→the monster←1.8

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They pulled over to see a man from the store talking to a cop. "you don't think..." dustin said trailing off. "definitely" mike said. they biked pass the store continuing to look for her.

"el!" bella yelled. they were in wood searching for her. they called her name but no answer. they walked through the woods. a branch broke which made them stop. "hey, stop. do you hear that?" mike asked." what?" bella asked.

"el?" mike yelled out. out from nowhere troy and his friend come "hey, there, frog face". he flicks his swiss army knife "toothless. four eyes". dustin drops his bike "shit! run, mike! run!" he said running. bella and mike both did the same. "what?" mike yelled running after him. "run! come on!" dustin yelled.

the bullies chased after them "you're dead, wheeler". he yelled after them. they ran through the woods jumping over logs and maneuvering around the trees. "oh shit!" bella said while running. they ran until they reached a cliff. "ah cramp!" dustin said slowing down. "just keep going!" mike yelled running still. troys friend came from the other side. "shit!" dustin yelled. they were blocked from both exits.

mike grabbed rocks. dustin picked up a stick. bella balled up her fist and was ready to beat the shit outta troy. "stay back!" mike yells. "back off, dickhead!" bella yelled. "don't come any closer!" dustin said. mike threw the rock completely missing the kid. "nice throw, numbnuts." he said to mike. bella walked over to troy with her fist balled up. "come on four eyes! show me what you got" he taunted.  she pulled her fist back and punched him straight in the nose. he winced in pain "oh you bitch!" he said shoving her making her fall.

dustin let out a war cry and went to swing on troy but troy dodged it grabbing dustin by his bag and putting the knife to his neck. mike gasped. "get off! get off!" dustin yelled trying to get away from him. troys buddy took this chance to grab bella and hold her. "hey let go of me asshats!" she said squirming around. his arm only tightened around her neck making her choke a little. she stopped talking.

mike looked at his girlfriend being held and his best friend being held. "let them go! let them go!" he yelled. "stay back, or i cut him!" he threatened. "what do you want? mine asked. "i want to know how you did it!" he yelled. "how i did what?" mike asked. dustin and bella were still struggling. "i know you did something to me. some nerdy science shit to make me do that." he said.

"you mean piss your pants!" mike said. "our friend has superpowers, and she squeezed your tiny bladder with her mind" dustin yelled. "shut up! i think i should save toothless here a trip to the dentist. help him lose the rest of his baby teeth" troy said putting the knife closer to his neck.  "let them go!" mike demanded.

"i'll let him go, sure. but first..it's your turn," he said pointing the knife at mike. "My turn for what?" mike asked. "wet yourself" troy told him. "what?" mike asked. "jump...or toothless here gets an early trip to the dentist." he threatened. "stop! no!"dustin said trying to getaway. troy tightened his grip on dustin and brought the knife to his neck again making him gasp.

"i'll cut him right now! and after that we'll move on to four-eyes over here" he said. dustin started to whimper. "all right, just hold on! hold on!" mike said back away toward the cliff. "no mike!" bella yelled. "mike don't do it. i don't need my baby teeth! mike seriously don't!" dustin yelled. "don't you do it michael wheeler!" bella yelled starting to tear up.

mike started to walk towards the edge slowly. "i swear to god mike! don't jump!" she said crying. he got to very close to the edge. " mike don't do it!" dustin yelled. "seriously, don't do it man! seriously, don't!" dustin yelled. "troy, i don't think this a good idea, man." his friend said. "mike don't!" dustin yelled. "dentist office opens in five.." troy yelled. troys friends grip loosened from bella necks. "four!" troy yelled.

bella took this chance to stomp on his foot and elbow him in his chin making him yell in pain and let go. "three!" he yelled. once his arm let go of her she ran to mike. "two!" it felt like slow motion for her as she ran to him. "mike!" dustin yelled. bella was so close to him "one!" but not close enough. he jumped off with a scream. making everyone gasp. "no!" bella yelled falling to the floor. troy let go and they all ran over to see.  bella crawled over to the edge . "holy shit" dustin said.

mike was suspended in mid-air. he started to come back up. they all watched as he floated above them and was dropped. bella ran over to him giving him the biggest hug and the biggest punch. "ow'" yelled. "that for being the biggest dumbass" she said.mike looked over and that made them all look over to see el walk towards them. dustin smiled. bella and mike were in shock. troys friend was knocked down. el snapped her neck and they heard a bone crack.

troy screamed in pain "she broke my arm! my arm".
"go" eleven said. troy and his friend ran away. dustin watched them. "yeah, that's right! you'd better run! she's our friend and she's crazy!you come back here and she'll kill you! you hear me? she'll kill you, you sons of bitches! she'll kill you, you hear me?" dustin yelled at them. mike watched them run away. bella looked over to see el on the floor "oh god" she said as she ran over to her. dustin and mike ran over too.

"el you okay?" bella asked. "el?" mike said she was crying "i'm ...sorry". "sorry? what are you sorry for?" he asked. "the gate...i opened it.im the monster" she said sobbing. "oh no el you're not the monster. you saved mike. do you understand? you saved him. thats something a sister would do" she tells her. bella grabs her and pulls her into a hug. mike joins in and soon dustin puts his hands around them hugging everyone.after their group hug they went back to mikes going through his back door.

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