→the weirdo on maple street←0.8

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Later that night they waited to get food for el.el was playing with mikes super com again while she waited . "el" mike said coming down with food along with the rest of the party. "no adults. just us and some meatloft." he said giving her the tray. she looked up at dustin and lucas.

"don't worry. lucas is done with his tantrum so they won't tell anyone about you." bella assures her. "they promise.right?" mike says. "we never would've upset you if we knew you had superpowers" dustin says. bella and mike and hit him. "ow!" he exclaimed. "what dustin is trying to say it that they were just scared...earlier.thats all" mike says with a soft tone.

"we just wanted to find out friend." lucas told her. "friend?" she asked confused. "yeah, friend. will?" he says. "what is "friend"?" she asked. "is she serious?" lucas asked them. dustin shrugged. "um, a friend-"lucas started to explain. "is someone that's you'd do anything for." mike takes over. "yeah you tell them secrets and hang out with them." bella says. "you lend them your cool stuff, like comic books and trading cards."dustin adds.

"and they never break a promise." mike says. "especially when there's spit." lucas says. "no,lucas no spit at all." bella quips. "spit?" el questioned. "a spit swear means." he spits in hand. bella gags a little. "you never break your word. it's a bond." lucas says grabbing dustin's hand and shaking it. dustin looks at his hand grossed out. "that's super important, because friends they tell each other things.things that parents don't know" mike says. "excuse me mike" bella says taking a seat in front of el.

"you're the first girl who's actually hasn't said anything mean about us. not that u can say a lot" she tells her with a smile. "does that mean we are...friends?" el asked. "of course" bella says to her. el eventually gets up and walks to the game table. she sits down not saying anything. "what's the weirdo doing?" lucas whispers. everyone circles around her. eleven closes her eye and places her hands on the board.

"el?" mike asks. eleven jerks her head slowly and opens her eyes. she picks up wills character. the cleric. she brings it to her face looking directly at it. "will." she says softly. "superpowers" dustin says. lucas rolls his eyes. she puts the piece down and mike takes a seat. "did you see him? on mirkwood?" he asks.

el, do you know where he is?" bella asks.el doesn't say anything instead she clears the board knocking everyone's character on the floor except will. she takes the board and flips it onto the black side. she picks up wills and places his directly in the middle. "i don't understand." he tells her. "hiding" she speaks.
"wills hiding?" bella questions now taking seat as well. she nods. "from the bad men?" mike asks.

she nods no. "then from who?" he asks her. she picks up the demogorgon and places it in front of wills. dustin sighs. "oh god" bella says under her breath.

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