→the upside down←2.3

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The guards came from behind them and grabbed them. they all started yelling and struggling to get free. the man went to eleven and picked her up putting her face close to his face. "eleven? eleven, can you hear me?" the man whispers. he shakes her hand she opens her eyes. "papa?" she says weakly. "yes, yes, it's your papa." he says. el looks over to see all of her friends being held back. "i'm here now" he says.

"let her go! let her go, you dickhead!" bella yelled. el started to look back and forth and she started to whimper. "shh, shh, you're sick.you're sick, but i'm going to make you better.im going to take you back home, where i can make you well again. where we can make all of this better, so no one else gets hurt" he says looking her in eyes. "bad.bad" she says. "bels.bels.bels" she called out weekly. bella tried even harder to get free. el starts to push the guys hand off of her. the light goes and flicker making everything looking at the wall. "blood" mike says. "what? lucas asked.

"blood," he says louder. the wall in front of the stats to crack making drywall fall off. the bricks fell off and soon a head popped out. they all looked in shock. "demogorgon" dustin says. the guard then let's go of them and pulled out their guns. a six-foot thing came out of the wall. the men started to shoot at it. "go, go, go!" lucas yelled. they all went to grab eleven. dustin ended up carrying her. they ran down the hall into a classroom. they went to the back of the classroom and put el on a table. bella went over and grabbed her hand "just hold on a little longer, okay?" she said.

"he's gone. the bad men are gone.we'll be home soon. we can have sleepovers and do each other's make up. we can trade clothes and gossip about boys. like sisters do. " she told her with a tear coming down. "promise?" el asked with a half-smile. "promise" bella said. a loud screeching noise scared them. there was some growling and some gunfire but it stopped.

"is...is it dead?" dustin stuttered. the door burst open with a demogorgon on it. "go, go!" mike yelled. "get the wrist rocket! get the wrist rocket now!" dustin yelled. lucas took off his bag and quickly grabbed it. the monster roared. there was some yelling about rocks and some screaming. dustin handed lucas a rock and lucas pulled his rocket back and shot it, hitting it in the face. some more yelling ensued. dustin gave lucas another rock and he shot it off hitting then monster that was getting to close to fast.

dustin gave him another rock. "it's not working!" he yelled. "hit him again!" mike yelled. "kill him!" dustin yelled. lucas shot it again hitting it once more. it was getting closer and closer. dustin handed him one more and which he pulled back and shot which made the demogorgon shoot back into the chalkboard. they all jumped back in shock. "no way that worked" bella said. el came from behind them and started walking towards it. bella went to go grab the girl but was sent back flying into the cabinet. she tried to scramble to get back up only to be held back by mike. "no let go of me!" she yelled.

she fought hard against him but she gave up and just started sobbing. dustin and lucas watched not knowing what to do. mike held the girl while she cried into his shoulder. she walked up to the monster and turned back looking at each and every one of their faces. bella lifted her head up. "goodbye" she said slowly turning back. "no more." she said putting her hand up. the monster started to screech in pain. all of their ears started to ring. they all covered their ears looking down. eleven started to scream and the monster started to turn into flakes. she screamed louder and the flakes started to cover her and surround her.

the noise stopped and they all looked up to see that she was gone. nothing left of her. "el?" dustin called out. "el?" lucas yelled. bella got up wiping her tears and started to look hoping to find her. el, where are you!" bella yelled with tears in her eyes.

a/n:okay so there's one more part until season 2 so

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