(66) CRYS + CHRIS = ?

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"She's here, I can sense it" 

Crystal's declaration, quite out of the blue, caused Christen to spit her drink out, while Sam gets the most of it on her t-shirt.

As the black-haired has already gotten up, Sam didn't have the time to complain: Christen, on the other hand, sent her an apology look, before getting up as well. 

As Crystal starts running, everybody knew only Christen could get levelled with her pace.

"Crys, wait!" Christen begs, but the other girl couldn't stop.

"Just keep the fuck up, Pressy, 'cause if there's the slightest chance she is in that world, then I ain't wasting no time finding her."

"Fair enough" Christen finally concedes seconds afterwards, out of breath.

Once they reach the edge of the Black Forest, Christen grabs Crystal's arm, which causes her to turn around during her run, causing both of them to fall on the ground. The smaller girl immediately gets on her feet again, quite angry.

As Christen gets up as well, Crystal hisses:

"What the hell is wrong with you?"

Christen sets her jaw, before making big gestures while communicating:

"Just think for a sec: what if this is Kelley playing us once again, uh? What is going in the Black Forest is exactly what she wants, and is a freaking trap?"

Crystal rolls her eyes, unusually not thinking. 

"You're probably right: just stay here in case it's a trap so that you can warn the others" she spills out, trying to run again.

By reflex, Christen naturally puts her hands forward, which (because of her psychokinesis abilities) starts moving the tears and benches on Crystal's way, blocking her from entering the forest.

Groaning, Crystal gets even more upset.

"The Hell, Press? LET ME THROUGH: I CANNOT LOSE HER AGAIN!" she yells, out of her mind.

Feeling terrible for her friend, but knowing that she was doing the right thing, Christen just restrains herself from crying, before settling:

"I cannot do that - Shelina would be pissed if she returned and you're dead. And I don't want my best friend to die."

"Fuck you ! Fuck. You. Press." Crystal continues screaming, visibly hurting.

"Yup" Christen slowly says, looking up at the sky, "fuck me."

Above the forest, many ghosts - Christen rapidly counts five or six of them - emanates from the trees, floating over the forest only to dive onto the ground and land right in between the forest and the two friends, who are obviously struggling. Looking closer, Christen realises those are only the dead of the Eastside, and they did not seem friendly at all. They were holding knives, as if the living couldn't touch them, but they could kill them just like if they were material. 

Her eyes going wide, Christen tests her theory: she directs the trees away from Crystal and right at the ghosts, but they go right through their bodies, as they laugh, erratic. She immediately recognises a few familiar faces from the front line: the usual mean girls group - Alex Morgan, Caitlin Foord and Alanna Kennedy - accompanied by Rose Lavelle and Jane Campbell. They all had red eyes, but seemed in complete possession of their minds.

Shaking her head slowly, Crystal moves toward Christen, as the two girls grab each other's hands, terrified. 

"What the fuck do we do now?" Christen whispers, fearing for their lives, as the ghosts were coming closer. 

Crystal doesn't even have the time to answer.

Instead, it is the ghosts - more specifically, the mean girls group - that takes the lead of the conversation, slightly amused by their invincibility.

"Coming here was a terrible move, girls" Alex Morgan lets out, smirking. 

"The less Westsiders walk this city, the more we've left a lasting and positive legacy to this town" Alanna Kennedy adds, her eyes glowing in the dark.

Christen and Crystal start walking backwards, hardly swallowing their salivas: if something doesn't happen right now, they're doomed...


As soon as Crystal and Christen left the house, Sam started feeling sick, as her whole mind was hurting like hell. When she falls on the ground, holding her face between her hands, Tierna and Kristie simultaneously kneel each side of her, holding her hands quite tightly. Worry was on both their faces, as Tobin starts feeling nauseous.

But it is Sonnett who innocently asks:

"So, this happens when one of you is in trouble, right ?"

"Or worse..." Tobin confirms, before looking around, freaked out. As Sonnett's eyes go wide, the brunette goes on: "Some of us are connected, and in Baby T and Sammy's cases, their connexion usually leads to... Abby."

"IT BURNS" Sam yells, as Tierna starts feeling the headache intensify on her own part. "IT BURNS EVERYWHERE"

"How do we break the bound?" Julie screams, freaking out. 

As Tobin stares at her in shock - this actually wasn't a bad idea - she also knew she had no idea how to break a supernatural bond. 

Until Sonnett takes a bottle full of cold water and spills it on Sam, who comes back to reality, her body cooling down. 

In shock, Tobin comments:

"Who knew Son was such a genius, right?" 

But Emily doesn't react.

Rather, she watches as Sam and Tierna hug each other tightly, and that Kristie sits back down, shaking her head slowly. 

Then, the door bursts open, as the three angels enter.

"Guys, we're in deep shit" Danielle announces, before her eyes set on Emily. Smirking, she adds: "Heyyyy, who is your gorgeous friend? I don't think we have met-"

"Malditas lesbianas" Mapi comments, rolling her eyes (English: Bloody lesbians). She then switches into English, talking to the younger angel: "Focus, Dani: something dark has happened in Hell - an unprecedented source of power has appeared out of nowhere, and-"

But Tierna felt the answer in her guts, as she says in a broken voice:


And then, Ingrid lowers her head, beaten:

"Kelley was never going to steal Satan's throne: she just wanted to get her freedom back and be able to do as she pleases her on Earth - and she's succeeded."

"Wait, does that mean..." Tobin starts in shock.

"N-No" Sam weakly lets out, crying, "this c-can't be..."

Tierna was speechless, as Kristie was the only one with the guts to speak the truth:

"Abby is the new Satan." 

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