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The window breaks, as both Crystal and Shelina immediately get on their feet.

When they see two angels fly into the room they were chilling in, they immediately knew that it wasn't some gift from God, but rather a revenge. Shelina immediately walks in between Crystal and one of the two angels - Pernille and Nichelle - her deep eyes glowing in the dark. Only now did the two lovers realise that the sky had turned dark.

Feeling her jaw settle more than ever, Shelina just waits for one of the two girls to speak up, and the blonde with blue eyes immediately does:

"Daughter of God, you are to return to Heaven to your righteous place: come without struggle, and the trip will be gentle."

Shelina bursts into a cold and ironic laughter.

"Yeah, right" the brunette/blonde (depends on the opinions) responds, rolling her eyes. While the two angels exchange a look, she adds: "And we'll all live happily ever after while Sunnyvale burns? As you certainly know, one of my moms killed the other, and my alive mother's wife fucking hates me, so thanks, but no thanks."

"We can protect the object of your desire, if this is what you seek" the other girl with the magnificent braids - Nichelle - argues, frowning. Obviously, she was the diplomatic one, as she adds: "We do not want our Lord's offspring to suffer."

Once again, Shelina just smirks. 

"That's a shame, 'cause those past few weeks have been nothing but sufferings, so there is no way I am letting you destroy the place I've called home all my life."

The two angels exchange a look, before Nichelle sighs.

"Then you leave us no choice..." she then whispers.

Before any of them can react, Shelina figured everything out: while Nichelle would try and neutralise her - in vain, because somehow she wasn't allowed to kill her - Pernille would jump on Crystal and try to kill her (because God knew that if Shelina lost Crystal, she would lose everything there is to lose on Earth. 

When Shelina raises her hands, everything and everybody freeze around her: time seemed to have stopped, as Pernille was in the air, her eyes turning red because she was clearly intending to cause harm to Crystal, who was in turn staring right at her in fear. Nichelle, on the other hand, took a step toward Shelina.

Something bigger than herself seems to take over, as she clinches her fists together strongly, and time resumes at its normal rate - only, the two angels are now getting hurt by an invisible force, causing her to fall on the ground, holding their necks within their shaky hands, feeling the pain of a hundred men all at once, crying to agony.

While Shelina's eyes had turned even clearer than they usually were, the colour now hitting the glowing white, Crystal carefully approaches her, before whispering in her ear:

"You are not a killer, She - you are better than that, better than them."

Those words immediately resonate in Shelina's mind, as her eyes suddenly turn to normal, and the two angels just remain on the ground, recovering from the intense pain they had felt just now. Getting on their knees, they just bow down, beaten.

After a few seconds, Nichelle concedes:

"Your power is even greater than God's - you really are a force of nature..."

"Listen very carefully" Shelina coldly says, setting her jaw, "because if you don't do as I say, I will make every little shitty angel feel the pain you just felt right now forever: take your little angel army out of Sunnyvale, or feel my wrath."

The two angels just nod, before flying away quickly, probably traumatised.

Crystal, on the other hand, has heart eyes for her girlfriend: she immediately takes a few steps toward her, wraps her arms around Shelina's neck while getting on her toes, and kisses her fiercely, before whispering in between to kisses:

"That was hot..."

"I know you liked it" Shelina laughs, before quickly adding: "as much as I want to you to show me how hot you thought that was, we really should check on our friends."

Crystal pecks her lips, before grabbing her hand as they run to Christen's apartment, that was only minutes away.


Christen finds herself on the edge of her building, consciously waiting for the fateful moment when Mapi would join her and accomplish her master's orders: kill Christen in cold blood.

When she hears the flapping of wings over her head and sees a dark form, she immediately knows who it is: the smell that follows immediately indicates that she is right. Christen doesn't turn around immediately, as Mapi was now standing across from her, almost eight meters away, her wings still deployed. 

She finally turns around, her face absolutely emotionless, and her piercing and intense green eyes set on the woman in front of her - the woman she had so many feelings for, but who betrayed her and hurt her the most. Setting her jaw, Christen dramatically deploys her arms, mirroring the view she had in front of her.

It is in a very raw and cold voice that Christen says:

"Si trataste de romperme, entonces lo lograste. ¿Pero sabes lo que dicen sobre un alma rota? Bueno, un alma rota es diez veces más peligrosa que una intacta. No sólo me rompiste el alma, sino que rompiste mi confianza y, aunque me cueste admitirlo, mi corazón. Entonces, ¿qué más podrías querer? ¿Matarme? Entonces hazlo, si tienes las agallas. Termina lo que empezaste."

(English: If you tried to break me, then you succeeded. But you know what they say about a broken soul ? Well, a broken soul is ten times more dangerous than an intact one. Not only did you break my soul, but you broke my trust and, although it is hard for me to admit, my heart. So, what more could you possibly want? To kill me ? Then do it, if you have the guts. Finish what you started.)

The tension was at such an extent that there was no possible way back. 

Mapi carefully chooses her words, her phrasing only mirroring the strong contradictory feelings that were breaking her heart and entire soul in two:

"Fui creado como un sirviente de la Diosa, un estúpido ángel cuyo único propósito era seguir órdenes. No tenemos elección: está en nuestro cuerpo cumplir la voluntad de la Diosa, de lo contrario pereceremos, yo pereceré enseguida. Si no te mato yo, lo hará otro. Si muestro piedad por mis sentimientos hacia ti, entonces ambos estamos condenados. Es mucho más complicado de lo que puedo explicar, Christen."

(English: I was created as a servant of the Goddess, a stupid angel whose only purpose was to follow orders. We have no choice: it is within our body to deliever the Goddess' will, otherwise we will perish - I will perish right away. If I don't kill you, somebody else will. If I show mercy because of my feelings for you, then we are both doomed. It is so much more complicated than what I can explain, Christen.)

Christen once again settles her jaw, before raising her eyebrows and saying:

"Then kill me."

She and Mapi just stare right into each other's souls for long minutes, and the outcome would be nothing but heartbreaking - they both knew it.

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