→will the wise ← 3.4

397 5 1

After will had come back they bombarded him with question for 20 minutes until finally joyce intervened and told him that he should rest. they agreed and walked joyce and will out of the front. they watched them walk to the car. "okay,that totally freaked me out. did that not freak you guys out? max asks them clearly on edge. "two episodes in two days." lucas stated. "it's getting worse" mike added. "and there's only so much we can do" bella said. "you think it's true sight? lucas asked mike. "what's true sight?" max quickly asked. "it's nothing" lucas said. they stood there and watched them drive then all went their own ways. dustin, lucas and mike biked home while the girls walked home.

"i still can't believe that happened." bella said to max as she kicked a rock down the sidewalk. "yeah me neither but im glad everyone's okay" she said squeezing her shoulder in reassurance. "but uh how are you hold up with the whole mike thing? look i just wanna say that i didn't mean to mess up anything or break y'all up i just thought you needed better and that you deserve to be treated amazing just like the girl you are" max's says with a slight blush and avoiding eye contact. bella sighs "i'm good. i feel free in way and max your right i deserve someone better". the rest of the walk was silent until they went their separate ways leaving each other with hugs.

bella walked up her drive way and unlocked her door .the smell of her sisters incense wafted in her nose. "i'm home" has announced but no one answered. she shrugged and went up stairs to her room. she threw her bag on the floor and fell into bed shutting her eyes for moment but instead she feel into a deep sleep.

hours has gone by and bella was finally woken up but her supercom. "bella you there? it's me mike. i think we should talk." he says. she sits up and and stares at the radio on her nightstand. "i know your there. i just wanted to tell you how i'm sorry i am for my behavior and i wanna talk this through. just know that i really like when i'm with you and when i'm not with you i sometimes don't know what to do with myself so just pick up please so i at least can know you wanna work this out with me." she stared at it for two mins with mike checking in every 30 secs.

she snatched the com off her nightstand and pushed the button "i'm here..." she said. "oh my god bels thank god. i  like you and care about you so much!thank you for picking up. i know you didn't have to but thanks." he says. "look mike, you can't change what you said and how you've treated me the past couple of weeks but just know i still care about you too and i don't want to break up but we do need a break so just give me that at least".

"anything for you bels. i just don't wanna lose you. you're such amazing girl and i think ive started to take you for granted and i'm sorry so i think a break could actually be really good for us."

"yeah me too, mike. i appreciate the apology it's doesn't change anything but it's something so i'll take it..." she said. she paused for sec and knew that it had to end here because if she heard him talk anymore she would fall right back into the same pattern she with him over winter break, summer, and when mike almost asked another girl to the winter ball. and she wasn't gonna do it this time.

"so i was thinking th-" he says before she interrupts him "goodnight, wheeler" she says and puts the com in her drawer. "night" was all he said. she then went back to her bed and turned off her lamp.

the next morning she woke up to her alram going off she unplugged it and got up. put her glasses on and going about her routine. she headed downstairs to see her sister making breakfast. "morning sleepyhead" she said with a smile. "hey." bella said taking a seat. "i got back from work and you were out like a light and you seem like you were in a deep sleep so i let you sleep" she said scrambling the eggs. "thanks appreciate it oh and me and mike are taking a break but not breaking up since every time we do we end up back together in like three day's so..." she said trailing off not have a clear point. "oh are you okay? do you wanna stay home? oh we could go see a movie or go shopping if you want!" she offered scrapping the eggs on a plate and sliding to her bella.

"thanks. and no schools fine today. thanks for offering thought and i'm okay i feel good about this actually so i have high hopes" she says as she takes a bite. lori puts the pans in the sink and takes a seat in front of her sister. "do you wanna talk about?" she asked. bella thought about it but if she did she would find herself either crying or full of rage. "uh not really. i hope u can understand why." she says with a slight smile. lori nods "of course i can. your my sister and i respect that so if you want i'll be here to talk." she says. bella nods and finishes up her food quickly checking the time seeing that she's late. "oh shit! i'm late,i gotta tun. see ya!" she says running upstairs to grab her bag and running back down straight to the door. she hopped on her bike and rode quickly too school.

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