→the bathtub←2.0

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Dustin paced back and forth breathing heavily.el laid her head on bella's shoulder. "will you stop pacing?" mike asked annoyed. "it's been way too long.do you know what? maybe you're right. maybe this is all a trap and the bad man are coming to get us right now!" dustin yelled. "it's not a trap!" bella said.

"why would bella's sister set us up? maybe nancy but lori no." lucas said. "hey!" mike yelled. "she wouldn't. she said luke.we only use that in emergencies." bella said. "lando calrissian" dustin said. "would you shut up about lando?" lucas yelled. "i don't feel good about this.i don't feel good about this!" dustin shouted in lucas' face. "when do you feel good about anything?" lucas yelled back.

dustin continued to pace but a vehicle approaching stopped him. everyone got up and ran to the front of the bus seeing two cars pull up. "shit" dustin said. "go, go, go, go." mike said pulling them back from the window. they all ran to hide. mike,bella, and el hood behind a seat as did lucas but dustin sat in front of chair ducking. "lando" he said panting. "you think they saw us?" lucas asked. "both of you, shut up." mike whispered yelled.  they all got lower and slowed their breathing.

the bus door open and bella's voice hitched making mike put his hand over her mouth.there was a grunt and some yelling and some more grunting. they all peeked their hands up and heard more fighting. the door opened fully and they all stood up. in walked in cheif hopper out of breath "all right, let's go". no one moved. "let's go!" he yelled at them. they all grabbed their bags and ran out of the bus following him to his car.

the car ride was a little smushed and quiet. it's was dark by the time they reached will byers home. joyce,jonathan,lori and nancy came from inside. "mike. oh, my god. mike!i was so worried about you" she said running over and hugging him. "uh yeah me ..too" mike said. bella and her sister made eye contact "hey" bella said with a half-smile. lori shook her head and walked over. "hey" she said. they didn't move for a second but then they embraced each other in a hug. "i'm so glad you're safe. but we definitely need to talk about this"lori said. "yeah, yeah i know." she said.

lori and nancy both noticed eleven. "is that my dress?" nancy asked. bella had to stop herself from laughing.el look at dustin who smiled and she nodded.nancy looked dumbfounded. they all went inside and mike recapped everything that's happened to finding her, to the acrobat and the flea, to the compasses and finding the gate. "is this gate underground?" hopper asked. "yes" eleven said. "near a large water tank?" he asked. el nodded "yes".

"how do you know all of that?" dustin stuttered. "he's seen it" mike said. "is there any way that you could...that you could reach will? that you could talk to him in this-" joyed asked. "the upside-down" el said. "down. yeah" joyce whispered. el nodded. "our friend barbara? can you find her, too?" nancy asked. el nodded slowly. bella went and grabbed the super com putting it on the kitchen table. el went and sat down at the table. nancy taped a picture of barbara on the table.

everyone stood around her. eleven look at bella and they smiled and el closed her eyes. the static increased. the lights start to flicker and the static becomes faint. eleven opens her eyes "i'm sorry" she says. "what? what's wrong? what happened?" joyce stuttered.el starts to cry. "i can't find them ." she says as her voice breaks. joyce starts to cry and jonathan walks away. bella walks over and hugs her "it's okay." she whispers. eleven nodded and got up and went to the bathroom.

"whenever she uses her powers she gets weak. the more energy she uses the more tired she gets." bella explained. "like she flipped a van earlier." lucas tells them. "it was awesome" dustin said. "but she's drained." mike said. "like a bad battery." dustin says. "well..how do we make her better?" joyce asked. they all shrugged "we don't. we just until she's ready" bella says. "well long until she's ready?" lori asked. she shrugged "i don't know".

"the bath." el said making them look at her. "what?" joyce asked confused. "i can find them.in the bath" she says. "mr.clarke" dustin said excited. he ran to the phone and called him. "mr.clarke? it's dustin." he says. "yeah, yeah. i just,i...i have a science question." he stutters. "do you know anything about sensory deprivation tanks? specifically how to build one." he asked. "fun" he says. "you always say we should never stop being curious.to always open any curiosity door we find." he says. "why are you keeping this curiosity door locked?" he asked. he motioned a pen and paper. he walked to the table sitting down. joyce grabbed some and handed it to him. he started to write. "uh-huh" he said . "uh-huh. how much?" dustin asked.

"uh-huh.yep,all right. yeah, we'll be careful. definitely. all right,mr clarke.yeah,i'll see you on monday. ill see you on monday,mr clarke.bye." he said quickly and he hung up. "do you still have that kiddie pool we bobbed for apple in?" he asked joyce. "i think so.yeah" she said. "good. then we just need salt. lots of it." he said. "how much is lots?" hopper asked. dustin looked at the paper reading it and looked up "1,500 pounds".

"well, where are we gonna get that much salt?" nancy asked. "the school" hopper says getting up and grabbing his keys. they all get and grab their stuff following him. they all get into their cars and follow hopper until he stops in front of the school gym. "i really didn't wanna be here on a saturday" lori said sighing.

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