→the flea and the acrobat←1.5

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"So, you know how in cosmos carl sagan talks about other dimensions? like, beyond our world?" mike asked. "yeah, sure theoretically." he says. "right, theoretically." mike agrees. "so, theoretically how do we travel there?"lucas asked.

"you guys have been thinking about hugh everett's many-worlds interpretation, haven't you?" he said. they all looked at each other and shrugged. "well, basically, there are parallel universes. just like our world.but just infinite variations of it.which means there's a work out there were not of this tragic stuff has ever happened." he says. lucas sighs "yeah, that's not what we're talking about".

"oh," he said. "we were thinking of more of an evil dimension like the vale of shadows." dustin said. "you know the vale of shadows, right?" bella asked. "an echo of the material plane where necrotic and the shadow magic-"mr clarke said before mike cut him off "yeah exactly. if that did exist a place like the vale of shadows, how would we travel there?".

"theoretically." lucas added. "well..." he says he's grabbing the paper plate and taking a pen from his jacket. "picture..an..acrobat ..." he tells them while drawing two straight lines and a stick figure. "standing on a tightrope. now, the tight rope is our dimension. and our dimension has rules." he says. he draws a forward arrow and backward arrow. "but what if right next to our acrobat, there is a flea?" he draws a circle with legs.

dustin looks focused." now the flea can also travel back and forth, kits like the acrobat.right?" he saying checking to make sure they're listening. "right." mike says. "here's where things get really interesting. the flea can also travel this way. along the ropes. he can even go underneath the rope." he says drawing more arrows. "upside-down" bella says. "exactly" mr clarke agrees.

"but we're not the flea, we're the acrobat." mike says. he nods "in this metaphor, yes, we're the acrobat". "so we can't go to the upside-down?" lucas asked. "no". "well, is there any way for the acrobat to get to the upside-down" dustin asked. "well... you'd have to create a massive amount of energy.more then what humans are capable of making, mind you. to open up some kind of tear in time and space and then.." he says then folding the paper in half and poking a hole through it.

"you create a doorway" he says pulling his pen out. "like a gate?" dustin asked. he nods "sure. like a gate. but again, this is all—" mr clarke says until they all say "theoretically". "but what if this gate already existed?" mike asked. "well, if it did, i... i think we'd know.it would disrupt gravity, the magnetic field, our environment. heck, it might even swallow us up whole. science is neat but i'm afraid it's not very forgiving." he says. "thank you,mr. clarke" bella says. he nods. they all get up and walk away.

they all go back to mikes and they explain everything that mr.clarke said to eleven. mike stabs the paper just like mr.clarke did which made elevens eyes go wide. "it's would take a lot of energy to build a gate like this.but that's gotta be what happened" mike explains. "i mean how else would will have gotten there, right?" bella says. "right" el says slowly. dustin was just going in circles looking down at his compass.

"what we want to know is, do you know where the gate is?" lucas asked. she nodded no. "then how do you know about the upside-down?" lucas asked. she just started playing with her hands looking down. mike shrugs. they all look over and see dustin is still walking around. "dustin, what are you doing?" mike asked. he didn't answer "dustin!" bella yelled getting his attention.

"i...i need to see your compasses" he says to them. "what?" mike asked confused. "your compasses. all of your compasses, right now!" he demanded. they all looked for the compasses finding 7 of them and placing them on the table. what's exciting about this?" mike asked. "well, they're all facing north, right?" he said smiling. "yeah, so?" lucas said shrugging. "well that's not true north." he tells them.

"what do you mean?" mike asked. "i mean exactly what i just said. that's not true north." dustin said. "ohhhh" bella said realizing and a smile growing on her face. dustin smiles and nodded.mike and lucas both were very confused. "are you both seriously this dense?" dustin asked. lucas just shrugged. "god you're both idiots" bella says. "hey!" mike exclaimed. "the sun rises in the east and it sets in the west.right?" dustin tells them.

"which means that's true north" he says point to the left of him. "so what you're saying is the compasses are broken." mike says. dustin sighs and picks up a compass "do you even know how a compass works. do you see a battery pack on this?" he says showing it to mike. "no" he says back. "no, you don't. because it doesn't need one. the needles naturally drawn to the earths magnetic north pole." he explains to them.

"so what's wrong with them?" lucas asks. "well that's what i couldn't figure out but then i remembered you can change the direction a compass with a magnet. if there's the presence of a more powerful magnetic field the needle deflects to the power. and then i remembered what mr.clarke said. the gate would have so much power." dustin says. "that it could disrupt the electromagnetic field." mike says finally getting it.

"'meaning, if we follow the compasses' north.." lucas says. "they should lead us to the gate." dustin finishes. they all smile and nod "so we find will" bella says with a smile. "isn't that great, el?" she says to the girl. eleven gives a weak smile and nods.

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