→suzie, do you copy?←4.9

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Summer of 85' was here. the sun was out but bella and mike preferred being inside alone. bella laid on her bed watching mike walk around her room. he ran his finger across her window seal. "jeez, when was the last time you cleaned this?" he said showing off his dusty finger. "shut up. it's not that bad." she said. he shook head ready to say something but instead took a seat next to her.

she sat up looked him in eyes. she watched as his eyes flicked from her eyes to her lips. she knew what that meant so she started to lean in. he met her with a kiss. he placed his hand on her cheek while she subconsciously placed her hands on the bed using it to her push her forward slightly.

the kiss was sweet at first but quickly became more heated. he started to lean forward making bella slowly fall back on her bed. still kissing he moved on top of her. mike hands moved to her waist and bella snaked her arms around neck resting them on his shoulders pulling him closer. he started to make his way down her neck making her giggle and slightly moan a little. "is this okay? he whispered. she nodded and he met her lips with another kiss. he started to unbutton her shirt one button at a time leaving kisses as he went.

before they could continue a scream came from her sister. there she was in the doorframe with wide eyes. "ah! oh, my god!" she yelled out before closing the door. mike shot up and immediately got up. bella sat up and buttoned her top back up as quickly as possible. they both looked at each other with fear. bella got up and went to her mirror to fix her hair and lipgloss. "how much do you think she saw?" mike says straightening his clothes. "i don't know. i'll go talk to her." she said walking to the door and leaving.

she walked downstairs to see her sister sitting at the kitchen table her hand on her forehead. she seem stressed. her sister looked up and saw her. "it's not what it looked like" bella said. "not what it looked like? it looked like your top was halfway off and making out a boy in your room." she said. "okay, well actually he's not just a boy. he's been in my life for over two years. he's my boyfriend. i mean did you expect us to just kiss and hold hands?" bella said taking a seat.

she sighed "no. i just didn't think i had to walk in on my sister making out". "yeah sorry for that. but why were you even coming in? you always knock" she said. "i just want to say your gonna be late for the movies" she explained. bella eyes widen in shock "shit". bella shot up from her seat and ran upstairs. "mike, we're late!" she yelled. her bedroom door opened and mike came out. they raced downstairs grabbing their bags and running out the house, grabbing their bikes. "see ya!sorry!" she yelled at her sister as she peddled down the street mike right behind her.

they raced down the street until they approached the new star court mall. they rolled up and saw all of their friends waiting for them. they biked to the bike rack. "you're late" lucas said to them. they hopped off their bikes and putting them in the rack. "yeah. we know. sorry" bella apologized. "again" he said. "we're gonna miss the opening" will stated. "yeah, if you keep whining about it. let's go!" mike said walking pass them into the mall.

"if you guys keep whining about it.nyeh-nyeh-nyeh" lucas said mocking him. the rest of the group following close behind. "just stop talking, dude" mike said. "let me guess. you guys lost track of time again" he said making kissing noises. mike and lucas went back and fourth.max leaned towards bella "so why were you late?" she whispered. "well we were ..." she says raising her eyebrow to embarrassed to say it. "but my sister barged in while he was unbuttoning my shirt" she finishes.

max snorts "i'm sorry let me get this straight. you and mike were making out and your sister walked in" max summed up. she nodded "yeah.it was so embarrassing". max starts to laugh so will asks "what ? what are you laughing at?". "bella sister walked in on them making out" max says loud enough so lucas hears. mike cheeks become a light shade of pink and red as he avoids eye contact. "ah-ha! i was right" lucas exclaimed. "max!" bella said nudging her. max shrugs "sorry". they continue walking through the packed mall. "well i'm sorry i wanted to spend time with my girlfriend" mike defends.

"im spending time with my girlfriend" lucas says putting his arm around max. they started going down the escalator bumping into others as they pushed their way down. "sorry! excuse us! sorry!" they all said. they apologized as they moved passed. as they reached the bottom mike accidentally pushed a woman "watch it" she said. "sorry" he said not stopping.

"yeah! watch it, nerd!" lucas little sister,erica, said. "isn't it past your bedtime?" lucas asked. they kept moving. "isn't time you died?" she asked. "psycho!" he said as they passed her. "butthead!" she yelled back. "mall rat!" he yelled turning around and walking backwards as they continued on. "fart face!" she yelled. he blew a raspberry with his mouth so max grabbed his arm pulling him along. "oh, that was really mature" she said as they reached scoops ahoy the malls ice cream parlor.

they walked up to the corner and mike rang the bell at robin. mike rang it several times before she finally spoke. "hey, dingus, your children are here" she said looking at them. the back window slid open to reveal steve harrington "again? seriously?". they all rolled their eyes and shrugged. mike made direct eye contact with him and rang the bell once more.

he rolled and eyes and waved his hands. they went behind the corner following him into the back room and through the back halls of the mall. mike led them down the very familiar hallway. "i swear, if anybody hears about this—" he said. "we're dead!" the yelled finishing his sentence. they reached the end of the hallway which led to another hallway but this one was to the movie theater. mike pushed the door open slightly to check the coast. "all clear" he said opening the door and walking out and going straight to the day of the dead showing.

the movie was just about to start and mike turned down an aisle and led them to seats right in the middle. they took off their bags and sat down. bella grabbed mikes hand as they got comfortable. they shared a smile. "see, lucas? we made it" he said leaning forward a little to talk to him. "we missed the previews" he stated. "still made it. fart face" max said with a smile.

bella and mike opened their book bags of snacks and passed them down. the movie startedand their eyes became glued to the screen. suddenly the audio slowed then stopped completely leaving the theater is dark. the whole crowd groan and clamored in protest. the whole room filled with "come on!" and "are you serious?". 

a couple mins of darkness passed when the film reel started to sputter and the movie came back on. the whole theater broke out in a cheer with clapping. mike threw his arm around bella and they snuggled together. she planted a kiss on his cheek "thank god". 

will looked like he was starting to zone out so mike leaned over and whispered "hey" making him gasp and jump a little. he relaxed a little and let out a sigh of relief. "you okay?" he asked.  will hesitated for a second but said "yeah". "are you sure?" mike asked double-checking. will nodded "of course". they both nodded and turned back to face the screen. something about how will looked unsettled made bella's stomach a pit of nerve.

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