→trick or treat,freak←2.9

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The morning of halloween was off to a boring start.she paced back and fourth taking a glance at her costume every time she passed the bed. she wanted to dress up a freddie kruger but didn't want to wear it to school. but she said she would dress with up the boys. ultimately she wore normal clothes that day to school.

she biked to school and waited at the front of the school for the boys. she watched as all the kids went inside and no one was wearing a costume. then she heard it. she heard the ghostbusters theme song from behind her and she turned around to see lucas,mike and dustin biking towards her dressed head to toe and singing the song. she couldn't help but laugh a little.

they pulled right into to the rack "who you gonna call?" they sung. "ghostbusters!" will chimed in from behind them making them turn around. the boys greeted each other and hugged but the soon realized that bella wasn't wearing a costume. "uh bels you do know that it's halloween right?" dustin asked looking at her average clothes. she scoffed "yeah dustin i noticed".

"then where's your costume?" lucas asked. "it ripped so lori is gonna fix it for me so i can wear it tonight" she lied. "oh" was all they said. "question?" she said. "why are you both venkman?". mike looked over to lucas "whoa! whoa! why are you venkman?" mike asked furrowing his eyebrows. "because i'm venkman."lucas replied. "no,i'm venkman" he said shaking his head clearly disagreeing.

"why can't there be two venkman?" will says trying to defuse the situation. "because there's only one venkman in real life. we planned this months ago." he told will."i'm venkman,dustin's stanton,you're egon,and you're winston". "i specifically didn't agree to winston." lucas says. "yes,you did!" mike yells. "guys it's not that serious.just let it be" bella tells them. "yes it is because i'm venkman" mike says.

"i don't remember him agreeing to winston" will says. bella nudges him a little "the hell". "no one wants to be winston,man" lucas says. dustin nods agreeing with lucas. "what's wrong with winston?" mike asked. "what's wrong with winston? he joined the team super late,he's not funny,and he's not even a scientist!" he says. "yeah,but he's still cool." bella jumps in. "if he's cool,then mike can be winston." he says.

"i can't!" mike  said. "why not?" he asked. "because..." mike says stuttering. "because you're not black?" lucas says mocking mike.

"i didn't say that" he said.

"you thought it." lucas said.

dustin started to look around and noticed the same thing that bella had realized. "guys...guys! guys!" he yells stoping the argument and making them turn to see a bus of kids getting off and none of them wearing costumes. "why is no one else wearing costumes?" he asked.

"crap" he said.

the bell rung and they headed inside the school. as they walked down the hall in front of the students they laughed. "when do people make these decisions?" dustin asked. "honestly it's not that bad guys" she said to the embarrassed boys.  "everyone dressed up last year." will said. "it's a conspiracy,i'm telling you." dustin said. "just be cool." mike says.

"who you gonna call?" some boy yelled out.

"the nerds!" a girl said. well it was kimberly teal and bella quickly responded "fuck off,kim".

they went to their lockers and bella's locker was right next to max's. so when bella saw max skate in it was convenient. max picked her skateboard up and walked over to her locker. "hey locker neighbor" bella said. "oh hey" max said as she unlocked as her locker. "happy halloween" bella said with a smile as she grabbed her textbook. "yeah you too" she said putting her board in the locker.

"so uh do you wanna hang out tonight?like go trick or treating or something. if not it's cool" max says quickly but shrugs at the end. "oh um i'm going with the boys but you're free to come with" she said closing her locker. "a night with the stalkers hmm i don't think so" max said as she closed her locker. "come on. you'll be able to see them instead of them watching you from afar". "i'll think about it." max said walking off. "okay fair".bella goes down the hall in the opposite way waving at dustin and lucas as she passed by.


  after class max and bella met up by their lockers. "so how bout it then? a night with the one and only bella reid" she asked leaning on the locker. "if i have to i guess i'll go but only if we can scare them." max says with a smirk. "wow look at you making demands an-" bella said before being cut of by dustin and lucas clearing their throats making bella turn around and lean on her locker.max kept her hand on her locker and looked at bella like what's going on. bella shrugged. "hi,max. and bella. i'm dustin, and tbis is-" dustin said before lucas chimed in "lucas". "yeah,i know. the stalkers" she says.

the boys look at each other and back at max. "uh,no. actually..." dustin says trying to find a excuse. "we weren't stalking you." lucas says looking a dustin for agreement. "no,we were just concerned because,you know,you're new and all." dustin said. "yeah,for your safety" lucas says. "mmm-mmm. there are a lot of bullies here" dustin says. "so many bullies,it's crazy" lucas says stuttering a little.

"is that why you're wearing proton pack?" max asks. "well,these don't function,but i do have this handy-dandy litrle trap here." he says grabbing it and showing it to her. "and look,it even opens and closes.voilà!" he says with a chuckle as he presses a button making it open and close."it's cool right?" lucas asked with a smile.

max had a straight face the whole time and kept looking back at bella who sighed. "no?okay.but,um so we were talking last night,and you're new here so you probably don't have any friends to take you trick or treating,and you're scared of bullies,so we were thinking that it would be okay if you come with us." dustin says rambling. "yeah uh guys i already invited her so no need for this whole thing you got going on" bella tells them. they share a look. "yeah but it'd be okay?" max says repeating dustin.

"yeah and since bella already invited you its good that our party is a democracy,the majority voted you could come." dustin says. "wait,when was this? why didn't anyone tell me" bella asked. "oh uh.. well..we uh umm" dustin says stuttering trying to figure out a way to tell her. bella laughs a little "it's fine.i don't care one bit". "wow so you guys left out a party member" max says.

"and i didn't realize it was such a honor to go trick or treating with you." she says sarcastically.

"yeah we know where to get the full-sized candy bars.we figured you want in." dustin says with a toothy smile.

lucas holds a big smile the whole time. "that's presumptions of you." she says. they look confused for a moment "yeah.totally.uh.so you'll come?" dustin asked. max rolled her eyes "shall we?". bella nodded "we shall" and they walked away. "we're meeting at the maple st-you know what bella will tell you" dustin yelled at the girls.  "only if i remember too" bella yelled back.

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