→will the wise ←3.5

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Bella peddled faster than she normally did. her foot getting caught on the brake a couple of times while she did but she made there and in one piece. she hopped off her bike and sped walk it over there putting it into the bike rack at the same time as dustin who she didn't even see. "oh! hey dustin" she said as she took locked her bike. "hey ..." he said looking around. "whatcha looking for?" she asked looking around as well now.

he turned his head and finally saw what he was looking for: the party. he ran through the side of school bella right behind him. the voices finally became clear "this is so disgusting. is this really necessary?" a girl said. the voice bella immediately recognized; it was max's. they rounded the corner to see max and mike. "what's going on? and "what the hell is going on?" they both said at the same time.

"what do you think? we're looking for dart." mike said. trash shot up into the air making all of them jump back. "jesus!" dustin said. bella let out a small yelp. "oh!" max said as her and mikes face read disgust. "ugh!" he said. lucas appeared from the garbage quickly jumping out of it with a grunt. "well, well, well." he said once he saw dustin. "look who finally decided to show up. after I drew the short. straw. real convenient." he said scoffing.

"you stink!" max said walking over to bella and dustin side. he had a toothy grin as he looked at her "hi, max". she looked awkwardly at bella then at dustin saying "hi". bella waved "hey max" she greeted. max tucked a strain of her behind her hair "hi bella" she said with a slight smile before turning to face the boys. "where's will?" dustin asked. "he'll be here" mike said to them. mike looked over to bella and gave a nod and smile. she nodded back. "are you just gonna stand there you two?" lucas said grabbing two other sticks and throwing it to them. "or you gonna help?".

they caught it and they each poked the bags of trash looking for any sign of dart. "uh guys I don't think he's in here." bella said taking a step back with a sigh. "i'm going to class. I don't want to be even more late" she said dropping her stick and waking away. "yeah she's right" max said doing the same and walking away. they walked all the way to mr.clarkes class. they walked in the minute the last bell rung. they both took their seats greeting him with a "good morning". a couple minutes passed and in walked the rest of the boys. "sorry we're late,mr.clarke" mike said. he nodded and they took their seats. the whole lesson bella couldn't focus. she kept trying and she just couldn't. she placed her head down and closed her eyes.

classes went on and soon lunch came and bella watched as mike went to the phone. she knew how important will was to him. she knew that he was calling the byers to check in with will. she watched him worry for months about if will was gonna go back to normal. will was his best friend and he had every right to worry about him. she saw him put the phone back so she assumed that they didn't answer. he ran back over them. "no luck?" she said. he nodded no "but we need to talk. AV room. right now." he said running up the short stairs and heading for the doors. they all went to get up and follow him including max.

he noticed this and tuned around quickly "party members only." he said to her. "really? this shit again mike!" bella said very annoyed. "come on, mike." dustin plead. "no!this is not-negotiable." he said to him sternly. dustin nodded "sorry max." he apologized. lucas said sorry as well. bella just stood there. "bella, you coming?" dustin asked. she looked back at max who look hurt and little offended and at dustin who seems like he was begging her to come with his eyes. "uh..." she said conflicted. max took a seat "just go" she said to her. "are you sure? cause I can just-" she said to her. "just go. please." max said to her. bella nodded.

she walked to the AV room closing the door behind her and she looks at mike and he smiled at her a little which she flipped him off "fuck off. you're an asshole. and this is the exact reason I broke up with your ass!" she yelled at him. "bella look I know your mad but will didn't want me to tell anyone" he said to her. "I don't care! there was no reason to be such an asshole to the only person who has defended me ever since she met me. don't get me wrong I care about will like he's my best friend but there was a better way to handle that situation way better" she says taking a seat. "you done?" he asks?. she nodded.

"well on Halloween night he saw a sort of shadow in the sky" he told them. "a shadow? lucas questioned. "what kind of shadow, mike?" bella asked him. "i don't know. but it scared him. and if will really has true sight... i mean, if he can really see into the upside down, maybe he saw that shadow again yesterday." mike said. "so that's why he was frozen like that?" dustin proposed. "maybe." mike said. "could it hurt him?" lucas asked. "well from what mike has told us probably not. i mean, if this shadow thing isn't from our world..." bella said. "dustin? mike asked.

"well, if you're in another plane, you can't interact with the material plane, so theoretically, no, the shadow can't hurt him." he informed them. "yeah, if that's even what's happening. this isn't d & d. this is real life." mike warned them. "so what do we do?" lucas asked. "we acquire more knowledge. i'll go to wills after school. see what's going on. you guys stay here and find dart" mike said. "i'm going with you!" bella said to him. "ok so bella and i will head to wills" mike corrected. "wait? what's dart got to do with this? dustin sat up more concerned. "will heard him in the upside-down. i don't know how yet, but he's gotta be connected to all of this. he gotta be. if we find dart, maybe we can solve this whole thing. maybe he can help will" he said with a look of determination on his face. 

    after the small meeting they all went back to class and waited until the hell rung. bella and mike walked straight to wills house. bella didn't even say bye to max.the walk was silent but comforting. they reached the byers home heading to the door and knocking. no answer though so bella knocked again. "hello? will? mrs.byers?mike said. the door quickly unlocked. mike let out a sigh of relief "hey". "hey guys" she said a little out of breath. "is will here? bella asked. "you know what? now is not really a good time." she informs them.

"is he alright?" he asks. she sighs and looks back behind her before coming out and keeping the door close to her "yeah. you know, he's... he's just not feeling well. he's laying down, so i'll tell him you stopped by, okay?" she said as she lead them away from her door. she turned around went back towards the door. "that's bullshit and you know it! it's about that stupid shadow monster, right?" bella snapped. Joyce turned around at the sudden outburst and looked at them.

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