→the vaninshing of will byers←0.3

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Like they said before will was "missing" he wasn't in class with the party. the bell rang "remember, finish chapter 12 and answer 12.3 on the difference between an experiment and other forms of scientific investigation. this will be on the test, which will cover chapters 10 through 12.it will be multiple choice with an essay section" mr clarke told his class who seem to all leave before he could finish his sentence.

they all went to his desk and gave him this big excited eyes. "so did it come?" mike asked super excited. me. clarke sighed "sorry guys i hate to be the bearer of bad news, but.." he paused looking sad. everyone got less excited . "it came" he continued. and like that, they were happy again

they followed him to the a.v room all running in once they saw it. "yes" mike said with a smile. "the heathkit ham shack" mr clarke's said proud. "it looks totally badass" bella said not remembering he was there. "ms.reid" he said sternly. "sorry" the girl said but she just couldn't help it. the party was in amazement and in awe. it really was super cool.

"i bet you can talk to new york on this thing." dustin said changing the dial. "think bigger" mr clarke said. "california?" "bigger" "australia?" mr clark nodded. they got even more excited. "oh man. when will sees this he's totally gonna blow his shit" lucas said excited. "lucas" mr clarke said crossing his arms in disapproval. lucas apologized. they played with the dials each turning a different one.

"hello, this mike wheeler, president of hawkins a.v club," he said with this exaggerated australian accent. dustin snatched the headphones off of mike. "hello, this is dustin henderson and this is treasurer of hawkins middle a.v club. do you eat kangaroos for breakfast?" he asked with the biggest smile. they all laugh. lusas went for the headphones next but was soon interrupted by the principal and two cops. "sorry to interrupt, but uh may i borrow michael,bella,lucas, and dustin? he asks. they all look at each other confused.

they followed the police into the teacher's break room. they all took a seat on the couch immediately being squished in between each other.the officer sat down. mike started to talk, then dustin joined in and bella and soon lucas as well. they were talking over each. "okay okay okay" the cop says. they all stop talking and looked at him. "one at a time, all right? you." he said pointing at mike. "you said he takes what?" "mirkwood" "mirkwood?" the officer repeats. mike nods

"have you ever heard of mirkwood?" he asks the other cop. "i have not. that sounds made up to me." he responded. god this guy was dumb bella thought. bella rolled her eyes. "no it's from lord of the rings." lucas tells them. "well the hobbit." dustin corrects him. lucas turns to him "it doesn't matter" he said annoyed. here we go again she said to herself. "he asked!" dustin said louder. "he asked!" lucas mocked him. "can you both just shut up!" bella says aggravated. they never know when to stop.

"hey hey hey!" the officer says trying to get our attention. "what did i just say. one at a damn time. you" he said going back to mike. "mirkwood, it's a real road. it's just the name that's made up. it's where cornwallis and kerley meet." mike tells him
"yeah all right i think i know-" he said softly. "we can show you if you." bella said trying to be helpful. "i said i know it" the cop snaps clearly annoyed with the kids. 

"we can help look" mike says. "yeah" dustin said hopeful. "no" he said. and once again they all started talking again. trying to get him to agree. "no. after school, you are all to go home. immediately" he said with a stern tone. "that means no biking around looking for your friend, no investigating.no nonsense. this isn't some lord of rings book." he says. "the hobbit" dustin's corrects him. bella slapped his shoulder "stop" . "shut up!" lucas said annoyed and then also hit him too. dustin hit them back. "guys stop" mike said. "can you guys not," bella said trying to stop this.

"do i make myself clear?" he says softly. mike and bella both nod while dustin and lucas continue to lean over them and hit each other. the cop then stood up and towered over them. they both stop and look up at him. "do i make myself...clear?" he repeats. "yes sir" dustin and mike say. bella nods and lucas just says "yeah".

after that the day went on normal until the last bell told them to leave and they did just that.they all rode their bikes home except bella she went to mikes. it wasn't  uncommon for her to stay at mikes after school it's was mostly because her sister wanted with someone after school and not home alone since she would be working.

it's was late and bella and mike sat at the dinner table together eating . "we should be out there right now. we should be helping look for him" mike complained to his mom. "we've been over this mike. the chief says"she told him  "i don't care what the chief said" he snapped "michael!" karen says getting aggravated. "we have to do something. will could be in danger" he tried to explain. "more reason to stay put" she told him. "mom!" he said also getting aggravated. "end of discussion" she said slamming her fist down.

mike sighed and went back to eating. "so... me and bárbara are gonna study as her house tonight. that's cool right?" nancy asked. "no, not cool" karen's said. "what? why not?" nancy said annoyed a little. "why do you think? am i speaking chinese in this house? until we know will is okay, no one leaves" she said with a strict tone. "this such bullshit." nancy snapped. "language" ted chimed in. "we're on house arrest? just because mikes friends got lost on the way from-" nancy said trying to argue

"wait, this is wills fault?" mike said with such an attitude. "nancy, take that back" karen told her. "no" she said. "you're just pissed off cause u wanna hang out with steve" he said looking at her. "and you still haven't told your own friends you're dating bella" she snapped back. this caused bella to choke. "i'm sorry what?" karen said. mike and bella both had panic in their eyes. "is this true michael?" she asked. "no" he simply said. "how about you nancy whos steve and what's he to you?" karen asked. "no one!" nancy yells. "he's her boyfriend" he tells his mom and dad. "you are such a douchebag, mike. i can't believe you're dating him!" she says looking at bella. who at this point was so uncomfortable and sinking into her chair.

"language!l ted yelled again. nancy stormed off and went upstairs. "nancy come back" karen says drained. " you see michael? you see what happens?" ted says. "what happens when what? we're the only one acting like normal here! me and bella are the only ones here who cares about will." mike shouts. "that is really unfair, son. we care " ted says plainly. mike was gonna say something but instead took bella's hand and took her downstairs. "thank you for dinner,karen. it was delicious" she said as she left

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