→suzie, do you copy?←5.0

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They all waited in dustin house for him to come back. they came up with a plan to scare him. "ah they're pulling up. hide now" bella said running away from the window. they heard the door open and footsteps go away from them. "now" mike whispered to el. she closed her eyes and they heard his toys come to come to life.

the noise become more clear to them so they knew that it was going all to plan. max moved over to get more covered as they heard dustin walk down his hallway. they all looked at  another and nodded. "now!" bella whispered to el. her eyes shot open and the toy stoped moving. they all moved from there hiding spot seeing dustin on one knee holding his toy.

lucas walked in front of them with the welcome home sign. bella and mike followed closely behind in the back holding hands. they pulled out those party things that make noise. max counted down from three with her fingers. on cue they all blew their noisemakers. dustin turned around and screamed spraying hair spray in lucas's eyes causing  both of them to scream. bella closed her eyes as it lightly hit her mike pulling her closer to him and backing up.
lucas ran to the sink and turned on the faucet putting his face in the water. "what the hell" dustin yelled. max followed him to help. he groaned in pain pulling his face away. "better?" she asked. "still stings" he said rubbing his eyes. he looked around and pointed to max's forehead "is that a new zit?".

max looked surprised "what is wrong with you?" she said before pushing his his face under the water again. "i was just asking!" he yelled out. bella rolled her eyes and went over to dustin room. as she walked away she heard a loud scream. "i call it...the forever clock" dustin said showing them this thing made out of popsicle sticks and other stuff. bella walked over to mike standing next to him. he interlace their hands.

dustin turned the "forever clock" as he said "all right? powered by wind. very useful in the apocalypse". he handed it to will and grabbed another thing he made. "then i give you the slammer" he says turning it on and putting it in els face making her back up. he laughed "pretty neat,huh?". mike let out a sigh as dustin turned around and grabbed another thing. "this is my masterpiece" he said dropping the duffel bag on the  ground.

they all crouched down as he unzipped the bag. "i would like you to meet...cerebro" he says with a smile. the bag was filled with a bunch of metal and things. they all looked up at him slight confusion. "what exactly are we looking at here?" mike asked. "an unassembled one of a kind battery powered radio tower" he responded very excited.

"so,it's a...a ham radio" will said. "the cadillac of ham radios. this baby carries a crystal-clear connection over vast distances. i'm taking north pole to south. i can talk to my girlfriend whenever and wherever i choose." he says smug but with a smirk. they all looked at one another before all asking "girlfriend?" together.

he nodded and told them all about that girl he met at camp and who became his girlfriend. "so her name is suzie?" mike asked as they walked down the hall. "suzie with a z. she's from utah" dustin told them. "girls go to science camp?" will asked. "suzie does. she's a genius" he says. "is she cute? mike asks. "yeah dustin. is she cute?" bella asks?

"think phoebe cates,only hotter" dustin says. "what's going on? max asks still in the kitchen. "going to talk to dustins girlfriend" will says as they walk out the  front door. lucas takes his head out of the sink as they both say "girlfriend?" at the same time. max and lucas quickly showed up behind the group as they walked.

the sun shined brightly as they followed dustin up with he hill. everyone holding different bags of stuff except for el. bella looked up at the sun as she wiped a bit of sweat off her brow "goddamn". "aren't we high enough?" lucas ask letting out a sigh. "cerebro works best as a hundred meters" dustin said.

"you know, i'm pretty sure people in utah have telephones" max said. "so why the hell are we waking up a hill in summer? bella said her legs starting to hurt. "because suzie's mormon" dustin told them. "oh, shit. she doesn't have electricity?" lucas asked.

"no you idiot! she's mormon not a caveman" bella said slapping lucas on the arm. "that's the amish" max tells him. "what are mormons?" will asked. "supper religious white people. they have electricity and cars and stuff, but... since i'm not mormon, her parents would never approve. it's all a bit shakespearean" dustin explained. "shakespearean?" max questioned.

"yeah. like romeo and juliet" dustin said. "right" she says. "star-crossed lovers" dustin added. "i got it" max said. mike leaned over and whispered "hey bel we could disappear for little. i doubt they would even notice". bella giggled a little and looked down "what? like now? how would we even leave?". "hey guys! i think bella dropped some stuff back there. we're gonna go get it" mike yelled out to them.

they all stopped and turned around "ok. we'll be right here" dustin said dropping his stuff. "oh no that's alright. y'all go on ahead. wouldn't want to slow you down. go talk to your girlfriend" mike said. before dustin could answer mike took bella's hand and ran down the hill. she giggled the whole way down.

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