→the werido om maple street←0.6

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As soon as she got home. her sister hugged her super tight. "god bels where were you. i got off work to see you weren't home yet" lori said giving the girl a hug still. "i'm sorry i was with mike and the party. we all just wanted to talk about will together" she lied. she couldn't tell her sister that she went to go see her boyfriend who then convinced her to go to the woods to find will but actually found a strange girl.

"oh alright kid please don't do that again. you're gonna give a heart attack." she said with a sigh. "go on up to bed. you got school tomorrow" she said placing a kiss on the top of her head. she nodded and smiled and headed upstairs to bed quickly changing and getting comfortable and falling fast asleep.

her alarm clock went off again at the same time because that's what they do. she got up and did her normal thing. she changed into a blue shirt and with yellow stripes along with black jeans and some yellow vans. she brushed her teeth and headed downstairs. there was a note on the table.

"Mornin kiddo i have a shift early before school so ill see you when i get home. be safe love you" the note read. she grabbed some orange juice putting it in her bag and biked to mikes. she went to his back door and opened it. mike was nowhere to be found. she kneeled down by the fort and pulled the blanket up. el smiled at the sight of bella. the basement door opened and down mike came. he saw bella "oh you're here. great to see you." he said with a smile. "yeah morning" she said back.

"i brought you some orange juice" bella said handing it to her. she took it placed it next to her. it was then bella realized el had mikes walkie talkie. "oh cool you found my super com" he said also noticing. "pretty cool huh?" he added. she just stared at him blankly. "i talk to our friends with it. mostly lucas, cause he lived so close. signals pretty week" he told her.

he then pulled a waffle out of his pocket "got you breakfast" he said handing it to her. she took a bite of it immediately. "so listen this is gonna sound a little weird, but i just need you to go out there. then go to the front doors and ring the doorbell. my mom will answer and you'll tell her that you're lost and that you need help. but whatever you do, you can't tell her about last night or that you know me. understand?" mike said really fast. el just sat there and ate her waffle. "really it's no big deal. we'll pretend to meet each other again. and his mom will know who to call." she told her.

"no" she said. "no?" miked asked. "no" she repeated again. "no... you don't want my mom to get help?" he questioned. she looked at them and shook her head no. "you're in trouble, aren't you?" mike said. she didn't say anything except look down and back at them. "who.... who are you in trouble with?" he asked.

"bad" she finally said. "bad? what kind of bad like zombies or?" bella asked. the room was thick and it felt as both kids knew something was wrong and that there was something bigger happening here. "bad as in bad people? they wanna hurt you? the bad people" he asked. she slowly did a finger gun and pointed at her head then at bella's head right after going to mikes. bella's gasped and nodded no. her breathing was getting heavy now. "nope. we are not doing that!" she said standing up and walking away.

"understand?" she said. "michael, where are you? we're going to be late. let's go!" karen yelled from upstairs pulling them back to reality. "alright ill be back. stay here guys. okay " mike stammered. mike pulled the sheet down covering el and blocking bella from seeing el.he went upstairs leaving the girls there in silence. she knew mike had to leave but that we would be back so she waited.

bella knew that if she left she would miss something important at so she had to skip school and stay with mike and el to make sure they got more information from her and she didn't want to leave the poor girl alone with mike he can be a little much at first.

he eventually came back. "i was thinking we should show el around." he said. "i'm sorry what? you want to show this girl who just told us that bad men are after her and that they would kill us if they saw her around your house. we should talk about this." she told him. "no we should wait for dustin and lucas to come after school so we can talk altogether. so in the meantime we show her around." he suggested.
"fine okay" she shrugged.

mike pulled the sheet up "hey el we're gonna show you around" he told her. she got up and mike led the way upstairs with bella following behind. "you want anything to drink. we have oj, skim milk... what else ?" he said going through his fridge. el went into the living room and walked around slowly taking in everything. she stopped by the tv. "oh this is my living room. its mostly just for watching tv.nice right? it's a 22-inch that's like, ten times bigger then dustin's." he says with a smile clearly trying to show off. el walked away mid-sentence.

"ha loser she walked away. she doesn't care" bella joked. next she went over to mikes fireplace. there were pictures of the whole family. she touched nancy's photo "pretty". "i guess" he shrugged. "that's my sister nancy. and that's baby holly. and those are my parents.what are your parents like?" he asked. she slowly walked along the wall looking at all the pictures. "do they live close or in the area?" she asked. she didn't say anything.

she walked towards his la-z-boy running her hand along it. "that's our la-z-boy. its where my dad sleeps." he said with a small laugh. "you should definitely try it. it's super comfortable and fun." bella suggested. she walks around it taking a seat slowly. mike goes on the side to pull the lever. "just trust me, okay?" he says. he pulls it pushing the chair back at the same time. she looks scared at first but then nervously laughs. this puts a smile on both of their faces.

"that's the first time i've seen you smile. it's pretty," she tells her. el smiles again but with a small blush. "see that was fun.right?" mike says pulling the chair back into its upright position. "now you try" he says to her. she leans over pulling the lever again sending her back. they all laugh and smile at one another.

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