→the vanishing of will byers←0.4

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"Can you believe them?" mike said pacing back and forth. "mike please... calm down" she said to him but he ignored her and continued ranting "like nobody cares except us and it really fucking blows. we should be there helping and actually making a difference".  "mike" she said trying to get his attention. he wasn't listening instead he continued on. "will could be in serious danger and no seems to care. we need to be out there" he said. "mike" she said softly still trying to get his attention. he didn't hear her.

bella stood up and put her on hand his shoulder. mike stopped mid-rant and looked at her. "i get it mike. i'm worried too. all i want to do is go out and look but we can't because it could be dangerous and will could be in danger so putting ourselves in danger won't do anything to help" she said softly looking him in eye.

her eyes were full of compassion and worry. mike didn't say anything at first but he let out a sigh. "i'm sorry bels. you're right" he told her hugging her. she didn't say anything instead she hugged back putting her face in the crook of his neck. there was a moment of silence. "mike when are we gonna tell our friends? i don't like lying to them" she told him. "we can't tell them unless will is here along with us. so, for now, we have to keep this a secret, okay?" he said softly.

he didn't want to but he had to. he had to find will and bring him back. "okay mike" she simply said letting go of him and returning to the couch.

mike went over to the table where they played and took a seat. he grabbed his walkie talkie and spoke into it "lucas, do you copy? it's mike" he said waiting for a response. bella got up and sat with him at the table. she placed her hand on his and gave it a squeeze. he smiled at her. "hey it's lucas" he said. "i know it's you and say "over" when you're done taking so i know when you're done. over." he spoke. "i'm done over" he said slowly. "me and bella are worried about will. over" he says. "bella? she's with you and yeah. this is crazy. over" lucas said with a sigh. "yeah bella's here. anyways i was thinking..." he pauses. "will could have cast protection last night but he didn't.he cast fireball. over." he said.

"what's your point? over" he said back. mike sighed in annoyance "my point is... he could've played it safe, but he didn't. he put himself in danger to help the party. over" he told him. "meet me in ten. over and out." he said.

mike pushed the antenna down and threw the walkie in his book bag along with a flashlight. "bella we have to look for him" he said to her. "but it's raining and it's dark". "come on nothing bad is gonna happen so don't worry" he said zipping his bag. she sighed "fine". they grabbed their coats. they went out mikes back door quickly and quietly. they grabbed their bikes and mounted them but just as they were leaving they saw steve harrington trying to climb into nancy's window. mike rolled his eyes and bella waved. he waved back and continued to climb the window so they left down the street.

mike and bella finally caught up with the boys. they rode to mirkwood. "aw man this is it." lucas said to them. they pulled over and stopped their bikes. thunder rang above them. "hey guys. you feel that ?" dustin said looking up. "i think maybe we should go back" he said. we all got off our bikes. "no. we're not going back so just stay close." mike told them. "it's okay dustin. it's gonna be okay. don't worry." she said following the boys walk their bikes into the forest a little.

"just stay on channel six. don't do anything stupid," he said to dustin. they all were walking ahead of him. "hey guys. wait up" he yelled running up to them. it's started to rain so they all put on their jacket hoods up to cover their heads from the rain.

they walked around a little but didn't find anything for a little. at this point it was coming down hard and the kids still hadn't found anything. "WILL" mike yelled. "BYERS" lucas shouted as loud as he could. "WILL ARE YOU THERE ?" bella yelled. "IVE GOT YOUR X-MEN 134!" dustin yelled.

they walked and were getting rained on pretty hard. "guys i think we should turn back." dustin said. "seriously,dustin?" lucas asked. bella stood in between dustin and mike. as the boys yelled at each other mike sneakily grabbed bella's hand. it was dark and rainy so the boys couldn't see them.

"dustin shut up!" mike said letting go of bella's hand to go see something. "i'm just saying does that seem smart to you!" he said to mike. "shut up. shut up." mike said trying to get dustin to literally shut up. there was rustling ahead so the group slowly walked towards it. "do you guys hear that?" he asked. there was a loud rustle behind them so they all jumped and spun around and pointed their flashlight towards that area. to the right of the party another noise came and they all jumped again and gasped at what they've seen.  "holy shit" bella said.

a girl. a girl with a shaved head. a girl who was soaked. a girl who only wore a big yellow tee-shirt. a girl who looks terrified of them. they all looked at each other each not believing what they were seeing to be real. it couldn't be. some random girl in the woods. no way was she just that random. so what else do you when u find a strange girl in the wood you take her back to your friend's house.

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