→the mind flayer←4.1

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Hopper pulls up to the byers house and they all hop out. bella runs into the house to see will on the couch unconscious and mike in the corner pacing. he stops once he notices her. at first its a awkward leaving them in tense position but soon that turns into a look of pure happiness. he walks towards her while she runs. they embrace each other in a huge hug and both let out a sigh of relief. they touch foreheads "you're okay?" bella says relieved. he tucks her hair behind her ear. "of course. and you're okay?" he asks. she nods. they finally let go of each other as everyone comes in.

"We can talk to later. but first i want to sit down, okay?" bella says. he nods "yeah alright.". she smiles and leans over gives him a quick kiss on the cheek. they take a seat at the dining table. jonathan takes a seat on the couch and starts talking to will. hopper talks on the phone. the rest of the group is spread out in the kitchen. hopper slams the phone down. "they didn't believe you, did they?" dustin asked. he turns around "we'll see". "we'll see? we can't just sit around here while those things are loose!" mike yells at him. bella grabs places her hand on his thigh and gives it a squeeze. he sighs and relaxes a little. "we stay here, and we wait for help" he says then walks away.

the wholes houses vibe was very hopeless like they realized there wasn't much they could do. everyone just sits in silence. mike gets up and walks to the small table grabbing a cube off of it. "did you guys know that bob was the original founder of hawkins AV? he says. they all nod no. "really? lucas asks. he turned around with a small smile "he petitioned the school to start it and everything. then he had a fundraiser for the equipment. me. clarke learned everything from him. pretty awesome, right?" he said walk-in back over to the table. they all nod "yeah mike" bella says. he places the cube on the table.

"we can't let him die in vain." he says. "what do you want to do, mike? the chiefs right on this. we can't stop those demo dogs on our own" dustin says. mike starts to think. "demo dogs?" max questions. "demogorgon .dogs. demo dogs. it's like a compound. it's a play on words—." he says 0ver explaining. "okay." she says clearly understanding. "i mean, when it was just dart, maybe..." dustin says- but there's an army now" lucas adds. "precisely" he says.

"his army." mike says like he has an idea. "what do you mean?" steve ask. "his army. he repeats. "maybe if we can stop him, we can stop his army, too". mike walks into the living room they all follow. he grabs one of wills drawings and shows it to them. "the shadow monster" dustin says.

"it attacked will when were outside that day" bella says. "the doctors said it was like a virus, it infected him" mike tells them. "and so this virus, it's connecting him to the tunnels?" max says starting to get it. "to the tunnels, monsters, the upside-down, everything." mike says. "whoa. slow down. slow down" steve says trying to understand. "okay so, the shadow monsters inside everything. and if the vines feel something like pain, then so does will" mike explains.

"and so does dart." lucas adds. "yeah. like what mr.clarke taught us. the hive mind." mike says. "hive mind?" steves ask. "a collective consciousnesses. it's a superorganism." dustin explains. "and this is the thing that controls everything. It's the brain" mike says further explaining. "like the mind flayer." dustin says. mike,lucas and bella all come to a realization. "holy shit! you're right" bella exclaims. lucas snaps and nods. "the what?" max asks lost again. dustin runs away but quickly comes back with the d&d book.

he slams it on the table and they all gather around. he flips onto the page and there it was the mind flayer. "the mind flayer." dustin says. "the hell is that?" hopper asks. "it's a monster from an unknown dimension. it's so ancient that it doesn't even know it's true home. okay, it enslaves races of other dimensions by taking over their brains unsung it's highly developed psionic powers" dustin continues.

hopper sighs "oh, my god, none of this is real. it's a kids game".  "no actually it's very real and it's a manual. plus it's not for kids" bella jumps in. "and unless you know something we don't, this is the meat metaphor—" dustin says but gets cut off by lucas saying "analogy".

"analogy? that's what you're worried about? fine. an analogy for understanding whatever the hell this is" dustin yells. "okay, so this mind flamer thing-" nancy starts but is corrected by dustin "flayer. mind flayer".
she sighs "what does it want?" she asks. "to conquer us basically. it believes it the master race." dustin says. "like the germans?" steve adds in stammering. they all look at him with confused faces. "uh, the nazis?" dustin corrects him.

steve looks around and nods "yeah, yeah, yeah, the nazis". "uh...if the nazis were from another dimension, totally. uh, it views other races, like us as inferior to itself" dustin further explains. "it wants to spread, take over other dimensions" mike adds on. "it'll wipe us all out" bella adds as well. "we are talking about the destruction of our world as we know it." lucas says joining in.

"that's great. that's great. that's really great. jesus!" steve says clearly overwhelmed. nancy leans over and picks up the books"okay, so if this thing is like a brain that's controlling everything, then if we kill it...". "then we kill everything it controls" mike says. "we win." dustin states. "theoretically." lucas says. "great. so how do you kill this thing? shoot it with fireballs or something?" hopper says grabbing the book from nancy. "no. no, no fire—no fireballs. uh, you summon an undead army, uh because... because zombies you know, they don't have brains, and the mind flayer, it's...it...it... likes brains. it's just a game. it's a game" dustin says stuttering his way through.

hopper is clearly getting cranky and baffled. "what the hell are we doing here?" he says slamming the book down and walk away. "i thought we were waiting for your military backup" dustin says. "we are!" hopper shouts. "even if they come, how are they gonna stop this? you can't just shoot this with guns!" mike argues. "you don't know that! we don't know anything!" hopper yells. "we know it's already killed everyone in that lab," mike says. "we know the monsters are gonna molt again" lucas adds. "we know that it's only a matter of time before those tunnels reach this town" dustin joins in. "we also know that if it gets into town that hundreds of people will die" bella finally adds.

"they're right.we have to kill it." joyce says making everyone turn around. hopper walks over to her. "i want to kill it." she says. "me too." he says to her. "-i— me, too, joyce, okay? but how do we do that? we don't exactly know what we're dealing with here" hopper reasons.

"no. but he's does. if anyone knows how to destroy this thing, it's will. he's connected to it. he'll know it's weakness." mike says walking towards him. "i thought we couldn't trust him anymore. that's he a spy for the mind flayer now." max says. "yeah, but he can't spy if he doesn't know where he is." mike says.

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