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Megan takes a deep breath, before walking into the room. 

She felt like the whole world was weighting on her shoulders: this afternoon at the riot downtown Eastside, many Westsiders have been arrested, including some of her good friends - Kelley, Lynn, Lindsey, and many others - and she couldn't help but feel powerless. All they did was protest an injustice, and this is what they get. 

The Circle was empty, so Megan found the calm she needed at the moment. 

Little did she know that, right outside the bar, were entering Eastside High students, pretty annoyed. When Megan sees them come in, she immediately, 1) know that she is in trouble and, 2) she recognizes Shelina Zadorsky, one of the most popular girls in the East. Setting her jaw, Megan exchanges a look with Adrianna Franch, the barista, as both women were quite tensed. Shelina looks around for a while, as familiar faces follow her: other than the boys from the school's soccer team, she also brought Alex Morgan and Alanna Kennedy, her fellow cheerleaders, who were known to be ruthless. 

Once Shelina gets to Megan, she makes a silent sign to her friends to stand down, before sitting down next to the pink-haired girl, addressing AD in a condescending tone:

"A shot of gin, please."

With that said, she then turns toward Megan, shamelessly checking her out - probably to make sure she doesn't have any weapon on her, and therefore really was harmless. 

But Megan did not have time for the Canadian's games.

"You must be a fool to come in our territory and think you and your crew will come out of it without a scratch" Megan coldly says, staring right into Shelina's grey eyes.

The brunette smirks - or maybe not brunette, since she was almost blonde now - before looking at her friends, amused. She then makes then yet another silent sign, and they exit The Circle without asking any questions.

Confused, AD serves Shelina her drink, before being asked to leave by Megan. 

"Listen pretty carefully, dyke : we hate each other, that's fine, and certainly not exclusive news to you" Shelina slowly says, before taking a sip of her drink. Megan frowns, as the other girl continues: "But truth is, we don't want your delinquent asses in our part of town, so for once we have a common goal it seems."

Megan smirks. 

"So you came here for our help?" she asks, sarcastic.

Shelina shakes her head while rolling her eyes. She then leans in closer, as her warm breath brushes the other girl's face, as she sensually whispers:

"Oh, honey - of course not. I came here to warn you: if you guys ever walk down our high school's walls, we are going to destroy each and every one of you."

Quite annoyed, Megan grabs Shelina's forearm when the Canadian is trying to lean back, before staring right into her eyes. Taken off guard, the brunette frowns, and for a moment she seems to be a little bit scared. 

Her facial expression comes back to bitchy, as Megan hisses:

"You don't get to come in our home and threaten us, Zadorsky: I think you're just scared because you know that we will tear your school apart - I mean, just imagine if that stupid boyfriend of yours knew that you weren't that straight anymore?"

"Shut your filthy mouth: I don't know what you are talking about"

Megan grabs the back of Shelina's neck, as their lips almost touch. She can sense Shelina's distress, although the brunette tries her best to hide it. Setting her jaw, Megan looks down at Shelina's lips.

"See: you aren't pulling away."

Almost choking with her own saliva, Shelina finally reacts and pushes Megan away aggressively. She seemed troubled, as she makes her way out of The Circle : but right before she exits, she turns around and eye-kills Megan. 

The pink-haired shrugs, before openly mocking her:

"I knew you found me attractive since last time we encountered each other, Zadorsky - too bad you're deeply grounded in your heteronormativity"

"Don't you dare communicate wrongful rumors about me : nothing happened then, and nothing will ever happen."

"If you say so" Megan lets out, amused, as Shelina exits the coffee shop.

No matter what Shelina says, she and Megan do have platonic history, but this story will be for a little bit later - there are more pressing issues occurring downtown...


Tobin enters the police station, only to find herself face to face with Bob Mewis, the town's sheriff. 

"We meet again, Mrs Heath" the man starts in a condescending voice, smirking. As the young girl doesn't respond yet, he quickly adds: "I was surprised you weren't amongst the people protesting today - I mean, given your family's history..."

"Cut the crap, Mr Mewis" Tobin hisses, shaking her head energetically. As the sheriff smirks - yes, Tobin did have good ovaries - she states: "My friends were only peacefully protesting, which isn't a crime in America - so you have no grounds for holding them prisoners. From where I see it, you shouldn't even be able to hold them one more hour, so you might as well set them free right now."

But the sheriff just smirks, looking around them: his colleagues are watching, and he did not want his reputation to be destroyed by a fiery teenager.

To that aim, she says in a cold voice:

"How's your old man doing, uh? Still drinking at 10 in the morning? And how is that gang of his holding up? I mean, with the recent arrests he soon won't have anyone to lead to delinquency..."

"I know what you are doing, Mr Mewis, and it won't work: I came here for my friends, not to talk about my family. You have to set them free."

"Very well, Heath: you're lucky this time, but won't be the next."

"Sure" Tobin lets out, amused.

As the sheriff is reluctantly going back to the cells, opening them one by one, Tobin suddenly feels eyes on her : she turns her head, and realizes that a girl is standing near the sheriff's office, her arms crossed against her chest. Her blonde bun, piercing blue eyes and undeniably beautiful face do not leave Tobin undisturbed. 

She recognizes her after a moment: Kristie Mewis, one of the sheriff's daughters, notorious soccer player for Eastside High - and one of Tobin's team's most complicated opponents during games.

Kristie has a shy smirk on her face, as she just quickly waves at Tobin - but the brunette doesn't wave back, just blankly staring at the girl in front of her. Before either of them can say anything, the sheriff is back with Kelley, Lynn and Lindsey, who do look pissed. When they get to Tobin, they quickly hug her, thankful, before they all leave the police station.

Before leaving as well, Tobin throws an ultimate look toward Kristie and, although she did not quite understand how mesmerizing the girl is to her just yet, she knew it couldn't be good news...

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