread his nasty ass rash to your whole family." dustin said to him. "acne isn't a rash and it isn't contagious you prepubescent wastoid." he spat. "oh,i'm a wastioid?" dustin asked  sarcastically. "neither mikes or bella's sister would want to go out on a date with you" lucas said. "you make,like what? 2:50 an hour? dustin asked. "nice perm." keith said. "gonna make fun of my hair?" dustin asked. bella quickly got annoyed with them and she nudged mike "wanna go somewhere else?" bella said with a smirk. mike nodded and they walked away slowly. as they were leaving the group mike noticed will outside. "hey i'll be right back." he said leaving bella there and going to check up on will.

mike and will talked briefly before they headed back inside. they went back over to dustin and lucas and they were playing dig dug. the night went on after that and soon it was 9 o'clock and will had to leave. dustin and lucas biked home together and mike wanted to bike bella home so he did just that.

they got to bella's house and they walked to her front door. "happy one year/ three month anniversary" mike said. "happy one year/three month anniversary" bella said with a growing smile. "what was up with will?" she asked. "oh um i don't know. but it's getting late i'll see you tomorrow" mike said leaning over and kissing her goodbye. she watched as he grabbed his bike and biked home. she walked into a dark house and went up stairs to her bedroom. she got changed and went to bed.


the next morning bella got up,did her daily routine, and biked to school meeting the boys there.they walked to their lockers each going their own way and deciding to meet up at science. the bell rung and bella grabbed her book and headed to class. she walked in seeing that everyone was already seated. "morning mr.clarke" she said waving. he nodded "morning". she took a seat behind mike and smiled as she passed him.

"meet the human brain" mr clarke said putting the fake brain on the table. the kids were super impressed by the brain but everyone else didn't even bother to look at it. "i know,i know, it doesn't look like much. a little gross even,right? but consider this.there are a hundred billion cells inside of this miracle of evolution.no no,i did not misspeak. i did not stutter. a hundred billion" he said. a girls gum popped and the door opened and closed making everyone look over. "ah you must be our new student." he said. the girl from yesterday had walked in. "indeed. all yours" the principal said. the girl was walking pass mr.clarke until he stopped her.

"all right.hold up.you don't get away that easy. come on up. don't be shy." he said making the girl roll her eyes and walk back to the front of the class. "dustin,drum roll." he said. dustin closed his book and tapped on the book. "class,please welcome,all the way from sunny california,the latest passenger to join us on our curiosity voyage,maxine" he said with excitement. "it's max." she corrected him. she looked at the class scanning over until she got to bella. she smiled a little but it quickly faded. "i'm sorry?" mr.clarke asked. "nobody calls me maxine.its max." she said. lucas turned a look at dustin "mad max" he whispered. "well all aboard,max.uh bella! can you show max around after class" mr clarke said pointing at bella.

bella didn't know what to make of the girl. they had only spoken once and it seemed to go nicely but she seemed distant. she was definitely looking forward to getting to know the girl.

bella nodded "yeah sure can do". max nodded and walked pass them going straight to the back. the boys all followed her as she walked to the desk. she sat down and looked out the window. they boys just looked at her. "stop staring. you guys are being weird" bella told them which made them break outta the trace and look back at mr.clarke as he continued his lesson.


soon recess came around and bella said goodbye to boys as she showed max around. they girls walked down a ramp well bella walked and max rode her skateboard. "woah you ride?" bella asked as the girl skateboard around. "yeah been doing it for a while" she said doing a kick flip.bella looked around and noticed the boys were watching them. she rolled her eyes and flicked them off "go away" she mouthed. once the boys knew that bella saw them they ducked around the corner."do you know how to skate?" max asked skating back over to bella. "what? huh no" bella said. "you should learn" max said. max got off her skateboard and walked back over to bella. "so why are the creeps spying on us?" she asked. "oh don't mind them.theyre idiots." bella said.

"hey do u wanna prank them?" max asked with a smile. "hell yeah" bella said getting up. max grabs a piece of paper and wrote something on it quickly. "okay let's go" max said putting the paper in her pocket. the girls got up and went back inside but right as bella opened the door max threw the piece of paper in the trash. "why'd you do that?" bella asked confused. "trust me" max said going inside. "so what'd you write?" bella asked as they walked down the hall. "stop spying on me,creeps" max said with a smile. "i like you,mayfield" "you're not so mad yourself".

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