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The sky was falling off, literally.

Thousands of angels were killing regular people off, either cutting their throats or strangling them with they incredible force, and for once Tierna wished that the ghosts would've stayed. Tonight, the Westside was under siege, as the East was being spared for now, although it wasn't the angel's plan to not destroy Sunnyvale as a whole.

People were screaming in the streets, while a handful of girls with powers were trying to save as many lives as they could - their loved ones, the friends they had left... everybody was a target tonight, and they knew it damn well. 

Kelley, who had nobody to lose directly, was firing dark formes that would make the angels suffocate within seconds, cutting their organs from inside their own bodies, leaving them no chance, as the daughter of Satan would take a certain pleasure in taking revenge for so many years cast out in figuring out why God would've cast her whole family out in Hell. 

Suddenly, she spots Emily Sonnett running like a mad woman within the crowd of dead bodies, directly chased down by at least three angels. 

"This fucking human, I swear to Satan-" she lets out, before diving right where Emily was.

Once Kelley's feet touch the ground, she immediately faces the angels, who recognise her: they are afraid, but they had no chance to fully acknowledge what was awaiting them. Kelley has a cruel smirk on her lips when she breaks their necks simultaneously, and they dead bodies with wings drop on the ground right next to a terrified Emily.

The blonde seems traumatised.

"You're welcome, human" Kelley lets out, before walking toward the girl. Realising that she was actually shaking, she rolls her eyes and ironically adds: "Now, you wanna stand there and die or get the hell out of here?" 

"I-I, u-u-uh... y-you broke their n-necks..." Sonnett lets out, absolutely in shock.

"Well, it was either theirs or yours, and since I'm trying to be a nice person from now on, I kinda had to save your ass. So, you're coming or what?"

Before Emily can say anything, Kelley had already lost patience as she grabs her arm and flies her out of here. The whole time, Emily is screaming, which was annoying the demon quite a lot, as she would roll her eyes about fifty times in three minutes of flying. She deposits the human on the top of a building, before the blonde actually throws up because of a mixture of adrenaline and flying sickness.

Shaking her head in disbelief, Kelley then leaves her where she is, before going back into the battle, as more angels kept on arriving. Although she was pretty sure to be untouchable, something hits Kelley while she was floating, and she would crash on some building - the public library, in fact - going through the walls, absolutely destroying them. Grunting in pain, Kelley slowly gets up, as she hears two angels flapping their wings.

She immediately recognises them as two of the Goddess' favourites, and immediately gets on her guards.

She then realises that they did not come empty-handed: indeed, in their arms, was lying an unconscious Kristie Mewis, visibly on the verge of dying.

"What did you do to her?" Kelley asks, boiling from the inside.

"Easy now" Pernille lets out, as she and Nichelle delicately put Kristie on the ground. As Kelley is about to rip their wings out, the blonde quickly adds: "It is the Goddess' daughter that sends us: your friend has been hit in her heart by one of our kind, and wee need your help to avoid her death."

Kelley frowns.

"You two know I ain't no caretaker, so why did you come to me exactly?" she asks, suspicious.

"The only way to save her is to make her an angel... and we need a demon's blood to create one..." Nichelle calmly explains.

"But you know as well as I do that we never created an angel, there could be terrible consequences in creating an Angel of Death 2.0..."

"It's either this or she dies, your choice" Pernille harshly says.

But Kelley knew she did not have a choice: if she leaves Kristie to die, The Five would never trust her the way she needed them to...


Tierna, Sam, Crystal and Shelina found their way back to each other, but in counter part they lost Kristie and Tobin within the chaos now reigning in town: every human was now aware of the existence of angels, and half the city was already dead. 

What what left of The Five, as well as Shelina, had to step up in those terrible times: Tierna had already killed a dozen angels with her amazing plant powers, while Sam would mess with the angels' minds, ultimately turning them against each other, as they would kill each other in the process. They both were feeling terrible, but they also knew they had no choice... During the action, they also tried to protect their loved ones: Tierna saved her father from dying a painful death, urging him to hide somewhere, knowing very well that he might as well be dead right now. Crystal, on the other hand, saw her sister's body on the marble, and when she collapsed in tears, Shelina was there to get her up.

Everybody was dying, just like Annemarie Press wrote behind the prophecy's picture...

"They keep on coming..." Tierna yells in order to be louder than the screams and burning sounds around them "... and we're not gonna hold on much longer... Somebody's gotta do something..."

Indeed, Sam was on her knees, holding her head within her hands: her abilities were energy-consuming for real, as she could barely even stay conscious. Tierna was protecting her, while Crystal would wrap her arms around the tall girl's body, in order to show some support.

Shelina, on the other hand, was closing her eyes slowly - although she had no idea of the extent of her powers, she knew something was growing inside of her, and that she was the only one able to do something and save what was left of Sunnyvale.

Realising what her lover was about to do, Crystal immediately runs toward her, but Shelina keeps her at a distance by a simple movement of hands.

Suddenly, the whole town started trembling, and an invisible dome started designing itself, covering the whole city, preventing other external creatures to come and attack the city. Shelina's nose starts bleeding, as she sets her jaw and hears her own voice resonate within the whole dome, visibly spearing through every living thing's mind:


Crystal's eye go wide: although Shelina's intentions were noble and righteous, she was afraid that her soul might not survive it if angels do not obey her orders...

Either way, little did they know that the most important confrontation of all, that was on the verge of changing the whole course of event, was happening at that very moment between Christen Press and Mapi Leon on the edge of the highest building of Sunnyvale...

... And only one of them would come out of it alive... 

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