→the spy ←3.9

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"That's good. just show he you don't care." steve said nodding. "i'm sorry what?" bella asks. "steve's brilliant advice to get max to like dustin was to be an asshole and show that you don't care," lori said putting her fingers in quotation marks. bella mouth is agape. "that has to be the worst idea ever. like why would you tell him that? are you an idiot or a dumbass" bella says. "that's what i said but he insisted he was right." lori says. bella sighs and sits back down. everyone stays quiet after that. bella watches her sister interact with steve and she had this look in her eyes and that's when it dawns on her.

holy shit her sister likes steve harrington. she always just assumed she did but now that she can see it her eyes it means it's real and she's not making it up. she decides not to say anything but she will definitely be saying something when they get home. this was great news. all she had to was get steve to like her back.

a loud growl startled the group. they all jumped up and looked out the windows not see if there was anything. "you see him?" dustin asks? "no" everyone says. "lucas, what's going on?" dustin yells. "hold on!" he yells back. "i've got eyes! ten o'clock! te-ten o'clock!" he yells again his voice cracking slightly. "there" steve says pointing. "what's he doing?" dustin asks. "i don't know" steve responds.

"why isn't he taking the bait?" bella asks. "i don't know maybe he's not hungry?" dustin offers. "maybe he's sick of cow" steve's says. steve backups and grabs and his bat heading to the doors. everyone asks what's he doing. he sighs and turns around "just get ready. he throws his lighter to dustin and opens the door slowly walking out. lori closes the door after him. they all go back to the window to watch.

steve slowly walks away from the bus with his bat held high. max comes down "what's he doing?" she asks. "being a dumbass" bella says. "he's expanding the menu" dustin corrects. steve stands semi still as he uses his bat to move the fog. "he's insane" max states. "he's awesome" dustin says in amazement. steve holds up the bat again. "steve, watch out!" lucas yells out. "a little busy here!" he yells back staying focused. "three o'clock! three o'clock!" he yells at steve. steve looks around just in time to see another "dart".

dustin pulls back from the window and heads towards the door "steve! he yells out. he opens the door "steve! abort! abort!" he yells at him. before steve can move he surrounded and dart charges towards him. just as dart get close steve jump sideways onto a car dodging two of the monsters. another one charges towards him as he stands up but he quickly turns around and hits the monster sending it flying back. "steve, run!" and "steve, hurry!" were yelled out from everyone. he takes a small amount of time he has takes off towards the bus.

all the monsters chase after him as he runs. steve jumps into the bus. dustin quickly closing the bus doors forcing the monster to slam into the barricade.
"jesus!" bella says. "are they rabid or something?" max yells out. steve takes off the sheets of metal from the windshield and puts it onto the door adding more support. "they can't get it! they can't!" lucas yells. steve's put his feet on the door holding them off. lori takes a seat next to him and does the same. the monster growl from the outside and start banging into the rest of the bus making its shake back and forth.

they all start screaming "holy shit i'm gonna die" bella says to herself. max grabs onto her hand and gives her squeeze. a monster claws in between just barely missing the teens. the kids all run to the back of the bus whole steve picks up his bat and starts swinging. lori grabs a pipe off the floor and does the same. bella goes into her bag grabbing her super com "hello? is anyone there? mike? will? jesus! literally anyone?" she yells into it. another loud bang happens and it the back of the bus. another claw marks poking holes in the metal. "shit!" dustin yells out. dustin snatches the super com from bella.

"we're at the old junkyard, and we're gonna die!" he yells into it. the door starts to clatter. max stops moving completely like she's trying to focus on something. steve and lori are still defending them from the door. a bang comes from the roof and the kids slowly look up to met face to face with one of the monsters. he growls at them. max lets out a blood-curdling scream. steve pushes her out of the way "out of the way! out of the way! you want some? come get this!". the monster growls at him and then seems to lose interest. it lets out another growl into the night and jumps off the bus shaking it again.

the growls seem to get farther into the distance. everyone seems to be out of breath but seems to relax slightly. bella looks down to see max and lucas holding hands. they quickly let go. steve opens the bus door slowly. he heads out with his bag held high. they all follow after him. "what happened?" lucas says first. "i don't know" max says. "steve scared 'em off?" dustin suggests. "no. no way. they're going somewhere" steve's says turning and looking at them.

A/n- in case you were wondering here's what lori and bella are wearing rn

lori reid's final outfit-

                    lori reid's final outfit-

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bella reid's final look-

 bella reid's final look-

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