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Abby enters Sam's room without knocking, knowing damn well that only one person would be with her at the moment: Tierna. 

When Abby closes the door behind her and locks it, the two girls exchange a confused look: ever since their hot episode happened, the cute blonde didn't show any signs of existence, totally avoiding them for a full week. Right now, they were more shocked that she'd actually come back rather than her long absence.

Staring longly at them in an oppressive silence, Abby slowly opens the buttons of the cute dress she was wearing, and that until there were none left, and that her naked body underneath the tissue was totally revealed. 

Holding her breath back, Abby just stands there, naked, in front of the two girls who were staring at her with envy and desire.

"Wow, uh... Abby?" Sam asks, her eyes going wide. 

But the blonde didn't answer: instead, she just advances toward the two girls, who had gotten up on their feet, exchanging a look. 

Before Abby comes too close to them, Tierna stops her with her hand, trying very hard not to look at the view that was offered to her.

"Abby, wait, we should talk-"

"I've had enough of talking" Abby interrupts her, before her eyes go back and forth between her and Sam. After a few seconds, she seductively states: "I've had enough of trying to fight those feelings away: I want you both."

Tierna and Sam exchange a final look, that was meaningful as fuck. 

Quite in synchronisation, they both take the final step toward their naked centre of interest, before both starting to kiss her neck and breasts, each taking one side, making the blonde moan in the process. Before taking their own clothes off, Sam and Tierna briefly exchange a kiss in front of Abby in order to show her they were all in the same page - and when Abby bites her lips in excitation, she watches as Tierna undresses herself, while Sam just lifts her from the ground and throws her on the bed sensually. 

Tierna, now naked, helps Sam undressing herself fully as well, as Abby's body was burning in anticipation: when Tierna starts kissing her legs until she reaches the interesting point, she throws a quick look toward Abby, who nods in consent. When Sam starts kissing her with passion, as they both play with each other's chests, Tierna's tongue finds its way in between Abby's legs, licking softly the warm area that was very hard at the moment. In the meantime, Abby's fingers were now touching Sam's intimate's part, as the two blondes were moaning in sync. 

They attain their climax at the same moment, before both turning toward Tierna: Abby immediately gets on top of her and fingers her slowly at first, before increasing rhythm, as Sam starts licking her breast at the same time. Tierna moans in excitement, before also attaining orgasm the minute after. 

They went on for quite a long time and, at around 4 AM, as Tierna was smoking a cigarette at the window, the three girls were exhausted and sweaty. Sam and Abby were lying down on the bed, as the latter was caressing the taller girl's back. 

"Holy shit" Abby comments, blushing. "That was... Was it... I-I mean, did you guys..." 

Her stammer would just make Tierna and Sam's hearts melt.

"Like it?" Sam shamelessly completes her sentence, playful. "Hell yes: I never thought three people could be so perfectly complementary, it was... woah, something else."

"I totally agree" Tierna says, trying to reassure Abby, who was blushing even more. 

Smirking, the latter just says:

"We can't tell anyone"

Obviously, both Sam and Tierna nod their heads: even if it was quite okay for Tierna to be open sexually, she knew most people in Sunnyvale weren't as open-minded, starting with her two lovers' fathers, the mayor and sheriff, who hated her already.

They all nod in agreement, before going on a 5th and final round for the night, until falling asleep in each other's arms.

Polyamory is fun, Abby thinks to herself, feeling Tierna and Sam's breaths getting deeper, before falling asleep in turn.


Christen sighs loudly.

"Hey" Kelley lets out, sitting down in front of her, a smirk on her face. "Guess what, Pressy!"

"You know I am terrible at guessing: what?" Christen responds, moody.

Ignoring her friend's cold response, Kelley explains herself:

"Well, you're gonna be happy: I made up with Marìa Leòn, and she's become our business partner for the drug market now!" 

Of course Kelley knew Christen wouldn't be too thrilled of this new alliance, but she did not expect her to start swearing in Spanish and staring at her coldly.

"Maldito cabrón, no tienes ni idea de lo que pasa en esta puta ciudad, ¿y te las arreglas para joder aún más las cosas incluyendo a alguien que me importa en este puto asunto de las drogas?" (English: You stupid bitch, you have no idea what's going on in this fucking city, and you still manage to fuck things up by including someone I care about in this fucking drug thing?)

Kelley frowns.

"Woah, slow down, amiga: you know I don't understand shit in Spanish, but I still get when you insult me in another language. I thought you'd be happy to know that my feud with your girlfriend is over."

"She is not my girlfriend, perra ignorante" Christen hisses, meaning that Kelley was ignorant. 

Smirking, Kelley just gets up and mutters under her breath while walking away angrily:

"Yeah, not my girlfriend my ass, and my name's Donald Trump now. Fuck you, Pressy."

As soon as she walks out of the cafeteria, Christen rolls her eyes, exasperated. 

Tobin energetically walking toward her, the dark-haired knew she did not have much time to process the feelings that were buried deep inside of her: she was deadly worried about Mapi joining her friends' little business, before while everything was going to shit in Sunnyvale without anyone else knowing about it, she couldn't warn her friends - so, Kelley, that poor Johnston girl and, ultimately, Mapi - because them knowing about the prophecy was dangerous.

Well, of course little did she know that both Kelley and Mapi knew about the witch and the whole story... but yeah.

When Tobin sits down across from her, looking around like a mad woman, Christen doesn't even have the time to ask about what was causing such distress to a normally chill girl that the brunette just drops the bomb:

"The witch has found Kristie's replacement: there's another body, and it's bad - really fucking bad."

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