→the upside down←2.2

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Mike starts to shake his leg impatiently. he looks at his watch and gets up and walks away. bella follows him "mike...what are you doing?" she asked. "nancy? jonathan? lori?" he yelled. "they left, mike. you saw my sister say they were leaving" she tells him. "no they couldn't have left us here" he said. "look around mike, both cars are gone" she says. he sighs and nods and they go back inside. "they're gone" mike says to them. "what?" lucas asked. "they all left. i know lori said she was leaving but she didn't say anything back or to us." mike says.

"where did they go?" dustin asked. mike and bella shrugged. "maybe they went to eat or something" lucas suggested. "no" eleven said. "what? did you see them? do you know where they went?" mike asked. "yes" she said. "where? where did they go?" he asked her. "demogorgon" she says.

"guys, guys! this is crazy. we can't just wait around" mike said. "mike, in case you forgot, we're still fugitives. the bad men are still looking for us." lucas says. "yeah, and we don't even know where your sister is." dustin says. "el can find them." mike said. "mike, look at her! she's been doing stuff all day for us, even all week, we are not gonna drain her more. we're done." bella says. he turns around and looks at el who has her head in her knees. "i still think we should stick to the chief's plan." dustin says.

"exactly. we stay here, keep el out of sight and keep her safe.thats the most important thing, remember? besides, she's okay.shes with jonathan." lucas says. "yeah, and she's kind of a badass now, so..." dustin says them goes to leave. "well, where are you going? you just said to stick to the plan" mike yells after him. "i am.im just gonna go get some chocolate pudding.im telling you, lunch lady phyllis hoards that shit." dustin says. lucas starts to follow. "Are you serious?" mike yells. "el needs to be recharged!" dustin yells back. "el, do you want to come with us?" lucas asked her. she nodded and got up and went with them leaving mike and bella alone. "walk with me" she says grabbing his hand.

they ended up in the cafeteria to make sure dustin didn't do something dumb. "found it! i knew she was hoarding it.i knew it." he yelled. "guys, i found the chocolate pudding!" dustin yelled. "okay!" mike yelled back. they sat next to each other on the floor . bella had her head on his shoulder. "i'm so tired, mike" bella says. "yeah me too" he said. "you know i never expected my first boyfriend to be you." she says chuckling. "what why?" mike asked. "well, one i thought you didn't like me.two, you never showed interest in me.you have no clue how bad i wanted u to notice me and realize my feelings.and then one day you did and everything was perfect but then will went missing and el showed up and everything just happened so fast." she says. "i didn't say anything about how i liked you because..well i don't know why" he admits. "never mind that now so hey wheeler, question" she says

"yes?" he asked confused. "so you know how the snowball is next year?" she says. he nods confused. "i was thinking we should go together. so do you want to go with me " she says nervously laughing. "i assumed we were already going." he says. "but you never asked" she said. "well because i didn't see us not being together in a year so what would be the point." he says. she lifts her head off his shoulder and looks at him. this is it. right here. this is who she's gonna kiss. right now! mike starts to lean in." i'm gonna kiss you now" mike whispers. she nods leaning in. their lips connect and it feels like magic for her. granted it was her first kiss but she felt something there. it's was a quick kiss but it meant the world to both of them.

they both leaned back with a blush. they heard a car approach. they both got up and went to see who it is. they saw military trunks, two cars, and a van. they both looked at each other and ran back inside. "guys!guy!" mike says getting their attention. "what is it?" lucas asked. "they found us." mike said panting. mike and bella grabbed each other hands and started to run with dustin, el, and lucas behind them leaving the pudding behind.

"how did they find?" lucas asks. "i don't know. but they knew we were in the gym" mike says. "lando" dustin says. "oh my god, dustin not now" bella says. the door ahead of them burst open and two armed guards walked in. they all turn around and ran the opposite way "go, go, go, go, go!" mike yelled. they ran up the stairs and took a left only to be met with more guards "back! go back!" mike yelled. they all turned back and ran down another hall but was stopped by this lady in a trench coat.

the lady cocked her gun and aimed it at eleven. the guards flashlights started to flicker. bella looked back at the woman and she had blood coming from her eyes. bella looked at all of the guards and saw they all had blood coming from their eyes as well. they all started to choke and shake but they fell down dead. "oh..oh my god!" bella says. everywhere she looks theres blood. el falls to the floor. "el, are you okay?" bella asked shaking her. "something's wrong" mike says. "she's just drained." dustin says.

"no, no, no, she won't wake up. el!" mike says. bella continúes to shake her and call out her name. nothing she's out cold. mike puts his ear to her back "she's barely breathing". "we gotta go." lucas says. "leave her." a man says. they all jump up . "step away from the child." he says. "no!" bella yells. "you want her, you have to kill us first." mike yells. "that's right" dustin says. "eat shit!" lucas yells. bella flicks them off.

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