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el sat on the couch still toying with mikes super com. radio static is all that came from it. "we just tell our parents we have a.v club after school. that'll give us at least a few hours for operation mirkwood." mike tells them. "you seriously think that the weirdo knows where will is?"lucas questioned.

"yeah we just gotta trust her." bella assures. "did you get the supplies?" mikes asked. lucas nodded. "binoculars..from 'nam. army knife..also from nam.hammer, camouflage bandana, and the wrist rocket." lucas listed as he placed each item down on the table.

"you're gonna take out the demogorgon with a slingshot?" dustin asks. "first of all, it's a wrist rocket. and second of all, the demogorgons not real. its made up. but if there is something out there i'm gonna shoot it in the eye and blind it." lucas says slinging the wrist rocket making the group jump.

mike sighs "what about you bella?". "i got a rope from my garage. my super com to keep in contact. a couple hair ties and my sisters' swiss army knife that i stole from her room this morning" she tells them pulling them outta her bag one by one.

"nice job bels." he says to her. "and lastly dustin, what did you get? he asked. dustin took his book bag and flipped it upside out. "well alrighty we got...nutty bars, bazooka,pez, smarties, pringles, nilla wafers, apple banana and trail mix" he says excitedly. "seriously?"lucas asked. "we need energy for our travels. for stamina. and besides, why do we even need weapons anyway? we have her" dustin says pointing at her. "she shut one door!" lucas exclaims.

"that's more then what you can do!" bella says. "yeah and it was with her mind! are you kidding me? that's insane! imagine all the other cool stuff she could do.like.. " he says while walking over and grabbing the millennium falcon "i bet.. she could make this fly!" he say excited. "hey. hey. okay concentrate. okay?" he says before dropping it. she stares at him blankly.it falls to the floor. "okay, one more time. okay." he picks up it. lucas sighs.

"use your powers, okay?" he says dropping it once more. she doesn't say a word.it's falls on the floor. "dustin stop it" bella says annoyed. "idiot" lucas says under his breath. mike goes to pick it up "she's not a dog" mike says. "guys!time for school!" karen yelled from upstairs. they all threw their stuff into their bags and putting them on the floor then they grabbed their coats. lucas and dustin ran upstairs. "don't make any noise, don't leave. if you get hungry, eat dustin's snacks, okay?" he said to her. "michael!" karen yelled.

"coming!" mike yelled right back. "you know those power lines? he asked. "power lines?" she repeats. "yeah the ones behind my house," he says. "yes" she simply said. "meet us there, after school." mike continued. "after school?" she asked confused. "yeah at 3:15." bella adds. she looks confused for a moment. "mike how is she gonna know what time it is?".bella said "ah" he said taking off his watch and handing it to her. "when the numbers reach three-one-five, meet us there." he says softly. she repeats "three-one-five".

she smiles. mike grabs his bag and grabs bella hand and heads upstairs "bye el" bella says before leaving. the ride to school was average. school itself was boring. nothing interesting happened for most of the day. during recess, they were looking for rocks for the wrist rockets

"how about this one?" mike asked showing dustin the rock. "too big for the sling." he says taking it and dropping back on the floor. "so, do you think eleven was born with her powers, like the x-men, or do you think she acquired them, like.. green lantern?" dustin asked while looking around. "she's not a superhero. she's a weirdo." lucas said. "shut up lucas, she's badass!" bella said.

"exactly like the x-men are weirdos." mike says. "if you love her so much why don't you marry her?" lucas teases. bella coughed and stifles a laugh. "what are you talking about? mike asked. "mike seriously?" lucas said. "what?" mike asked confused. "you look at her all, like..." hi, el!el!el!el! i love you so much!" lucas says trying to sound like a girl. "would you marry me?" lucas says on his knee. "shut up lucas. you don't know what you're talking about." mike snaps.

yeah, shut up,lucas." troy says coming towards the group. bella rolled her eye and let out a deep sigh. "what are you losers doing back here?" troy asked. "probably looking for their missing friend." the kid next to him said. "that's not funny. it's serious. he's in danger." dustin says. "i hate to break it to you, toothless, but he's not in danger. he's dead. that's what my dad says." he tells them.

"he's said he was probably killed by some other queer." troy says laughing. "once again troy you find new ways to prove you're dumber and dumber every time you speak. you and your dad are both dumb if you think will is actually dead" bella says getting up in his face. "come on bella, just ignore them. let's go" mike said . he started to walk away but last second troy stuck his foot out.

mike tripped over it and hit his chin on the rock. both troy and the kid laugh. they all run to him. "oh no mike are you okay ?" bella asked getting on the ground. "watch where you're going, frog face." troy says giving his friend a high five. "please give me another reason to punch you" bella stood up and blocked them. "you? punch me? ha that's funny" tory said laughing. they push past her and keep walking.

lucas and dustin help him up "you all right?" lucas asks. "yeah" mike says. "mike i'm sorry it's my fault" bella says sincerely. "it's not your fault. it's troys for being such assholes" lucas says. his is chin is bleeding "oh there's blood" bella said backing away. "you guys know i don't do blood" she says to them. "yeah we know" lucas says. no one says anything it's silent for a moment they all sigh at the same time. dustin picks up a rock. "hey look at this one!

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