→the bathtub ←1.9

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Bella wiped the dirt off of el in the bathroom. she sighs "there you look good". el turns to look at herself in the mirror she touches her hair. "you look good without it." she says. "still pretty?" she asks. bella smiled "of course". "you're not mad?" el asks softly. bella shakes her head no. "i was but family doesn't stay mad at each other" she said. el smiled.

"el?" she says. she turns to look at her "yes?". "i'm really happy you're back. i missed having you here" she says smiling. "me too" she says. bella goes to give her a hug. "bella!" dustin yelled barging in. "it's lucas, i think he's in trouble." dustin says. dustin and mike are at the table. bella walks over. "do you remember how he said he was looking for the gate? dustin said. "what if he found it?" mike asked

lucas' voice came through very distorted. lucas was shouting something but they couldn't tell. "what's he saying?" bella asked.  "i don't know, he's way outta range." dustin said. mike grabbed it and put it to his ear "...son of a bitch!" lucas yelled. "lucas, if you can hear us, slow down. we can't understand you.

"yes, i copy! do you? they know about eleven! get out of there! they know about eleven! the bad men are coming! all of them!do you hear me? the bad men are coming!" lucas screamed. "mad hen. does that mean anything to you? like a code name or something?" dustin asked. "the bad men are coming " lucas said. "bad men. bad men! stay here!" mike said then ran upstairs dustin going with him.

mike and dustin came back and grabbed their jackets. "we need to go now!" mike yelled. bella and el grabbed their stuff and ran out the back door grabbing their bikes and running. el got onto dustin's bike and bella had gotten onto mikes. they looked back to see a bunch of men coming towards them.

"go, go, go!" dustin yelled. they biked off . "dustin!do you copy?" lucas' voice came through. "yeah, they're on to us" dustin yelled. "where are you?" lucas asked. "cornwallis" dustin said. "met me at elm and cherry! lucas yelled. "copy, elm and cherry!" dustin said. mike nodded and sped up. they looked behind them to see two white vans speeding up to them. "shit!" dustin yelled.

"that way!" bella yelled pointing in between houses. they biked down a hill ringing their bike bells. they got back to the main road catching up with lucas. "lucas!" mike exclaimed. "where are they?" he asked. the shrugged. "i don't know. i think we lost them." bella stammered.

there the vans pulled down the street they were on. "go, go, go!" mike yelled. they biked as fast they could but the vans were gaining on them. mike was yelling faster. dustin was saying  "shit" repeatedly. a van came from the street in front of them. the van was going straight towards them. dustin stayed yelling. the distance between them was getting smaller and smaller. bella closed her eyes. the van got a dent and flipped over them making everyone look up as the van passed over them above. "holy shit!" bella yelled. the van fell upside down blocking the other vans from following them.

they looked at each other in stunned silence. they rode their bikes to the junkyard stopping in front of the old school bus. mike got off and so did bella. el looked faint so she sat down on a log. "holy..holy shit. did you see what she did to that van?" he asked shocked. "no dustin we completely missed it" bella said sarcastically. "i mean that was..." dustin stammered. "awesome!" lucas said. el looked back at him. "it was awesome." lucas said out of breath.

lucas walked over to her and kneeled down next to her. "everything i said about you being a traitor and stuff...i was wrong. i'm sorry" he said placing his hand on her back. "friends don't lie. i'm sorry, too." she says. "me, too" mike said putting his hand out. lucas shook his hand. "and to you and bella, i guess we're happy for you" he said jokingly rolling his eyes. bella walked over and gave him a hug. she laughed a little.

lucas grabbed a couple of sticks and placed them in a triangle. "this is randolph road, right here" putting at one of the sticks. "the fence starts here and goes all the way around." he said tracing the triangle. he placed an empty soda can in the middle "and this is the lab right here. the gates gotta be in there somewhere. its gotta be" he said.

"well, who owns hawkins lab?" dustin asked. "the sign says "department of energy"." he said. "department of energy? what do you think that means?" dustin asked confused. "it usually means government, you know military" bella says. "then why does it say "energy."?" dustin asked. bella sighed "just trust me, all right?".

"bella's right. there were soldiers out front" lucas says. "do they make, like, lightbulbs or something? Dustin asked. "no weapons.. to fight the russians and the commies and stuff." mike says. "weapons" lucas says understanding. "oh,jesus, this is bad" dustin says. "really bad. the place is like a fortress" lucas says.

"well, what do we do?" dustin asked worried. "i don't know, but we can't go home. we're fugitives now" mike says. a helicopter starts to approach. "guys?" dustin says looking up. "do you hear that?" bella asked. they look up to see a helicopter heading that way. they all jump up and grab their bikes pushing them under the bus. they ran into the bus getting behind the seats. the helicopter flys over them and away. "mental" dustin says relived.

"mike, are you there? mike?" nancy asked through the super com. "you guys hear that?" dustin asked. "mike it's me nancy" she says. mike grabs his bag and pulls it out. "mike answer" she said. "mike we need you to answer!" she said. "is that your sister?" lucas asked. "this is an emergency, mike" she says.

"okay this is really weird" dustin says. lucas goes to answer but mike stops him. "don't answer" mike says. "she said it was an emergency." he says. "what if it's a trick?" mike says. "it's your sister!" lucas yells. "what if the bad people kidnapped her?" mike suggested. "i need you to answer" nancy says.

"like landó!don't answer it." dustin says. "we need to know that you're there, mike." she says. " bella? are you there? it's your sister. it's about luke!answer us it's an emergency" she says. bella's eyes go wide. "why is your sister with my sister? and who's luke?" mike asked. "i...i don't know" bella says. bella snatches the radio "we're here!" she says. "bella what the hell?" mike asked. "she said luke. luke is our code word just in case anything goes wrong" bella informs them. mike grabs it "it's mike. i'm here.we're here " he says.

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