→the gate←4.7

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It had been about two weeks since el closed the gate and everyone was tired yet excited for the dance. bella sat in front of her vanity brushing her hair. the knock at the door startled her. "yes?" she called out. it was her sister who came in dressed for the dance. "you ready?" she asked.
bella nodded "just about"

they went downstairs and bella almost home free until lori stopped her. "not so fast let me a picture of you" she said with a smile. "really? do i have to?" she said. lori nodded. bella sighed and went to the corner of her living room. her sister came back a polaroid. "smile!" she said. bella put on her best fake smile. "ah so beautiful. one more". she groaned "no. please no." bella said. "come on please" she pleaded.

bella let out a sigh "ugh fine". bella smiled again and then they were off to the dance. they pulled up to the dance and parked. "i can't believe you're gonna be at my dance" bella said. "well i told nancy i would chaperone with her. "just act like you don't know me " bella says picking up her paste.

she walked into the school and saw all the decorations "wait they are actually decent this time around". bella checked in and walked into the dance where she saw all of her classmates dancing. she walked through the crowds until she saw max. a smile appeared on both of their faces. they took i'm each other looks. "max, you look absolutely stunning" bella said. "thank you. but you on the other hand look out of this world". they share a smile and hugged.

they walked over to the table where they saw mike and lucas. "shall we go sit with our dates?" bella asked. we shall" max said taking her hands and leading her over. once the boys saw their dates they both stood up with their mouths wide open. bella walked over an placed a kiss on mikes cheek. "wow you look gorgeous tonight" he said stuttering slightly. "you don't look so bad yourself" she said to him. "so what are we waiting for?" bella asked confused on why they weren't dancing.

"cause dustin isn't here yet" mike said taking a seat. bella took one as well. they sat at the table for what seemed like ever until dustin walked up to them. they all stood up at the saw his hair. it's was big and slicked back. "holy shit! what happened to you? mike said. dustin smile fell "what do you mean what happened?". "what? mike said squinting his eyes.
"dude" lucas said. "your hair" max added. "what did you do to it?" bella chimed in. lucas put his hand on dustins hair "is there a bird nesting in there?" he said.

dustin smacked lucas's hands off him "there are no birds nesting in here, asshole". as soon as he said that Cyndi Lauper's time after time came on. they saw all of their classmates pair up. lucas exhales and turns to max. "max...hey. um, it's nice, right? you want to, um...you want to, like....you know? like, just you and me? he said stuttering a lot. bella rolled her eyes.

"are you trying to ask me to dance, stalker?" max says confused. he shakes his head "no of course not". she breaks into a smile. "unless you want to." he adds. "so smooth. come on" she says taking his hand and leading him to the dance floor.

bella and mike both turned to face each other at the same time. "so boyfriend..." she says. "so girlfriend..." he says. "wanna dance?" they both said at the same time causing them to share a laugh. bella takes mike hand and leads to the dance floor.

she places her hands around his neck leaving her hands on his shoulder. he placed his hands on her waist and they just swayed to the music. "we've been through a lot this year haven't we, wheeler?" she says. "yeah we haven't but i wouldn't have it any other way if this is how it ends up" he tells her.

the danced together and made small talk about the group. as the song winds down bella gives mike a sweet kiss but longing as well "thank you for being there". he leans in again and kisses her "of course".

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