→the body←1.1

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Danny boy by elvis presley played on through bella's walkman. she sat on her couch looking at pictures of will and her from when they were kids. they had met in first grade when some kid spit gum into her hair and will have tried his very best to get it out with scissors only making it worst. that memory of them made her laugh while crying.

she took the picture of her and boys on halloween last year and brought it to her chest hugging it "oh will i'm sorry". she sat there in silence hugging the picture until a knock came at the door. she put the picture down and opened the door. it was mike and he was out of breath. "mike? what are you doing here?" she asked confused. "can i come in?" he asked. she nodded and moved out the way letting him in.

"wills alive," he said. she looked at him with disbelief. "are you serious? wills dead. we saw his body, mike. i know you want to bel-" she was saying when he cut her off. "no i heard him ." he said to her. she shook her and went into her living room taking a seat. "i'm sorry what? you heard him?" she said. "yeah through my super com. he was singing that song he likes. you know the one where they spoke spanish." he said following her and sitting down.

"should i stay or should i go, you mean?" she said. "yeah that one.we have to save him. he's in trouble. listen i know you don't want to believe me but you have to trust me! okay?" he said grabbing her hands. "please bels." he pleaded. she sighed. "let's say hypothetically you're telling the truth.what can we do? if wills really in danger then how can we help?"

"i have a plan but we need to go back to my house and tell dustin and lucas." he said getting up and walking towards the door. she just sat there hesitant on getting up. "you coming?" he said opening the door. "screw it. let's go" she said grabbing her bag and her house key.

they left bella's house and bella rode on the back of mikes bike to mikes not wanting to take hers. they went into mikes house heading straight to the basement. bella stopped when she saw el on the couch. el sat under her fort and looked up her. bella walked over to her and crouched "i'm sorry i yelled at you.it wasn't your fault." she said giving her a weak smile which el returned. mike grabbed his super com from the table and pulling the antenna up.

lucas, do you copy?" he said urgently. no answer. "lucas, come on, i know you're there!" he said. no answer. "this is urgent. i'm serious". no answer again just static. "i'm not gonna stop until you answer. lucas.lucas!" he said getting frustrated. mike repeatedly called lucas name several times. "go away, mike. i'm not in the mood, all right? over and out." he said sighing.

"no,not "out.im. not messing around, okay? this is about will.over." mike said. "what about will? you mean about his funeral? over" lucas asked. "no not his funeral. screw his funeral!" mike yelled. "what?" he said confused. "just get over here stat. and bring dustin. i already got bella. over and out." he said pushing the antenna down.

mike sat down on the couch with the girls in silence. he put his hand on bella's while they waited.none of them said a word until dustin and lucas got there. once they showed up, el got up and grabbed the super com, and sat down in the fort. she starting playing with it turning the radio frequencies. everyone followed taking a seat in front of her. all you could hear was whimpering. 

"we keep losing the signal, but you heard it, right?" he said seeing that everyone was kinda unimpressed. "yeah, i heard a baby." lucas said. "what?" mike asked confused. "mike, you obviously tapped into a baby monitor. it's probably the blackburn's next door" he told him. "uh, did that sound like a baby to you? that was will!" he said. lucas rolled his eyes "mike..". "lucas, you don't understand. he spoke last night. words! he was singing the weird song that he likes." he said to them. "it's called should i stay or should i go!" bella informed them. "yeah that one and even el heard him!" mike said.

"oh, well, if the weirdo heard him, then i guess—". "are you sure you're on the right channel?" dustin asked. "i don't think it's about that. i think, somehow, she's channeling him." he tells them. "like... professor x." dustin said smiling. "yeah." he nods. "are you actually believing this crap?" he asks looking at them. "i don't know, i mean ... do you remember when will feel off his bike and broke his finger. he sounded a lot like that." dustin says to him.

"did you guys not see what i saw? they pulled wills body out of water. he's dead!" he yells looking at them in disbelief. "well, maybe it's his ghost. maybe he's haunting us." dustin suggested. "it's not his ghost." mike says clearly frustrated. "so how do you know that?" lucas asks. "i just do!" he says. "then what was in the water?" lucas yells. "i don't know! all i know is that will is alive. will is alive! he's out there somewhere. all we have to do is find him. " mike yells back. "i've never seen a body in real life but it looked pretty real" bella says to them. lucas nods in agreement. "bella, will is alive!" he says.

everyone looks at one another while the static the radio still is going on. "this isn't gonna work.we. we need to get el to a stronger radio." mike says. "mr.clarkes heathkit ham shack" dustin says nodding. mike nods. "but it's at school. and i don't know if you morons haven't noticed but she has a shaved head so people will clearly notice" bella quips they all look at her and she looks at them. they know what they have to do. bella grabs els hand and takes her upstairs to nancy's room with the boys behind her. "sit" bella says.

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