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Please answer the following questions, this chapter will probably be deleted after a while, I just really need your opinions and theories because they help me improve the story.

1° What do you think of the story overall

2° Favourite ship?

3° Most shocking reveal yet?

4° Who do you think is Satan's heir?

5° What do you think Dr Naeher is up to?

6° What will happen to Krisite? 

7° How many bodies to you think there'll be until the witch rises?

8° What are, you do think, Sam and Tierna's powers?

9° Is there something missing from the story / that you dislike? 

10° Should I do a very long story out of this (like, 100 chapters or so)? 

Thank you for taking the time to fill this up, and for your undying support that never ceases to amaze me, don't worry I'll be back soon with new chapters, and believe me - you ain't ready.

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