→the pollywog ← 3.2

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The last bell of the day signaled the kids to leave and go home but the kids had other plans. there bella and mike stood next to each still having that tense energy around them. "will,you coming? let's go show mr.clarke." mike says. will looks a little uneasy when he closes his locker and turns around. "what's wrong will?" bella asked.

will walks up to the couple slowly and leans it "it's about d'artagnan." he says. the three of them share a look. will fills them in on what he threw up on christmas and how similar it looked to what dustin found it his trash. "why didn't you tell us?" she asked him . he shrugs "i didn't want to worry you guys". "we have to go right now." mike says running down the hallway. bella and will quickly following him.

mike quickly barging in to the classroom "STOP!". mike runs up to his desk "i'm sorry,mr.clarke. it was just a stupid prank." he says grabbing d'artagnan. "what are you doing? dustin says. we need to go now" mike says heading towards the classroom door. "mike!" dustin questions again. "RIGHT NOW!" mike yells running out of the room followed by all of the kids.

mike runs into the av room letting  everyone in but max. he slams the door shut. "mike! what the hell? bella says. "hello? hello?" max says banging on the door. "guys,come on. can i come in yet?" she says. "no!" mike yells at her. "we should let her in!" bella yells at him. "no!" mike yells at her back. bella looks around at the boy for back up but everyone just shrugs or looks away. "fine. if you won't let her in i'm going to wait outside with her." bella says grabbing her bag.

"no! bels you need to stay. it's important" mike says to her. "if it's that important then you'll let max hear it too" she says heading to the door. "but- " he says but she's already out the door. "jackasses" she says under her breath. "hey" bella says to her. "hi" max returns. bella heads to the wall to sits next to her.

they sit in silence for a min or two until bella speaks up "i'm sorry mikes such a dick to you". "it's whatever. it's not like i actually care what he thinks" she says with a smile. "can i ask you a question" max asks. "of course." "if mike such a asshole all the time then why are you still with him. i know it's not my place to say something but i see the way he talks to you and the way he yells at you or bosses you around but you constantly defend him or apologize for him. why?"

bella is taken aback for a min and thinks about her answer. "uh well it's complicated but i'll try to explain it. he wasn't always like this. at one point we were happy and there were no fights. but everything changed after will came back and i'm not saying it's his fault. i really like mike and i know he can be quite a dickhead sometimes but he's my dickhead. he's just been going through a lot i mean we all are so that's why i don't take his outburst so personal which i know i should but deep down i know he cares and only trying to preserve our friendships"

"you should go back in there" max says. "what why?"
"because you should hear what's going on and your friends need you so go in there and just catch me up". bella smiles and gets up "you know you're a lot nicer then you seem" bella says before going back into the room. as soon as she walks back in the boys smile at her "so what did i miss?" she says coming over to the table. "so basically will might have true sight" mike says. "like the power to see into the ethereal plane,true sight?" bella says. dustin nods "exactly that true sight."

"so maybe these episodes that will keeps having aren't flashbacks at all. maybe they're real. maybe will can see into the upside down." mike explains. "so that would make dart from the upside down." lucas says. dustin sighs "we should take him to hopper" lucas says. "i agree" mike says. "no way. if we take him to hopper,darts good as dead." dustin argues. "what if he should be though?" bella says. "exactly " mike nods. "how can y'all say that?" dustin tells them. "how could we not ?" bella says. "he's from the upside down." mike adds on. "maybe. but even if he is, it doesn't automatically mean he's bad." dustin pleads.

"that's like saying just because someone's from the death star doesn't make them bad." mike argues. "we have a bond" dustin says simply. mike laughs "a bond? just because he likes nougat? mike yells at him. "no,because he trusts me!" dustin yells back. "he trusts you?" lucas asks. "yes,i promised i would take care of him." dustin says. dart screeching interrupts the arguement . the box begins to shake making everyone around the table to back up. "guys,what's going on? is everyone okay?" max yells through the door. the box continues to shake until it bust opens and jumps out scaring bella making her scream.

"bella! are you okay? please tell me everyone it alright." she says. mike grabs the microphone off the desk and pushes bella behind his back. "don't hurt him" dustin says. "only if he attacks one of us. dart doesn't move for a second which gives them a minute to look at him. they all realize that dart has gotten bigger and then he sprouts legs making bella scream again. "holy shit" she cusses. dart screeches and mike goes to swing on it but dustin pushes him out the way. dart scrambles off the desk and heads for the door. "someone kill it" lucas says. "no!" dustin orders. the door opens up to show max on her knees holding lock picks. dart runs out pass her. "what the..." she says

"oh shit!"dustin says running after it but crashing into max. "where'd he go?" bella asked. "what was that thing? max asks. "dart!" mike yells. "what?" max asked shocked. "and you let him escape!" he yells at her. "why did you attack him? dustin yells point his finger at mike. "come on you guys we don't have time for this!" bella says pushing dustin off and running after dart. "don't hurt him. don't you dare hurt him !"dustin yells after them.

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