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Crystal's vision is blurry, as she is covered in Lynn Williams' blood. 

Crystal... a distance voice says, making her feel dizzier than usual, taking over her whole body. Crystal... Touch the body.... Touch the dead...

Without really knowing why, she follows the creepy voice, as her hand reaches out for Lynn William's flat arm: from that point on, everything changes.

Crystal is unable to breath, as she takes one last quick breath, before she feels like falling in another dimension. The scenes of the party, of the stage, of Shelina right by her side just fades, as the decor becomes quite somber, as if she was in a forest full of very high and old fir trees, feeling a cold wind make her the creeps, as if she was underneaths meters of ice. She felt like a out-of-body-experience, as she had no control about anything: truth was, she couldn't even more, not scream - absolutely nothing.

That is when she sees her: Lynn Williams, advancing toward Crystal's location, her eyes lost in space it seemed. 

"I need to find it..." she kept on repeating, quite alarmed and numb at the same time.

Find what? Crystal wants to ask, but no sound comes out of her mouth. 

Lynn gets on her knees, crying, still looking straight ahead of her as if she wasn't sad at all - maybe it didn't feel to her as she was the one crying. Crystal started feeling nauseous - or even a stronger feeling, but she could not quite describe it, neither grasp the meaning of it. 

Instead, she just watches as Lynn whispers again:

"Where is it...? Where is it...?"

Suddenly, the scene changes, and Crystal finds herself on the parking lot right next to the school, where Lynn emerges from her car. Everything around the scene seem to only be shadows, as if Crystal was in the middle of a black cloud, and that the scene was only a phase, a moment lost in time. 

Lynn seemed lost, even more than in the previous scene, as she leans against her car. That's when her eyes finally express something other than numbness: true and indescribable fear. They go wide, as she screams:

"No... NO, please! Don't-"

But suddenly, shadows emerges from the sky, surrounding Lynn, making her suffocate until she cannot breath anymore. 

Lynn, no! Crystal yells, but once again no sound comes out of her mouth, neither can she move at all. 

The scene suddenly stops, and with a very amazingly painful headache, Crystal finds herself on the stage again, in front of the whole school, with students screaming and running everywhere, and teachers trying to get to the stage in order to hide the body drained of blood. Alarmed, Crystal starts moving too fast, and when she tries to get up, she almost falls right back on the ground: thankfully, two strong arms are there to support her.

She turns her head, and sees Shelina lifting her from the ground, putting Crystal's arm around her shoulders so that she can escort her away from the stage. She is soon helped by Becky and Megan, as the rest of the girls are trying to wake Christen up.

"Help me get her outside !" Shelina orders, leaving the others no choice but to follow her lead. 

Once they get to the empty hallways - all students have found their way outside the school, as police sirens could be heard from afar - Crystal grunts in pain, as she felt like her head was about to explode. 

The school's nurse runs toward them, but Crystal says, pointing at the main room:

"Go help my friend, she's unconscious, she needs it more than I do!" she orders.

The nurse nods, before running toward where Christen was lying on the ground. Megan frowns when she sees Shelina holding Crystal in her arms when she gets her on the ground, as she was out of breath and strength, closing her eyes because of the pain. Feeling a weird feeling grow inside of her - jealousy, perhaps? -  Megan gets up and claims to go and help Christen, leaving Crystal, Shelina and Becky on their own.

Out of breath, Shelina loudly sighs.

"You just possibly saved her life, Zadorsky" Becky suddenly states, surprised. As Shelina looks up - it is true that a fall like Lynn William's just had could've been fatal due to the fact that it could've caused a cerebral trauma, even with no blood on the body - the blonde adds: "We won't forget that."

"It's only instinct, I guess."

But, as she looks down at the girl, she somehow knows that it is more than that.


Bob Mewis arrived at the scene twenty minutes after the body dropped from the sky, after following an anonymous tip leading him to Allie Long's body in the woods. Two death in one night was too much for him, it appeared.

While his colleagues secured the stage where Lynn Williams fell, established a restricted perimeter around the school and managed traumatised students and worried parents - or devastated parents in Lynn Williams' case - Bob Mewis was busy interviewing every person closely related to the scene of crime, and the first people he had to interview were Crystal Dunn and Shelina Zadorsky.

In the meantime, his daughter Krisite, who was in the room as well, finds her way to Tobin Heath and her group of friends, who immediately stare at her as if she was a mad woman.

"What the hell do you think you're doing-" Kelley aggressively starts, but Tobin gets in the way.

"Leave it, Kels: I'll deal with her" the brunette orders, as her friend stands down, before getting back near Megan. 

Sighing, Tobin grabs Kristie's arm and drags her further away from the crowd that had formed outside the school's perimeter waiting for news. Once she finds a quite place, she lets go of the blonde's arm, before raising her eyebrow.

Kristie smirks. 

"Explain your presence here, now" Tobin orders, ruthless.

The blonde raises her eyebrow.

"Well, I was just enjoying the party as everyone else and a body dropped from the sky, so..." Kristie sarcastically lets out, amused.

"Don't be a smart ass now, Mewis" Tobin immediately responds, fed up with her attitude. Trying to control her anger, she just hisses, her face getting closer to Kristie's: "You people only bring drama and death, so stay the fuck away from me, got it?"

"Got it, boss" Krisite lets out, smirking again.

As Tobin walks away from her, Kristie sets her jaw before sighing: well, she thinks to herself, this girl has a tougher shell to crack than other people.

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