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After school bella went to mikes house for dinner. "after dinner,i want you to pick out your toys for the yard sale." karen said. "fine" mike said as he played with his food. "two boxes worth" karen said. "two boxes?" mike questioned. "you heard me." karen said sternly. "i'm fine with you giving away a couple,but the others one have way too much emotional value." mike said. "emotional value?" karen asked. "they're hunks of plastic,michael." ted adds. "you already took away my atari." mike said. "didnt want to lose more toys,you shouldn't have stolen from nancy to go the movies" karen said. bella kicked him "you stole money from your sister?" she mouthed.

he nodded no. "i didn't steal.i borrowed." mike told her. "oh,and you didn't curse out mr.kowalski last week either,right? or go and sneak out to see bella?" karen said. bella's checks got red "um excuse i'm gonna use the restroom" she said getting up and walking to the bathroom to avoid that conversation.

she laid on her bed reading x-men. the one dustin let her borrow a couple months prior. three light taps on her window made bella look over. at first she didn't see anything but then she saw the one and only michael wheeler at her window. she was shocked a little seeing as it was late and he was grounded. she threw the comic book down and got up. "what? what are you doing here?" she said going over and opening it.

"just wanted to see you" he says climbing through. he stands up stretching. "mike,you're grounded,it's late, and my sisters home so you have to be quiet,okay?" she says going over to her bed and sitting down. "oh i can be quiet so don't worry" he says going over and sitting next to her. there was a pause of just pure silence until mike got more comfortable on her bed. bella laid back onto her pillows."i like your eyes,wheeler" she says smiling. "and i like you.now what were you reading before?" he says grabbing the comic book.

"oh just x-men. i've been really getting into their stuff recently." she says sitting up. "oh i love this issue" he says flipping through it. mike moves again but this time moves to lay down placing his head in her lap. bella tenses up but soon relaxed a little because she's never really had a boy in her room this late and two she's never really had a boy on her bed. he starts to read in his head and bella leans back into her bed and watches him in silence eventually both of them drifting off to sleep.

that kind of thing happened often where mike would just show up and they would hang out in silence together,happy,and at peace. once in the bathroom she looked at herself in the mirror. "i knew seeing him that late was a bad idea" she said to herself. she splashed water on her face and took a deep breath.

once she left she saw that michael was no longer at the table so she quietly headed down stairs to see him on the couch throwing toys into the box. "what a shame." bella said taking a seat. "yeah yeah" he said rolling his eyes. they sat in silence as he threw his stuff in boxes. she looked over to see the fort that el used to stay in. "i miss her." bella said. "yeah we all do" mike said putting a comforting arm around her. bella let out a sigh "one more try". "no bella we tried several times and she never picks up." mike said. "please....please mike" she said getting up and pulling him to the fort. he sighed "okay. one more time".

he grabbed the supercom and pulled the antenna up and handed it to her. "hey el. it's me bella,i miss you. just wanted to know if you're there. are you? el are you there?" bella asked. there was static. "it's almost been a year. it 7:40 pm. we're still here" she said. nothing again. "please say something. i need to know you're okay." she said as her voice began to break. static again. mike pulled her into a hug. "this was dumb and i'm sorry" she said to him. "no bella this wasn't stupid." he said.

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