→the spy ←3.8

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Bella sat on her bed with max staring at the ceiling. "you should teach me to skateboard" she says breaking the silence. "hmm maybe" she said back. "so you grabbed lucas's hand yesterday. what was that about?"bella stated. max turned over and looked at bella with a small blush and then turnt back around. bella brakes into a huge smile "omg you totally like him". bella wraps her arms her "my best friend has a crush!". "i do not. that stalker no way! you're imagining things" max says hiding her face.

"i remember when me and mike told each other we liked each other. it felt like was just yesterday" she says dramatically. "oo did it go like this. omg mike i totally like you. you're just so small and lanky like what's not to like. and he went wow i totally feel the same way. you are amazing and i love that you always wear red and yellow together even though they don't match. mwah mwah" max says mocking them both. bella pushes her "oh shut up!". "it was much more embarrassing we-"

"code red! code red! bella we got a code red!" lucas voice yelled from her super com on her dresser. bella shot up and grabbed it "come in lucas! what's going on? is it will?" she said franticly. "what? no it's dustin. he needs our help. so bring supplies and food and meet us at the junkyard." he said. "why? is he okay?" she asked. "he said something about dart getting bigger also steve and lori are with him" he adds. "wait my sister? and big-haired steve?" she asked. "do you know any other loris and steve?" he says. "well no but-" she gets our before lucas jumps back in "no time just meet us at the junkyard and i'll get max. "no need she's with me so we will meet you'll. over and out," she says pushing the antenna down.

bella grabs her bag and starts throwing stuff in it. "well max you wanted us to prove it well nows the time" she says putting on her sneakers. max does the same and puts on her jacket. "what is actually happening? she says. "just follow me" bella says leaving her room, max behind her. bella grabbed her house key and left her front door locking it behind her. bella grabbed her bike and max's puts her skateboard down. they take off down the street.
"so why is your sister there? does she know about everything? max asks. "uh yeah we both got tangled up in it. it'll be a family reunion" she says with a small laugh.

they reach the junkyard to see dustin, steve,and lori leaving pieces of meat on the ground. "well, well, well, we get ourselves a good old fashion party now" bella yells out to them. they all look up and smile at her. "i said medium-well!" lucas yells out from the other side of the yard. they all walk over. "lori" bella said. "bella" she says with a smile. they share a look and go for a hug. "good seeing you sis" lori says.

"you too". "uh who's that?" steve says looking at max. "oh this is max. my friend." she said. dustin looked confused "lucas and bella! meeting now." he says walking towards a car. they both sigh. they duck behind. "so what's up?" bella asks. "you told her?" dustin says. "so what? lucas says. "so what?" he mocks. "you wanted to tell her, too." lucas argues. "but i didn't, all right. we all agreed not to tell her and to look for dart" dustin says sternly. lucas rolls his eyes "who you conveniently found". "are you suggesting that i'm lying? dustin says slightly taken aback.

"i'm saying you have a creepy little bond with him" he says. "bella can you believe this? dustin turns to her and says. "well uh it's a little bit true" she says avoiding eye contact. he sighs "of course your on his side and that was before he turned into a demogorgon. "and you haven't heard from mike?" lucas asks. "no bella was the last person to see him." dustin says. "bella what's going on with mike?" lucas asks. "don't look at me i only saw him for like half a day and then i left. and we're not really on the best terms right now" she tells them. they look confused but then both nod. "what about hopper? bella asks.

"no! no one is around. why do you think i'm with steve harrington and your sister? something's-" he says "wrong. i agree which is why we need as much help as we can get.." lucas finishes. max grunts and catches the boys attention they boy stand up a little and watch her. "she didn't believe us anyway" lucas says. "you probably didn't tell it right." dustin says.

"that must be it. so we good? lucas says putting his hand out. dustin looks at him for a couple of seconds but a bangs scares them. "hey! dickheads! plus girl. how come the only one helping me is bella's friend? steve says to them. "he's right." bella says standing all the way up. "we lose light in 40 mins. let's go." he says walking away. they all follow after him. "let's go, i said!" he yells at them. "alright alright chill out" bella tells him.

they spend the next 30 minutes boarding up the empty school bus. and finding stuff the will give them an advantage. max and bella both pick up a wooden board and find a ladder. "woo. love picking up rusty wood!" bella says sarcastically. max smiles too. they grab it together and move it onto the bus right in the middle where the sun widow on the ceiling was.

they all get on the bus as the sun sets getting one by one closing the door being dustin. they took seats. max and bella sat together. dustin paced back and forth. lori and steve sat next to each other and lucas decided he wanted to be the lookout and climbed the ladder to the top of the bus. steve clicked his lighter. "so you really fought one of those things before?" max asked steve. he slowly nodded still clicking his lighter. "and you're, like, totally 100% sure it wasn't a bear?" she continues. "shit. don't be an idiot. okay? it wasn't a bear." dustin snapped on her.

max look surprised at his outburst. "dustin! don't be an asshole" bella snapped back. "no! like why are you even here if you don't believe us? just go home" he said going back to pacing. she sighed "geesh. someone's cranky. past your bedtime?". she got up and went up the ladder. as soon as she's all the up there bella gets up and punches him the shoulder. "ow! what was that for?" he exclaimed. "that was for being a complete asshole to her. she's been nothing but nice to me since she got here and she's here cause i asked her to trust me. so don't be such a dickhead to her. i feel like you don't get what you're asking her to believe. she didn't see or experience what we did so excuse her for not immediately believing us about god damn monsters and a girl who had mind powers. and the upside-down" she ranted leaving her out of the breath.

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