→the mind flayer←4.0

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"Hey so i noticed when we were about to die that you and your sister have matching lockets. where'd you get them?" max asked. bella's hand went straight to her necklace "oh i- i uh well my parents gave them us before they uh disappeared. it's was for my 10th birthday and my sister got hers on her 10th as well" bella tells her. "oh i'm sorry about your family. i didn't mean to bring it up." max apologizes. "max it's fine. you didn't know and it's okay i can talk about it." she says with a smile even though max can't see. "hey you two keep up!" steve yells back at them. bella grabs onto max's hand and they catch up.

"you're positive that it was dart?" lucas asked as they say walked along the railroad tracks. "yes. he had the same exact yellow pattern on his butt." dustin assures then. "but he was tiny two days ago" max says. "well, he's molted three times already." dustin tells her. "malted?" steve questions. "molted" dustin corrects. "shed his skin to make room for growth like hornworms." he adds on.

"when's he gonna molt again?" max asks. "it's gotta he soon. when he does, he'll be fully grown, or close to it. and so will his friends." dustin explains. "yeah, and he's gonna eat a lot more then just cats." steve's say. lucas stops dustin right there in his tracks "wait, a cat? dart ate a cat?" lucas says. "no, what? no" dustin deflects. "what are you talking about? he ate mews" steve says. lori nudges him the elbow "shut up". "mews? who's mews?" max asks confused. "wait mews as in your house cat? dustin!" bella says surprised. "i knew it! you kept him!" lucas yells.

"no!" he says. he denies until he sighs "he missed me. he wanted to come home" dustin says. "bullshit!" he says. " i didn't know he was a demogorgon, okay?" dustin defends. "oh, so now you admit it?"lucas says annoyed. "guys who cares? we have to go." max says. "i care! you put the party in jeopardy! you broke the rule of law!" lucas yells at him. "so did you!" he yells back him. bella rolls her eyes. "what?" lucas asks.

"you told a stranger the truth!" he yells as he points the flashlight in max's face. she scoffs "a stranger?". "you wanted to tell her, too!" lucas yells. "oh my god! who cares? it's over with now." bella says. "oh stay out of this bella! you broke the first rule. no in party dating. you dated mike and lied to us for months! lucas yells. "excuse me? first of all, we didn't know what to call it so we technically went dating. second of all, bite me! and third of all, i only lied because i knew how you would react, okay?" she says. "fine whatever. we all broke a rule at one point! so we're even!" dustin yells.

"no! we are not even! at least mike and bella weren't gonna eat us like ur stupid pet." lucas argues. "he wasn't gonna eat us." dustin says. "oh so he was crawling to come say hello?" lucas yells. "GUYS!" steve yells stopping the fight. he walks off towards the noise. the boys follow after him. "no, no, no. hey guys, why are you headed towards the sound?" max says. "welcome to the party, max" bella says following after them lori right behind. hello?" she yells out.

she eventually catches up as they approach a hill. "i don't see him." dustin says squinting his eyes. lucas grabs his binoculars and looks out. "it's the lab.they were going back home." he says.

they quickly made their way down the hill. they walked through the grass and quietly as possible. "hello? who's there?" a voice yelled out. as they came out the woods they saw nancy and jonathan standing there. "steve?" they both said shocked. "nancy? steve said. "jonathan? lori said walking towards them. "what are you guys doing here?" nancy asked. "what are you guys doing here? " steve asked. "we're looking for mike and will." nancy says.

"bella perks up at the sound of mike name. "wait? they're not home?" bella says. nancy shakes her head. bella starts to immediately worry and starts pacing. "oh god.oh no," she says over and over again. "they're not in there, are they?" dustin ask pointing towards the lab. "we're not sure" nancy says. "why?" jonathan asks.

jonathan's question was answered in the form of a loud monster screech. the whole group breaks out into lots of questions and answers. nancy points to the building "the powers back." she says. they all stop talking and run towards the security booth. jonathan pushed a button multiple times but not nothing happens.

dustin goes into the booth. bella continúes to pace but is stopped by max placing her hands on her shoulders. "hey it's okay. mike and will are definitely safe right now. you are gonna see them. and you and mike are gonna back together and everything is gonna work out" she says pulling her into a hug. bella tries to keep it in but starts to cry . "but-but what if he's not? what if they're both gone and i just lost one of best friends and boyfriend" she says in between tears. "shhh. they're okay. you gotta keep it together for them and fight." max says rubbing her back.

bella sniffles and nods "you're right. we're gonna fight and win and i'm gonna get my friends back". the gate  finally opens. "okay so me and nancy are gonna go in and get them and come out. got it?" jonathan says. they all nod. nancy and jonathan get i into his car and drive towards the lab.

a few minutes goes by and nothing until max says "guys?". the group looks up at the open gate and see not one but two cars speeding towards them. nancy and jonathan continue to drive but hopper stops in jeep. "let's go." he says unlocking the doors. the whole group piles in. once everyone's in hopper speeds away.

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