→the upside down←2.4

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The cops eventually came and the kids got checked out. bella sat and watched mike be reunited with his parents. "bella" her sister called out running to her. she turned around with a half-smile. her sister swallowed her into a hug it was there when bella finally broke down. "i couldn't save her" bella whispered. "what?" lori asked. "eleven...i couldn't save her" she said. "oh..bella" she said hugging her tighter. they just stood in front of the ambulance hugging. "let's go visit will" she said. bella looked up "will? he's okay?". lori nodded. lori took bella's hand and took her to her car. they drove to the hospital.

they waited in the lobby. one by one the boys showed up. they waited together in silence. soon everyone was in the lobby. steve was there. hopper had shown up but feel asleep. dustin and lucas have fallen asleep on one another and bella was falling asleep on mikes shoulder. jonathan came in and gave mike a look. mike smiled and woke them up. the boys and bella all jolt up and run out the door into wills room. when bella saw him she had the biggest smile. "byers!" mike yelled out charging him and hugging him. they all joined in giving him the biggest group hug. "be careful.be careful with him" joyce said. bella waited until they were done smothering him. she gave him soft hug. "missed you,byers" she said. he smiled. "you won't believe what happened when you gone, man." lucas said.

"it's was mental" dustin said. "you had a funeral" lucas said. "jennifer hayes was crying" dustin said. "oo troy peed himself" bella said. "what?" will asked. "in front of the whole school!" he said. "no!" will exclaimed. "yes!" dustin said. he started to cough. "you okay?" mike asked. he nodded."it got me. the demogorgon" will said. "we know" mike said. "hey will, what happened?" bella asked. "to sum it one minute i was there and the next i was gone" he said. "well it's good to have you back, man" dustin said.

"we made a new friend. she stopped it. she saved us. buts she's gone now" mike said. "hers name eleven." dustin said. "like the number?" will asked. "yeah but we called her el," bella said. "she's basically a wizard," dustin says. "she has superpowers."lucas whispers. "more like a yoda," mike says. "she flipped a van with her mind, and these agents were trying to shoot us," dustin said really fast. "yeah it flipped over us-" mike added. "then she squeezed the brains out.." lucas said. "and blood was pouring out of their faces," bella says. they tell will about everything that's happened in the last week. will just laughs and smiles the whole time.


winter came and they were playing a campaign like they did before."something is coming. something angry.hungry for your blood. it's is almost here." mike says looking st them. "what is it?" will asks slamming the table. "it's the thessalhydra,i'm telling you." dustin says. "it's not the thessalhydra." lucas argues. "i'm telling you,it's the thessalhydra." dustin says.mike slams down a board price. "the thessalhydra!" he says dramatically.

they all groaned "damn it" dustin said. "it roars in anger!will,your action!" mike yells. "anyone getting a sense of deja vu" bella says. they all laugh and smile. "will your action!" mike repeats. "uh what should i do?i- " will says before lucas interrupts him. "fireball him!" lucas yells. will looks over at bella and dustin. "fireball that son a bitch" dustin says smiling. "hell yeah. fireball him" bella say.

will grabs the dice roars. "fourteen!"dustin yells. they all brake out in cheer. "direct hit.will the wises fireball hits the thessalhydra.its makes a painful.." mike says getting up and making this screeching noise "and then...its crumbles to the ground." he says falling on floor. will slams the table in excitement. "it's clawed hand reaches for you one last time and ,'and,and...and" he says playing dead. they all cheer again. will and lucas hug. they all start dancing around and cheering. mike got back up and sat down again.

"lucas cuts off its seven heads,and dustin places them not his bag of holding,you carry the heads out of the dungeon,victorious. you present them to queen bella. she thanks you for bravery and service" mike says. "whoa.whoa,whoa,whoa,whoa,that not it,is it?" dustin asked. "no,there's a medal ceremony—" mike says before dustin jumps in "oh,a medal ceremony?what are you talking about?" dustin yells. "yeah and-" mike tries to say. "mike,the campaign was way to short."bella says. "yeah!" will says.

"it was ten hours!" mike yells at them. "but it doesn't make any sense." dustin says. "it makes sense." mike defended himself. "uh,no what about the lost knight?" dustin asked. "and the proud princess?" lucas adds. "and those weird flowers in the cave?" will says. "i don't know,it's—" mike says. the door opens and down comes lori and jonathan. "jeez,what's the smell?have you guys been playing games all day or just farting?" he asked.

they all laugh . "oh,that's just dustin.he farted" lucas tells him. dustin gave him a look. "dustin farted." lucas says blowing a raspberry. "okay" dustin says. "dustin farted" lucas says. "very mature" bella says. lucas just blows a raspberry again laughing. "will.bella" jonathan says motioning to the door. both of them get up and grab their stuff. "bye guys" they both say. bella gives mike a kiss on the cheek and they boys yell in disgust. "oh come on. don't do that here" dustin yells. bella flicks him off .will high fives lucas. they both head upstairs. "you guys have fun?" jonathan asked.

"yeah." they both say. "hey guys" karen says to them as they past by. "hey,mrs.wheeler." jonathan says. lori waves. "hey" bella smiles. "hi" will says. "so did you win?" jonathan asks. "yeah" will says with a smile. "awesome." jonathan said. "jonathan,lori, wait up" nancy said coming downstairs. she handed them both gifts "merry christmas" she said hugging lori. "thanks" lori said. "thanks,uh. i didn't get you anything." jonathan says.

"no,it's a uh,it's not really a present.its,um..well you'll see." she says smiling. "merry christmas."jonathan says. "you ready?" lori asks. "yeah" will nodded. they let the wheelers house. "all right.buckle up you guys" jonathan says warming up his hands. will and bella both buckle up. "can i open it?" lori asked with a smile. "yeah sure" jonathan says. she's grabbed it and rips the paper off to show a new camera. "hell yeah" lori says with a smile.

jonathan smiles and started the car driving away. he dropped bella and lori off. lori waved goodbye bella they went inside to see her house decorated in lights and a big tree covered head to toe in or-dements. "surprise" lori said pulling a surprised bella inside. "me and jonathan did it while you were gone. do you like it?" she asked. "i-i love it. you're like the best sister a girl could as for"bella said taking her sister into a hug. "merry christmas bels".

a/n:okay so the first part is finished. i hope you liked it and pls if you have anything to say please do so:)

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