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Bella closed her locker "yeah definitely i'll see you in class" she says to jamie with a smile. she turns around to go to class to only to be met with mike. she jumps a little but smirks once she sees who it is. "mike,geez you scared me" she said sighing.mike and jamie made eye contact but mike quickly everted when jamie walked away ."sorry but i wanted to make sure we're still on for tonight" he say interlacing their hands together as they walked down the hallway. "yes of course ,michael" she says.

"okay i'll see you after class" he says giving her kiss on the cheek and going the opposite way. "bye" she yelled after him. she walked to class,taking a seat next to a girl. she didn't recognize her. "hey are you new here?" she asked the girl. the girl looked up she had blue eyes and her hair was a bright red and she had bright blue eyes. "uh yeah" she says. "oh cool i'm bella" she says putting her hand out. the girl looks at her and shakes her hand. "maxine but i go by max" she says. "cool" bella says.


later the evening bella stared at herself in the mirror while she fixed her hair. tonight was her and mikes one year anniversary but if you want to be technical it was actually their three month. they had several fights and breakups in the past year but they are trying to move on from it and try one more time seeing as they had grown attached to one another and they didn't want to cause a drift in the party.

"mike just talk to me" she said trying to get her boyfriend to show some type of emotion. "god bella just go away. did you ever think that maybe i don't want to talk to you all the time!" he snapped back. this response made the girl jump a little. "well i'm just trying to talk that's all" she said placing a hand on his. his snatched his hand away "just stop.i don't want to talk all the time.i don't know why you can't just understand that i'm not in the mood".

"well maybe...just maybe we shouldn't be together anymore if you don't want to communicate or even show me the time of day. ever since el disappeared you've been treating me like shit. you've been lashing out and it's not okay i get that you're upset but i'm here to help. so i'm not just gonna sit here and let you treat me like this, michael. i'm done." she said standing up and storming out. "bella! come on i didn't mean it. i'm sorry" he said chasing after her. "no you said it so you must have meant it. i'm gonna stop trying." she yelled leaving the boy in his basement.

her watch beeps went off making her shake off that memory.she put a red clip in her hair to match her shoelaces . she put on her shoes and goes downstairs.

"oh you look nice. where are you going?" lori asked her. "oh um the movies with mike and after that we're going to the arcade to meet with the boys." bella tells her while grabbing her money off the kitchen table. "back 9:30 no later,okay?" she says. "yes...yes i know." she said sighing. lori opened her arms and bella came over and gave her a hug "love you". "i love you too" bella said. bella let go and left her house grabbing her bike and heading to the movies.

she saw the bright sign and all the movies that were playing. right under it was mike pacing back and fourth checking his watch.bella rode to the bike rack and locked it. she slowly approached mike trying to not let him know she's here yet. he turn the opposite direction and started to walk and bella ran up to him and grabbed his shoulders. "boo" she yelled making his jump and gasp. bella laughed and mike turned around "not funny.not funny at all" he says trying to hide his smile. "yes it was" she says getting in line to buy the tickets. mike joined her and grabbed her hand intertwining their fingers.

the line moved quite fast and soon it was their turn. "hey welcome to hawkins movie theater,what can i get you?" he says with a monotone voice. "two for gremlins" bella says grabbing the cash from her pockets. "that will be six dollars and 72 cents" he says. mike stops her "no i'm paying" he says grabbing cash and putting in on the counter and sliding to the guy. "you always pay" bella says. "and i'm paying again. there's no point to try and pay since i'm going to" mike says. bella sighs defeated "fine". the guy took the cash and and gave them the tickets along with the change. "theater 11 and have a nice night" he says as the teens walk inside the theater.

they went to the snack bar. "one medium popcorn" bella says. the girl nods and grabs a bag and places it in front of them "three dollars and eight cents" she says puting her hand out. "mike i'm paying for this,okay?" bella said. "just this time" he says. bella gives her the money and grabs her popcorn. the girl comes back with her change and hands it to bella. they walk to their theater and go find seats in the very back. when they walked in there was barely anyone there at all. they ran up to the back and took a seat. once they sat down the movie started to roll. "good just in time" bella said.

the movie went on and they watched for the most part but every now and then mike and bella would share a kiss or two. once the credits started to roll and lights came back on. mike checked his watch "oh shit we're late". mike jumped up and grabbed her hand pulling her out of the theater. "mike hold on" she said stoping him. "what? we're gonna be late" he said trying to get her to walk. "you have a little something" she said pointing to his lip where there was pink sparkly lipgloss. he touched his lip and felt it and wiped it off. "thanks" he says laughing a little. they stood there for a couple and seconds and then mike said "okay let's go".

they ran out of the theater and grabbed their bikes and started to head to the arcade. once they got there they saw lucas and dustin standing there with their arms crossed. "you're late" lucas said as they approached. bellla rolled her eye "okay so we're here now". her and mike both put their bikes in the rack. a car horn honked and they all turned around to see will and his mom. "hey!" he yelled out from the car. they all waved back. "so how was the movie? or were you guys to busy sucking faces to watch" dustin said. bella rolled her eyes again. "no dustin we didn't make out we watched the movie like we said we would".

will came over to them they walked into the arcade.the air smelling like teenagers. rebel yell played on the stereo. bella passed by evan "hey long time no see" he said waving at the girl as she passed by him.she smiled ". evan was loris new best friend/ boy toy. she had saw him climb out of her window once.

dustin put some change in the game started.he played until there was a cutscene.they all watched over his shoulders as he played. "oh,jusus! i'm in uncharted territory here" dustin said. dustin grabbed the joystick and pulled down. at the same time they all yelled at him. "down!" lucas yelled. "i'm going!im going!" he said.dustin pushed the joystick up and they all were yelling in excitement. "i'm going!im going!im going!" dustin said.they all yelled at him trying to tell him what to do. "okay.shut up.shut up.shut up!" dustin said. dustin rapped the sword button but was too late the dragon let out a roar of fire and killed the night. "no!no!no! i hate this overpriced bullshit!" dustin yelled hitting the game.

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