→trick or treat,freak←3.0

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Bella and max said their goodbyes and she watched as max skated to billy's blue camero. "6:00 o'clock don't forget" bella yelled as she skated. "yeah yeah i know" max said. bella walked over to boys and grabbed their bikes and started to bike home. "i still can't believe you let us embarrass ourselves in front of her" dustin said. "yeah well i still can't believe i wasn't in the majority vote" bella says.

they bickered and talked as they bike. dustin apologized for not telling bella and bella didn't apologize for letting them embarrass themselves. "really everyone dressed up last year" dustin said. bella heard a car revving and turned around to see billy's blue camaro headed straight towards them. dustin looked back too "hey,guys?" dustin said. they all turned around and started to speed up. "go!" dustin yelled. "mike,move your ass!" bella yelled as she sped up. they all swerved their bikes and at the same time the car swerved as well barely missing dustin who fell off his bike.

"what the fuck?" bella said outta breath. "holy shit!" dustin yelled getting up. "was that..i can't believe it was.." bella says catching her breath. "mad max" lucas said. they watched the car drive away and eventually they rode the rest of the way home even though they were shaken up.


bella went home to get dressed and the boys went to mikes and they waited for jonathan and will. she threw on the striped sweater finally completing her outfit. "bella! your friend is here" lori yelled from downstairs. bella ran downstairs to see max as michael myers. "hell yeah!" bella said as she realized they were basically a duo. "dude you didn't tell me you were gonna be freddie" max said. "and you didn't tell me you were gonna be michael.this is actually sick" bella said with a huge smile. "i know now it's time to scare the stalkers." she said. bella nodded and grabbed her pillowcase which was on the kitchen table. "then why waste time" she says. and they head out the door.

they trick or treated for about an hour and half on their owns before finally agreeing to find the boys and if on cue they saw them at a house they were already at. "oh this is too good" max said going behind a bush bella following behind.they watched the boys grabbed candy and walk away from the house. they boys were having a conversation about nought? so they decided this was the perfect time. "three." max said. "two." bella said counting down. one they both said and they jumped out from the bush and growled at them. they all screamed  except for lucas who sequeled. they girls started to laugh. "holy shit! you should have seen your faces" max said taking off her mask. "yeah you guys look real dumb" bella said. mike rolled his eyes. "and you? who screams like a that? you sound like a little girl." max says to lucas. max starts to walk away but turns around when she see that they aren't following.

"hey,you guys coming or not? oh,and bella told me when should hit up loch nora." max says. "that's where the rich people live,right?". she laughs a little and continues to walk this time the boys following behind. bella opted to hang back with mike. mike sighed and stood back "oh come on mikey." bella was pulling him along. he sighed again and started to walk hand in hand with her.

they walked into loch nora and found the big houses. they had just gotten some candy. "another full size.like rich people are such suckers." dustin says as they walk down the stairs. "wait,you're not rich,right?" dustin asked making sure he didn't offend her. "no,i live up on old cherry road." max tells them. "oh". "no it's fine.i mean the streets good for skating." max says. "hmm.yeah totally tubular." dustin says eating some of his candy. "what? did i say that right? or is it,like totally tubular."he says. "it's like,totally tubular" lucas says imitating a surfer guy. bella looks back and see that will and mike are a little bit behind so she stops and goes with them.

will's recording the whole thing. will turns the camera to mike and bella. "did you agree to this?" mike asks will. "what?" he says putting the camera down. "to her joining our party." mike says. "mike,it's halloween lighten up" bella says. "no you should have checked with me" mike tells her. "check with you? are you serious? you're not my dad,mike you're my boyfriend." bella says annoyed. "and it wasn't me who approved". "they were excited." will says. "i guess will thought you be okay with it." bella says.

"she's ruining the best night of the year." mike says. "no what's ruining tonight is your shitty attitude." she says. "what? no she's making it worse". "you know what, fine. whatever you're right! you're always right mike." bella says walking away and towards the others. "bella!stop i didn't mean it like that. come on" mike says following her leaving will behind.

once bella and mike stoped arguing she went back to will was but he was no longer there. "will? mike,where'd he go?" bella ask. he shrugs "i-i-i- don't know" he says. they start to look around. they go around back and see him in a ball breathing heavily. "will? are you okay?" mike says shaking him. he gasps and looks at mike,then bella and around. "we couldn't find you.are you hurt?" mike asked a very shaken up will. "holy shit!" dustin says coming down the stairs. "is he okay?" lucas asked. "i don't know.im gonna get you home,okay? i'm gonna get you home.hold on" mike says slowly pulling him up and into his arms.

"all right,take it easy." dustin says going in and trying to help. "i got him." mike snaps. "mike?" dustin says. "keep trick or treating.im bored anyways. and uh bels i'll call you later" he says walking away with will leaving everyone in a stunned silence. "what's wrong with him?" max asked which made the group look at each other.

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