→the mind flayer←4.3

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Should i stay or should i go started to blast from the shed. "dash, dot, dash, dot" dustin said as he wrote down. lucas told him each letter "yeah, got it. c.". nancy wrote down the letter c on the back of a note pad. "L" lucas spoke. they all took turns speaking to will. in the end they have spelled out- close gate.

"close gate" they read aloud. the phone rang and it rang loudly. "shit. shit"dustin said running to the phone quickly picking it up and putting it back. they let out a sigh but the phone rang again dusty in grabbed the phone but nancy she yanked the whole telephone off the wall throwing it across the room. she let out a sigh. "do you think he heard that? max asks concerned. "it's just a phone. it could be anywhere. right? he said looks at them for reassurance.

then they heard if a clear confirmation that he heard the phone. a loud monster screech coming from the distance. "that's not good" dustin said. they all came into the house hopper with a gun. "hey. hey, get away from the windows!" hopper yelled at the kids. they all backed up behind him. "do you know how to use this?" he asked jonathan. "what?" he responded. "can you use this?" he said shaking the gun. "i can" nancy stepped up and grabbed the gun from him. steve had his bat. lucas had his wrist rocket max behind. lori and bella had metal pipes. mike grabbed a candlestick. jonathan put his mom behind him. dustin was behind steve. a growl came from outside.

they all were breathing heavily and were ready to fight. there was a loud thud and they all turned towards the sound. "what are they doing? nancy asked. the bushes moved and there were more noises but nothing happened. there was a snarl which the group into a different direction.

a monster let out a groan and screeches. the screeching stopped very abruptly and there was nothing but silence and all of their heavy breathing. suddenly the monster came bursting through the window going straight into a corner. they all let out a collective scream. but they soon realized that it wasn't alive it was the opposite very very dead.

hopper slowly walked up to it. "holy shit." dustin cussed. "is it dead?" max asked. hopper lightly kicker the demo dog and it didn't move. the all jumped in the direction of the door creaking. the locked unlocked. they all got ready again back in their original positions. the top lock came undone. the door slowly opened as someone walked in. hopper put his gun down at the sight of it. bella dropped her pipe completely.

there she was just standing there in the doorway. eleven. she was back and she had a makeover. everyone's lowered their weapons and everyones eyes went soft. bella slowly walked forward with tears in her eyes. they made eye contact both on the brink of tears but with small smiles as well.

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