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In a highlight, here is what happened: 

Kristie and Sam got reunited, while Tierna and the latter were scared to have lost their third part forever.

The three angels went back to Heaven in order to report everything to their boss - God, I suppose, or Goddess since it's more appropriate ? - in order to find a way to clear this whole situation, while keeping the girls in Sunnyvale in the dark. 

Crystal and Christen were nowhere to be found during those three days, each locked up in their rooms, processing what they just witnessed and learned. 

This morning, however, Christen showed up at Mapi's place. 

"Hola, preciosa, ¿a qué debo el honor de tu presencia en mi casa?" (English: Hi beautiful, to what do I owe the honour of your presence in my home?) the blonde seductively says in a low voice, winking at her. 

Obviously, Christen wasn't in the mood. 

She walks past Mapi unannounced, pushing her against the door in the process to clear the way inside her huge house. She then immediately goes to the kitchen, spots the alcohol bottles, and picks the most expensive - a bottle of Gin coming from Europe that was thirty years old. She immediately opens it and pours herself a drink under the surprised yet amused eyes of Mapi, who was leaning against the wall after closing the door, raising her eyebrows with her arms crossed against her chest. 

After a while, Christen couldn't hold it inside of her anymore, as she blurts out without even taking a single breath during her whole burst of anger:

"¿Cómo te atreves a burlarte de mí cuando eres la razón por la que mi vida se esfumó? Tú y tus putas alas y tus mentiras, tus dulces palabras y tu belleza sobrehumana, como si hubieras salido de una película con más presupuesto que toda mi familia junta... Me has mentido, me has traicionado, me has hecho creer que todo iba a ir bien, ¡pero no es así! Todo se está desmoronando, y ni siquiera sé si puedo seguir confiando en ti, y si la conexión que tuvimos fue sólo inducida por tus atributos sobrenaturales, y me está volviendo loca haber caído en ello cuando debería haber sido más cuidadosa."

(English: How dare you take the piss out of me when you are the reason my life went up in smoke? You and your fucking wings and lies, your sweet words and your superhuman beauty, like you came out of a movie with a bigger budget than my whole family combined? You lied to me, betrayed me, made me think it was going to be okay - but it's not! It's all falling apart, and I don't even know if I can trust you anymore, and if the connection we had was just induced by your supernatural attributes, and it's driving me crazy that I fell for it when I should have been more careful.)

Mapi, quite surprise by Christen's words, is speechless for the first time of her life: she who usually always had the right words, the seducive ones, or the elusive ones, would just stand there in front of the girl she is in love with, no knowing what to do or to say next.

As her eyes fall on Christen's lips, she carefully says, closing her words wisely:

"La conexión es real, de lo contrario no podría sentir todo lo que siento cuando te miro. (English: The connection is real, otherwise I wouldn't be able to feel everything I feel when I look at you.)" 

Christen's heart seems to explode, but she couldn't just lower her guards. 

Therefore, without warning, Mapi quickly takes a few steps forward, forcing Christen to take a few backwards, until her back hits the wall quite harshly, making her wine in pain. Mapi immediately glues her body on the other girl's, as their lips were only touching. The Spanish girl's warm and fresh breath softly brushing her lips would make Christen feel some type of way she'd never have thought she'd feel. 

Carefully placing her hands on each side of Christen's head, Mapi bites her lips and says:

"¿Lo sientes ahora?" she softly asks in a whisper, "Ni siquiera Dios puede crear un sentimiento así, ni una mentira perfectamente ejecutada. Es simplemente la verdad - simplemente lo que siento por ti, Christen." (English: Do you feel that? - Even God can't create such a strong feeling, nor a perfectly realised lie: it's only the truth - it's only how I feel for you, Christen)

Feeling her whole soul melting inside of her body, Christen quickly escapes Mapi's embrace before it's too late, running out of the house, out of breath. 


When Ingrid first understood that she'd fall deep in love with an human was when she was still serving God's angels army in Heaven, and that she had this recurring dream about a blonde girl. She felt like it was too unreal to actually happen. But when she got to Earth in order to help Mapi out, she soon understood that the fruit of her desire was going to be there as well, right here in Sunnyvale. 

She first laid eyes on Julie Johnston and her whole existence seemed to have had yet an entirely other meaning all of a sudden: she could not feel anything until now, but from now on, every time she'd see the blonde with deep blue eyes, she'd feel her whole body shiver. This was very new to her, and although she was in deep denial, she couldn't help but care about the blonde's fate.

Therefore, when she entered the room Julie was chained to, she immediately feels her heart soften up, as the blonde was crying. Obviously, she had no idea as of to what happened those past weeks, since she was possessed by someone - probably Kelley.

As soon as she sees Ingrid come in, Julie frowns, wiping her tears away nervously - of course the others had explained to her what happened, and everything related to Satan and God.

"Why do I feel like I've seen you before?" she then hesitantly asks, raising her eyebrows.

Her confusion actually got to Ingrid, who freaks out - yeah, how does she know that?

"Absolutely not" Ingrid coldly answers, before checking Julie's vitals. Once she realizes that the blonde hadn't been possessed for days (ever since Rose Lavelle, the last victim, died), she just turns around and, on her way out, she adds: "Get some rest."

When she exits, Julie feels a strange feeling inside of her chest: she definitely knows that woman.

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