→the mall rats←5.2

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bella rode around max who was trying to perform a skate trick. "max can we go inside, i'm tired and we've been out here for hours" she said grabbing her skateboard and taking a seat on the curb. in the past couple of months, max had been teaching bella how to skate since bella's bike was stolen. max ignored bella and attempted another trick only for her board to go rolling down the street. "shit" max said catching herself.

they both looked up to see where the board went only to see eleven in front of it and grabbed it. she walked up to the girls who both had a somewhat stunned expression on their faces. "hi" she said to max as she handed the board back to her. "hi?" max said back looking between el and bella. "el, are you alright?" bella asked getting up and walking over to her. she nodded and sighed "can we talk?"

the girls made their way to max's room where el and bella sat on the bed. el explained that she had a nightmare about everyone and was worried about the boys. "i saw bella on the floor. she was cold. so cold" she said running her hand through her hair. "then what?" max said pacing back and forth. "then i saw the mike and will face. they were crying while staring at something. i saw your bother, max. i also saw this girl with black hair" el further explained.

"what happened after? who was she?" max asked. "i woke up and came here. i didn't recognize the girl" el said. "well el i'm alright, see? not dead and the boys are fine. i mean i think so at least." bella said grabbing els hand and squeezing it. "the boys are probably playing atari right now" max said stopping. "we could call them?" el suggested. max scoffs "and what? tell them hey guys so el had a dream and saw bella die and now you're in danger! byee"

"max is right. telling the boys is a bad idea. they'll want to go all macho man and go on this wild goose chase" bella said to them. "so if they call you're going to ignore it and dodge question until we're sure we're in any danger, alright?". el nodded "okay"

they sat in silence for a moment unsure what their next move was until max eyes lit up "let's go" she said grabbing el and pulling her up. "where are we going?" she asked. "to have some fun" max said grabbing bella and pulling her up as well. "there's more to life then creepy visions and death threats"

the girls ran outside following max as she ran down the street. "come on! keep up girls" she yelled. they ran after her until she stopped at the bus station. she turned around with a smirk "how about a little shopping trip to lighten the mood?". el and bella looked at each other and soon had huge grins.

the bus trip was loud. between all the girls and giggling and the rest of the riders own conversation they almost missed their stop. "so, what do you think?" max asked el who had a look on her face that they couldn't read. "el, what's wrong?" bella asked her. el shook her head "too many people. against the rules"

"seriously? you have superpowers. what's the worse that could happen?" max said with a smile. els worry quickly disappeared leaving her with a slight smirk. max and bella grabbed els hands and started to lead her into the mall. as they walked through the mall el had a face full of wonder as she took in everything she looked at. el spun around to look a little overwhelmed but still happy. "so, what should we do first?" max asked.

el didn't say anything still looking around. "she's never been shopping, max. so you know what that means" bella said with a mischievous grin. "that we have to try everything?" max said. bella nodded "ding ding ding. we got a winner!"

something caught max and bella's eyes and they each grabbed one of el's hands and took off running. "oh come on!" they said. they ran into the gap. a store where the girls frequently went to buy their clothes. as soon as they walked in they ran over to some racks quickly looking at the store's clothes. el touched everything she saw her smile growing more and more. the girls walked behind her laughing at their friend who they hadn't seen so happy in a while.

el stopped dead in her tracks at a blue shirt with paint streaks on it. "do you like that?" max asked her. "how do i know... what i like? el asked the girls who shrugged in response. "well you uh try a thing on i guess" bella said. " until you find something that feels like you" max added. "like me? el asked with wonder. both the girls nodded. she looked back at the shirt her smile coming back.

bella looked around and found a rack with that shirt on it. she quickly grabbed it taking it back to her friends. "here ya go" she said handing it to el. max looked around and grabbed a pair of yellow pants "here try these". "and these" bella said handing her suspenders. els looked at the clothes and back to her friends before walked over to the dressing room.

they waited around until she came out dressed. she came over to the mirror where the max had a yellow beret in her hands. el checked herself out in the mirror. max handed her the beret and she put her on top of her head. max shook her head before fixing it for her. el pulled her suspenders with a stunned face. max smirks in the mirror and bella laughed. soon the girls were a giggling mess.

max grabbed a matching outfit set and handed it to her. el grabbed it and took off into the dressing room coming back in minutes. bella held up two colorful belts. "red or yellow?" she asked. el grabbed yellow and put it on. el started to spin around but quickly started to spin faster and the girls spun her. until she almost fell. max grabbed some glasses off the display and started to try them on with a different expression. bella tried on different hats while trying model poses in the mirror.

el came out in this jumpsuit covered in abstract art. she walked over to the mirror and played with her hair. el looked back at her two friends and pulled them away.

they walked out of that store: max with red sunglasses, el with a whole new outfit, and bella with a red bucket hat on. they each had this newfound confidence as they strutted out of the mall. they walked arm in arm smiling and giggling at each other.

bella stopped right in tracks causing the girls to stop too. "bella? are you alright?" max asked. "pictures. now!" she said taking off down the mall and into a studio. they ran to the front desk "can we take pictures please?" bella asked out of breath. the woman looked at them for a second before saying "right this way" she led them to these dressed rooms.

they walked into their dressing room before a knock came to each of them. they opened the door and a woman handing them some dresses of all shapes of colors. they all got dressed walking out and walking over to the accessories table where they went a little crazy. max grabbed pearls, gloves, a gold bracket, some rings, earrings, and this huge blue bow. el was covered in jewelry such as a thick necklace, white lace gloves, three rings, matching earrings that matched the necklace, and a huge pink bow. bella wore dangling gold earrings, two bracelets, a layered necklace, silk black gloves, and a yellow bow.

they took their place on the pedestal with el in the middle they started to hit model poses. "that's it, girls" the photographer said. they tried numerous poses laughing in between each picture. they changed clothes multiple times before finally changing back. they paid and took off once again. max led them to a shoe store where they taught el how to walk in heels. they started inside the shoe store and at the end, el fell onto to the floor laughing loudly. both bella and max joined in laughing casing the other shoppers to give them dirty looks. the girls put on a straight face trying not to laugh as they had all the attention on them but failed to laugh once they turned around.

they ran out of the store and followed the girl who rolled her eyes at them earlier to a smoothie shop. they waited until she was with friends and had a drink before popping their heads out. el focused on the girl and her drink exploded and covering her in the drink. the girls gasped before laughing and taking off again. "see what'd i tell you? there's more to life than deeply visions and death threats" max said as they ran away.

they ran into chips ahoy the ice cream shop. steve came to the cashier. "what can i do for you lovely ladies?" he asked. "one cookie dough, one strawberry, and one vanilla with sprinkles" bella ordered. "coming right up" he said grabbing the spoon the scooping the ice cream. the back window opened up and a girl called him over. she whispered something to him before shutting the window. he turned back to the girls "okay, here you go, you got a strawberry, a cookie dough, and then a vanilla with sprinkles. "thanks" they all said before eating their ice cream.

be studied the girls for a second before speaking again. "wait a second. are you even allowed to be here?" he asked. they all shared a looked before giggling and run away. they walked out of the mall and to the bus stop. "wanna trade?" max asked. they nodded and all traded ice cream.

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