→the gate←4.6

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Max sped down the road as bella kept ice on steves face. "nancy" he asked looking at mike. mike looks at him with confusion. he starts to groan and goes to touch his face. "no, don't touch it." dustin says. "morning buddy..." she said. "shhh it's okay. you put up a good fight. he kicked your ass, but you put up a great fight" dustin says.

"Okay, you're gonna keep straight for a half mike, then make a left on mount sinai" lucas tells max. "what's going on?" steve asks. once he sees max driving he starts to freak out a little "oh, my god!". "steve relax. she's driven before" dustin tells him.

"yeah, in a parking lot" mike adds. "that counts, wheeler"bella say. "they were gonna leave you behind" dustin says. "oh, my god." steve says again. "i promised that you'd be cool, okay?" dustin says. "whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. what's going on?" steve says as she speeds up. she speeds up once more casing steve freak out more "oh, my god. no! whoa! stop the car. slow down". "i told you he'd freak out" mike snaps. "not the time mike" bella says.

"Stop the car!" steve yells out. "everybody shut up! i'm trying to focus!" max yells. "oh wait, that's mount sinai. make a left." lucas shouts. "what?" she questions. "make a left!" he repeats. she spins the wheel making a sharp left turn causing her to hit a mailbox, sending everyone leaning on one another and screaming as they turned.

she pulls up and pushes the brake hard stopping the car in its tracks causing everyone to jerk forward. "hello!" steve yells. "whoa!" dustin says. "badass!" bella says catching her breath. "incredible" mike compliments her. "i told you. zoomer" she says then grabbing the keys and getting out of the car. they all follow suit and open the trunk. they put on the mask, gloves. steve climbs out of the car and struggles to stand up. "oh, no guys." he cries out.

mike grabs the gasoline as heads towards the hole. "hey, where do you think you're going?" steve calls out after him. mike ignores him. "what are you deaf? hello? stave says a little bit louder. they all ignore him and continue working. "we are not going down there right now. i made myself" he says. "hey. hey. hey steve... shut up" bella says.

"this ends right now!" he yells out passing bella and grabbing one of their bookbags. "steve, you're upset, i get it. but the bottom line is a party member requires assistance, and it's our duty to provide assistance. now i know you promise nance that you would keep us safe. so, keep us safe" dustin says giving him bag. the rest of the group starts to head towards the hole.

he sighs and grabs that bag. they set up a rope and one by one go down it. once in the tunnels they immediately start walking. "uh yeah i'm pretty sure it's this way!" mike yells. "you're pretty sure, of certain?" dustin questions. "i'm 100% percent sure. just follow me and you'll know" he says turning around and beginning to walk.

" whoa, whoa, whoa. hey, hey, hey, hey. i don't think so" steve says walking in front of mike. "what?" mike says. "any one of you little shits die down here, i'm getting the blame. got it, dipshit? from here on out, i'm leading the way. come on, let's go" he says taking the map from mike and leading.

they all follow after him in a single file line. they keep a quick pace as they follow him. they turn down a tunnel and all step into some slime stuff. "jeez what is this stuff?" bella says trying to shake off her shoe. steve picks up the pace and keeps going.

dustin let's out a scream and a storm of cuss words. they run back to get him but see he's tuning towards them instead. "what's happened? steve asked frantically. "it's in my mouth! some got on my mouth! shit! he screamed. he starts coughing hard and spits. he stops coughing and doesn't move"i'm okay" he simply says.

"you serious?" max says annoyed. "very funny, man" steve says. they all turn around and continue walking. they turn down another tunnel and finally come to a stop. "alright, wheeler. i think we found your hub" steve says. they use their flashlights to look around. "let's drench it." he says. they all get work and start pouring gasoline and anything else that is flammable. steve takes his lighter and throws it setting the whole hive on fire. a bunch of screeches are heard. "let's go! run! let go! keep up!" steve yells as leads them away and towards the exit.

as they're running mike foot get caught in some vines. "help! help!" he yells out. bella and dustin run straight to him. she drops down on her knees to pull him. "steve, help me pull him out!" bella yells. he runs to where his leg is stuck and swings his bat on the vines instantly freeing mike. they help him get up. she throws her arms around "don't ever scare me like that" she says. "noted" he says. "hey lovebirds, not the time!" max yells. they turn around to see dart in their path.

"dart." dustin says before slowly walking towards him. they all warn him against this. "shh. stop." he tells them. "trust me, please." he says". he pulls his mask off "hey, it's me, it's me. it's just your friend, it's dustin.its dustin. you remember me? will you let us pass?" he asks dart. dart lets out a loud growl. "okay, okay i'm sorry. i'm sorry about the storm cellar.that was a pretty douchey thing to do. you hungry? yeah?" he says taking his bag off.

"he's insane" lucas whispers. "don't." mike says. "i've got our favorite. see? nougat" he says pulling out and showing dart a nougat candy bar. dustin rips it open and places it on the floor "look at that. yummy. here, all right?".

while dart eats the candy dustin waves the group past him. they slowly go around him and start going towards the exit again. as they're running the whole tunnel begins to rumble and shake. a monster roars i the distance. "what was that? max says turning around. "they're coming" bella says. "run! run!" mike says. they all start running.

they see the rope and steve drops down and helps max and bella up the rope as fast as possible. lucas comes up next then mike. the roars get closer so steve stands down. the kids yell at dustin to get on the rope. dustin yells and the kid gasp. the demo dogs runs right past them. "el" bella says.

the kids walked towards the car only for the headlights to only get brighter. it got so bright that they stopped and looked away. it went on for about two minutes then it's went completely quiet leaving them in eerie silence.

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