→the gate←4.4

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All around the room were stunned faces. bella and el walked up towards each other. "el" she said. "bel" she said back. she gasped as they embraced each other. "i can't believe it. you here and alive" bella said to her. they cried as they hugged each other. "i told you i was gonna see you again" bella said.

"i told you we were gonna be sisters. i called you whenever for months and i knew you had to be there listening. i just knew" she said with a smile. "i know" el said. "wait you knew? why didn't you ever answer back?" she asked wiping her tears. "because i wouldn't let her" hopper chimed in. bella turned around in complete shock.

"the hell is this? where you been?" he says to her. "where have you been?" she asks. he gives her hug. "i can't believe that you've known where she was this whole time. i can't believe you let me think she was dead!" bella yells at him while pointing at him. "let's talk." he says to her. they walk off into wills room closing the door behind him. "i was protecting her, kid" he says.

"you've gotta be kidding me!" she yelled out. "listen. listen to me. the more people know about her, the more danger she's in. and the more danger you and your sister are in—" he explains. "let me get this straight, you think i should be thanking you for keeping her away from me for almost a year. okay yeah i got it. fuck you!" she spat. "i'm not asking you to thank me! i'm asking you to try to understand" he says.

"i don't! i'll never understand why you hid her from us!" she screamed at him. "that's fine. that's fine! just don't blame her. all right? she's upset enough as it is" he says.  "blame her? are you fucking kidding me? if i blame anyone it's you" she yells again. "that's fine with me, kid" he says. "this is not fine. everything about this fucked."

"i cried myself sleep to for months after she disappeared. i didn't eat, i didn't sleep and i didn't do any but cry and try to talk to her. she was my family and you took her away from. how dare you! how dare you! all i wanted was a sign she was okay but i never got it and i have been grieving someone who isn't dead. you have caused me so much pain. you broke me! you lied to me. you lied to everyone. you let me believe she was dead" she said breaking into a meltdown.

"she's family and all i wanted to was to know that she was okay" she said in between sobs. he engulfed him into a hug. she just sobbed into his chest. "you're okay, kid. you're okay" he said to her. "i'm sorry, kid" he said softly.


they stood in the kitchen discussing the idea of el closing the gate. "it's not like it was before. it's grown. a lot. and i mean, that's considering we can get in there. that place is crawling with those dogs" hopper says. "demo dogs" dustin corrects. he sighs "i'm sorry, what?". "i said, uh demo dogs. like demogorgon and dogs. you put them together, it sounds pretty badass—" dustin explains. "how is this important right now?" he asks. "it's not. i'm sorry" he says turning around.

"i can do it" el says. "you're not hearing me." he argues. "i'm hearing you. i can do it" she assures. "even if el can, there's still another problem. if the brain dies, the body dies" he says. "i thought that was the whole point" max speaks up.

"it is, but if we're really right about this...i mean, if el closes the gate and kills the mind flayers army..." he says. "wills apart of that army" lucas realizes. "closing the gate will kill him" mike finishes. joyce sits there and thinks until she gets up and walks to where will is sleeping. "he likes it cold" she says.

"what?" hopper asks. "it's what will kept saying to me. he likes it cold" she says walking over and closing the open window. "we keep giving it what it wants." she continues. "if this is a virus, and wills the host, then..." nancy starts. "then we need to make the host uninhabitable" he adds. "so if he likes it cold..." nancy continues. "then we need to burn it out of him" joyce says.

"we have to do it somewhere he doesn't know this time" mike says. "yeah somewhere far away" dustin adds. "i know just the place" hopper says picking up will and walking towards the front door. jonathan, lori and joyce follow hopper outside towards the car. nancy and steve go outside to find anything that will help them heat will up.

bella walked up to el "hey please be careful, okay? i just got you back and i don't intend on losing you again". el smiled "not going to happen". "promise?" bella says sticking her pinky finger up. "promise" el does intertwining their pinky's. they gave each other one last big hug "love you, sis" bella says into her ear. el squeezes her "love you too"

"el...come on, let's go. it's time." hopper calls out. they let of each other and let out a deep sigh. they watch as both cars pull out and drove away. mike places a hand on her shoulder "she gonna kick ass. i know it". bella turns around and gives him a kiss on the cheek "damn right she is"

they got back inside and dustin goes straight to the fridge. he starts pulling everything out of it and dropping it on the floor. "all right. it should fit now" he says. "is this really necessary?" he asks. "yes, it is okay? this is a  groundbreaking scientific discovery. we can't just bury it like some common mammal, okay? it's not a dog" dustin says. steve rolls his eyes "all right, all right, all right. but you're explaining this to mrs.byers, all right?" he says shoving the demo dog into the fridge. "help me out?" he said struggling. "what am i supposed to do?" dustin asks.

"get the door, man" he says. "all right, i got the door." he says pushing the door more open. "ew.jesus—" he exclaimed disgustedly. dustin slammed their door shut as soon as steve was far enough away.

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