→the case of the missing lifeguard?←5.4

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Bella and max sung along to angel using els hairbrushes. they skipped and danced along giving the performance of a lifetime. eleven sat on the bed looking a teen magazines finding a picture of ralph macchio from the karate kid causing her to blush. both bella and max noticed she took a liking to the boy. "oh, you found ralph macchio" max said kneeling down by els side. "macchio?" el replied. "yeah he's one of the hottest guys ever!" bella said taking a seat on the bed. "he's from the karate kid" max informed her. max intimidated a karate chop "hai-yah!" making the girls laugh.

"isn't he the hottest?" bella asked grabbing the picture from els hand. "i bet he's an amazing kisser, too" max said to her. max took a seat on the bed next to her bella "so is mike a good kisser?" she asked. "oh let's just say he's definitely matured in a lot of aspects" bella said with a smirk causing the girls to burst into a fit of giggles. "oh tmi! way too much information" max said burying her head into the pillow. "how much you wanna bet that him and lucas are like totally talking about us?" bella said.

"right now?" max said. bella nodded and el got up and turned the radio dial to static. "let's find out" she said taking a seat on the floor. bella grabbed her black scarf handing it her before taking a seat also. max followed as el put it on. "is this really gonna work? max asked excited. el nodded causing max to get more excited "holy shit, this is insane".

"max!" bella said shooting her a look. she nodded and did the motion of zipping up her mouth. the room was in complete silence as el focused. she was silent until she said "they say we are "species." "what is wrong with them?" bella said shaking her head. "emotion, not logic" she said quoting them. she went silent again before she snatched off her blindfold. "woah what happened?" max asked el who looked a little shaken up.

el just giggled before falling over. "what happened! what'd they say?" bella asked. el continued to giggle causing the other girls to also laugh. the laughing quickly stoped as they heard a car pull up. el sit up wiping her nose before taking a more comfortable position of laying on the floor. both girls followed suit as the door swung open seeing a angry hopper. he stumbled backwards at the sight of the three girls. "so do you knock? jeez!" max said annoyed. "we could've been changing!" bella said.

"yeah! jeez!" el said in the same tone as the others. "ohh hey. i'm sorry. i thought that, uh" was all he said. "no ones here. just us girls" bella said to him. he still looked spooked. "they wanted to have a sleepover" el explained. "is that... okay? she continued. "yeah. yeah. yeah. yeah. yeah. your parents know about it?" he asked. both girls nodded "yup". "uh, yeah, it's cool. yeah. that's- that's really cool" he said slurring his words then trialing off. the girls didn't say anything except just nodding. a couple moments of silence passed before max spoke "did you need something?"

he shook his head "no, no. uh i'll leave" he said as he closed the door leaving the girls. as soon as he left bella got up and grabbed some paper and board game. "let's get this party started" she said. they wrote the names of the boys they knew and placed them on the board. max grabbed a empty glass coke bottle then putting it on the board. "holy shit, i can't believe we're doing this" max said she wrote the last name down. "ready?" bella asked. she nodded "ready" she spun the bottle and it landed on mr. wheeler. "mr. wheeler" they said in unison.

"ugh. boring " max said. el and bella nodded their head in agreement. "spin again" bella said. el looked at her "against the rules?" she asked. "nope. we make our own rules" max said smiling. el chuckled as she spun the bottle again. it landed on billy hargrove, max's half brother. "billy" they said. "okay, look, should just warn you, if he's with a girl or doing something gross, just getting out of there right away before you're scarred for life" max professed. "max-" el said before getting cut off. "no, i'm just saying, i'm serious. he's really gross" she continued. "max!" el said getting her attention. they shared a look then el grabbed the blindfold putting it on. max got up and grabbed the radio turning it to static.

they sat there quietly watching her. nothing happened for a while. the only sound was the static and the girls breathing. "i found him" el said. "what's he doing?" max asked. "i don't know" she said as her nose stated to bleed. "he's... on the floor...talking to someone" el spoke softly. el was visibly starting to looked worried. bella grabbed her hand giving it a squeeze. she took a sharp inhale and yanked off her blindfold. she looked terrified. her breathing was shaky. "what is it? what did you see?" bella asked worried. el looked up straight at the girls as she tried to catch her breath. eleven explained everything she saw to girls who know were just as scared as she was. "so what do we do now? do we confront him?" bella asked them. "yes. but we do it in the morning. we should just get some sleep" max said getting up and changing into her pajamas. "what are we gonna say?" bella asked as she took her top off. "we just act casual and try to find out what the hell is happening" max said. bella put on her pajamas and took a seat of the bed. "el are you alright?" bella asked. el shook her head "yeah i'm alright now".

soon the girls were laying in the dark trying to fall asleep. bella heard the other two lightly snoring but she couldn't sleep. she was far too worried about what this all meant. will was acting weird again. eleven was having nightmares. billy was doing creepy stuff. all of that put bella off. she hadn't had a good nights sleep in a while and tonight didn't help. she felt off. something so small inside her knew that' she was in danger but she brushed it off as she closed her eyes letting her sleep take her.

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