→the body←1.2

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Bella grabs a box off of nancy's dresser and puts it on the bed placing it in front of el. they boys come in and watched her . "no you guys out! you can see when i'm done. and please go get her an outfit that's cute too. now out." she says pushing them out of the room and closing the door. bella takes a seat in front of her. she sighs "boys..". she rummages through that small box finding blush. she opens it and starts to apply it to her cheeks. as soon as it touched her face she flinched back in confusion . "it's okay el" she says.

el leans back in and bella finishes the blush going on to some pink "bubblegum" flavored chapstick and putting some on her. after that bella goes into the hallways grabbing the clothes and giving it to her. "here put this on" she says before leaving the room to let her change. "so how do you think you did?" mike asked. "pretty good i would say" she smiled. bella knocked "el are u dressed?" she said through the door. el opened the door slightly "yes" she said. bella walked in closing the door behind her. she took in els outfit "woah u look great" she said with a smile.

bella sighs "look i know we've only known each other for a couple of days but i just want you to know that i care about you and i consider you a sister". "sister?" el questioned. "yeah we're family now. and i got your back." she said putting her pinky up. el copied her action. they interlaced their pinky's. "pinky promise" she said. "promise" el said with a smile.

the door opened and out walks el with a pink dress and a blonde wig. she came out slowly "see i told you pretty good" she said motioning to el. they all stare at her. "wow" dustin says impressed. "she looks—" dustin goes to say. "pretty cute" bella finishes. "yeah she looks good." mike says. el smiles at the kids. el walks past them to the mirror. she looks at herself. "pretty cute." she whispers to herself.

they go downstairs and leave mikes house grabbing their bikes. el hops on the back of dustin's bike and bella hops on mikes and they bike to the school. el looked at everything like she was seeing something totally new. they walk in through the side door and go down the hallway. "okay, remember if anyone sees us, look sad." mike tells them. the pa system goes off "attention students, there will be an assembly to honor will byers in the gymnasium now. do not go to the fourth period."

dustin shows her a crying motion and she repeats it. they get to the av room and mike goes to open it but it's locked. he tries to forcibly push the door but it doesn't budge. "it's locked" he says annoyed. "what?" lucas says trying to open it. "hey do you think you could open it? with your powers?" dustin says pointing to the door.

"boys?" me clarke says casing everyone to turn around very fast. "hey" lucas says leaning on the door. "assembly's about to start." he tells them. "we know. we're just, you know.." mike says looking at the floor trying to be sad. "upset" lucas adds smiling at first but then trying to be sad by looking away. "yeah, definitely upset" dustin stammers.

"we need some alone time. to cry." mike says. bella starts to wipe fake tears off her face. "yeah, listen i get it. i do. i know how hard this is, but let's just be there for will, huh?" he says. dustin nods. "and then.. the heathkit is all yours for the day." he says taking the keys outa his pocket and throwing them to mike. mike catches it and looks at lucas nodding and he nods back. "what do you say?" mr clarke says.

his attention goes onto eleven "i don't believe we're met. what's your name?" "eleven—" she says quietly. "eleanor! she's bella's long time best friend " mike says louder then el. "shes also my cousin" bella adds laughing nervously. "second!" dustin says putting a two up. "she's in town for wills funeral" mike sighs. "ah, well, welcome to hawkins middle,eleanor. i wish you were here under better circumstances." she says to her. she looks at all of them and nods "thank you."

"uh, where are you from exactly?" he says looking at her. they all look at her worried. "bad place—" she tries to say before dustin jumped in. "sweden!" he exclaimed. "i got a lot of swedish family and friends there." bella says nodding. "she hates it there" dustin says. "cold" lucas jumps in. "subzero" dustin says making a zero with his hand.

mr clarke looks at them cautiously "shall we?" "yup" lucas says. they all turn around and head to the gym. "at times like these it is important that we come together as a community." the principal says. dustin yanks the door open and makes everyone look at them. they all stop in their tracks. "abort" dustin whispers going to turn around but lucas and bella push him forwards. they go take a seat. "we've come together to heal. we've come together to heal." the principal says.

"will byers death is an unimaginable tragedy.will was an exceptional student and a wonderful friend to all of us.its impossible to express the hole his loss will leave in the community.id like to introduce you to sandy sloane. shes a grief counselor but before she comes up here," he spoke. bella looked at mike who was looking at everyone else. "look at these fakers." mike whispered. "it does disgusting to see everyone act like they care." bella whispered back. "they probably didn't even know his name till today" lucas said.

a few seats over to them troy sat laughing. "what" his friend asked. this causes mike, bella, and lucas to notice. "who's interested in this? this is so stupid. blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.." he said mimicking the principal. his friend laughed. troy mocked him. even el and dustin soon noticed and the whole party was looking at them.

"mouth breather" el says. mike realized what she says and looks at her. bella smiles at her and nods. the school bell rang and everyone got up and started to leave. "hey! hey!" mike yelled at troy and his friend. "hey, troy!" he yells getting them to turn around. "you.. you think this is funny?" mike stuttered. "what did you say, wheeler?" he said. mike takes a quick glance back at the bleachers and then at bella. she gave him a nod. "i saw you guys laughing over there. and i think that's a real messed up thing to do." mike tells them.

"didn't you listen to the counselor, wheeler? grief shows itself in a funny way." troys no named friend said. soon there was a group forming around the kids. "besides, what's there to be sad about anyway? wills in fairyland now, right? flying around with all the other little fairies. all happy and gay." troy said then imitating a fairy. mike was visibly getting mad and so was bella.

the boys started to walk away and something snapped in mike making his walk up to troy and push him to floor making him fall on his face. everyone either gasped or exclaimed with "woahs" or "ohhh". bella was left ajar and kinda shocked. she had never seen mike actually fight back until now. she was always the one to defend and fight back.

troy looked back at mike and got up quickly "you're dead, wheeler!" he yelled. "dead!" he yelled running at mike with his fist pulled back but stopping before he got there making his completely freeze. everyone was confused about why he stopped. there was murmur coming from everyone and they heard trickling. mike looked down to see troy peeing his pants. "oh my god! troys pissed himself" bella said laughing.

everyone started to laugh at him. mike turned back and looked at el. she had was focussed . "holy shit" dustin said laughing. "nice going el" bella said smiling at her. el wiped her nose and walked away. "hey what's going on here!" the principal yelled coming over. "mike! let's go!" bella said quickly grabbing his hand and running. they ran straight to the av room laughing all the way there. once they got there bella and mike were still holding hands and lucas and dustin both noticed and looked. once they realized they saw they both let go of each other's hands making them laugh nervously.

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