→dig dug← 3.7

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      The sun was at its peak in the sky and bella just walked through her town. she didn't really have a plan on where to go but she knew where she was welcomed and that was max's. she headed towards her house since she really didn't have any other friends that were girls.

she walked up to max's door and gave it three quick knocks. there's was silence so bella looked around to their driveway where a blue camero sat. she sighed and went to knock again three times but before she could knock a third time the door swung open and there standing was a shirtless billy. bella gulped and didn't say a word. "can i help you?" he asked leaning on the doorframe.

"uh i'm....im looking for um max" she said with a stutter. he rolled his eyes "and you are?" he said to her. "max's friend,bella." she said. "so your the girl she's always talking about" he says with a smirk "nice to meet you. i'm billy".  bella nods "so where's max?" she asks trying to get out of there as soon as possible. she didn't know what it was about him but he just gave her major creeps. he was intimidating and seemed very intense.

"she's at the arcade" he tells her. "thanks. uh see you around i guess" bella says turning around and leaving. she takes a look back and see billy smiling at her waving. that gave her goosebumps. she walked to the arcade swinging the doors open and shaking the bells. she looked around and there she saw max talking to keith. she ran over to them "max!". max turned around and a huge smile came across her face. bella threw her arms around her. max was taken aback by the hug but didn't complain and embraced her back. "i thought you were with will. what happened?" max asks. "i was... but something happened between mike and me so i couldn't stay no more" she says.

"oh what happened? max asked concerned. "i really don't wanna talk about it right now if that's okay?" bella says tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear. "of course that's okay." max says to her. "but enough about me what are you doing here?" bella asked. max shrugged "i don't know but lucas told me to come to meet him here but he hasn't shown so i was gonna play dig dug but it's out of service and keith was telling me that he has another one in his office," max says. keith jumps in "i could show you guys" he says. we nod and follow keith to the back of the arcade to the office. "hold these." he says handing his chips to max. max grabbed them while keith took keys out of his pocket and unlocked the door.

keith pushed the door open and there was lucas standing there. he looked at max first and smiled then at me and was confused. they both said each other names with clear confusion. "what are you doing here? i thought you were with mike and will." he says was a small little bit of panic in his tone. "i left duh. so i came to see max. now what are you doing here?" she asked. they walked into the room and keith's shut the door "better get me that date now,sinclair." he said. max looked annoyed and bella was just confused.

before lucas could answer max jumped in "what is this shit stalker?". "sorry. i just needed a safe place" he says to her. bella takes a seat and realizes this is gonna take a min. "a safe place to what? be creepy?" she says. "listen. im going to tell you the truth about everything that happened last year" he says trying to calm her down. the sentence alerts bella "you're right,lucas". "but if anyone finds out, you could be arrested" he sighs "possibly killed". bella and max both roll their eyes at this. "killed?" max questions. "i need to know. do you accept the risk?" lucas ask. max's sighs and rolls her eyes once again.

"oh my god! this...is so stupid" max says walking around a little. "do you accept the risk? he asks again. she looks at bella for an answer and back to lucas "yeah".

max puts her skateboard down and takes a seat next to bella. she leans back and crosses her arms. "let's hear it" max says. lucas sighs "last year...will didn't get lost in the woods. he got lost somewhere else." he says. lucas tells her the whole story. eleven, the upside-down, will be pronounced dead. everything.

"and that was the last we ever saw of her. after that, she was just gone. i can't believe it's been that long. feels like yesterday" lucas finishes off. max looks slightly shocked. "yeah. i mean, i bet.". she leans back. "yeah i know it's crazy. i'm sorry for keeping this from you. i just didn't wanna upset the party" bella said placing a hand on max's shoulder. "it's crazy, but i really liked it" she says with a smirk.

lucas and bella share a look of pure confusion. "liked it?" he asks. "yeah. well, i mean, i had a few issues." she says. "issues?" bella asks. "i felt it was a little derivative in parts" she says shaking her head. "what are you talking about?" he questions. "i just wish it had a little more originality. that's all." she says. "wait. you don't believe us?" he says squinting his eyes like he was trying to see if she was serious.

"guys, come on, seriously? how gullible do you think i am? she says shaking her head. "max you know i wouldn't lie to you" bella says. "why would we make this up?" lucas ask taken aback. "i don't know. to impress me or something? or you'll are just like insane" she says of the top of her head. "i tell you all of this. i mean,top-secret stuff. risking our lives. and this how you react?" lucas says annoyed and standing up. max looks like she's about to burst out laughing "risking y'alls life?".

"max we took a serious risk telling you this. we wouldn't lie to you." bella says also standing up. max rolls her eyes "yeah sure" smiling. "oh, so this is funny to you?" he says getting more mad. " yeah. i mean...kind of funny. stupid but funny" she says getting up and with a huge smile. lucas looks annoyed and bella seems frustrated. max grabs her skateboard and heads for the door. "where are you going? lucas and bella ask.

"storytimes over, isn't it?" she says right before walking out. bella shares an alarming look with lucas "what the fuck just happened?" she says. lucas just shakes head "i don't know but we should follow her" he says leaving the room next. bella goes after him. "what's wrong with you? i gave you what you wanted." he tells her. she stops and turns around looking at them. "i wanted to be a part of the group, not a part of some joke" she says her smiling falling.

"it's not a joke" he says seriously and slowly. "you did a good job, okay? she says to him. "you can go tell the others i believed your lies if it gets you experience points or whatever." she says before turning around walking away again. lucas and bella continue after her both sighing. bella grabs onto bella and turns her around again "listen, you know i would never lie to you. so believe when i tell you this. we are not lying to you" she says with a look of sincerity

max looks into her eyes trying to see if she was telling the truth but before she can stay something lucas jumps in "we have a lot of rules in our party, but the most important is "friends don't lie". never ever. no matter what". "is that right?" she says walking away again "then how do you explain this? she pulls the out of order paper off the game and sticking it on him. he sighs "i had to do that. to protect you". she rolls her eyes "to protect me from who, exactly? the big bad government baddies from hawkins lab? max says raising her voice slightly. "lower your voice" he says leaning in.

"or maybe it was to protect me from the demogorgon from another dimension? she says putting quarters into the game and turning around. "max, i'm serious, shut up!" he says. "oh, no, no! Do you know what it was? it was eleven. the girl-" she says but lucas puts his hands over her mouth before she can finish. "lucas!" bella says shocked. "what? she needs to stop talking. lucas says getting closer to her. lucas looks behind her to make sure no was listening. "you're going to get us killed. do you understand? he says with a pleading look in his eyes.

it's sudden dawns on her. she takes his hand off her mouth "you guys are serious?".  they both nod. "i really wish we weren't" lucas says. max looks at him trying to see if he's lying. she shakes her head "prove it." "we cant." he says. "so what? i'm supposed to trust you?" she says pointing at him. "no trust me" bella steps in. max opens her mouth but closes it when she hears a car engine revving and tires screeching. she grabs her board and heads towards the door. they look out the door and see billy. "uh shit. i gotta go.um... please don't follow me out. okay? she says hugging bella and grabbing lucas hands. he doesn't say anything but she got the message.

she let's go and turns around walking out the door. "do you believe us?" he asks right before she was gone. she doesn't answer and gets into the car. they watch her from the door. they couldn't make out what they were saying . they pull out of the parking out. bella let's out a long-awaited sigh.

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