→the body←1.3

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Mike unlocked the room and el sat in front of the radio. everyone stood behind her." now what?" dustin asked. "she'll find will. right el?" mike said. he turned the radio on and starts turning the dial changing the frequencies. el closed her eyes." you got this" bella said placing her hand on her shoulder, squeezing it.

"she's doing it.shes finding him!" mike said. "this is crazy"dustin said. "calm down. she just closed her eyes." lucas told them. "can you guys shut up!" bella snapped. they all looked at her apologetically. they watched in silence as nothing happened for a couple minutes until the light fuse went out making them gasp and jump. "holy.."dusin said looking at the now out light. there was clanging and they all leaned in. "what is that?" dustin whispered.

the radio turned and channels switched. "mom?" wills voice said coming from the radio. "no way!" lucas said.  "mom.." will said scared. "mom!" will yelled. "will!" mike yelled. "will, it's us! are you there?" yelled at the radio. "can you hear us?" dustin said. "come on will talk to us!" bella said. "hello? mom" wills voice said sounding distorted. bella soon started to feel woozy.

the room started to spin. "mike..." bella whispered. he didn't hear her. she backed away slowly starting to lean on the wall behind them. "why can't he hear us?" lucas asked. "i don't know!" mike told them. "it's like home, but it's so dark...it's so dark and empty. and it's cold!" will scare voice yelled.  "mom? mom!" he screamed.  "mom please!" he pleaded. the fuse blows making it spark up and start a fire. eleven opens her eyes. bella eyes start to roll into the back of her head and she passed out. they all scream. the fire alarms start ringing. they look behind them to see bella on the floor unconscious. "bella!?" mike yelled coming over to. he shook her but she didn't wake. "is she okay?" lucas asked. mike shrugged "help me grab her.". lucas grabbed her carrying her bridal style. 

dustin runs over and grabs the fire extinguisher and puts it out. el just sits there unresponsive. dustin turns her to look at him "el? are you okay?" he asked worried. she looks very pale and blue. she doesn't move or say anything. "can you move?" he asks shaking her. she doesn't say anything she just breaths hard. "here, help her up." dustin says pulling her up and mike helping her also. they leave the room with one unconscious girl and one barely conscious girl. they boys find a desk with wheels and place both girls on it. they put her on a rolling desk. mike pushes both girls down a hallway "this way" he says.

a/n: hey sorry for this super short chapter! anyways hope you're enjoying and if ur not i'm sorry!

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