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Heaven really was nothing like it was described in the Bible: everything seemed so much darker, as something shady was in the air. 

Escorted by the angels (Kadi, Pernille, Nichelle and Lieke, as well as Mapi), Christen and Tierna were shown to their quarters, where they each had one luxurious room for themselves. But while Tierna was enjoying some free time with Goddess' servants serving her food and everything, Christen was locked up in her room.

Mapi carefully knocks at the door and, hearing no response, she flies to the balcony of the room, shamelessly opening the bay window leading into the room. As soon as she enters, she spots Christen, sitting by the desk, visibly writing something on a blank paper.

She looks up when she hears the window close, before angrily saying:

"I don't know how it is for angels, but when humans don't respond to the door and they're here, it means they don't wanna see you or be disrupted" 

Her sass was clearly a reflection of the contrariety she was feeling.

Mapi ignores Christen's moody greeting, before taking the piece of paper from Christen's hand, reading carefully: a series of known names, linked together by arrows and circles, probably in an attempt to make sense of everything. SUNNYVALE was written in capital letters, as well as WESTSIDE - HELL and EASTSIDE - HEAVEN. The names of the victims, as well as the angels' and God and her wife were all listed, while a triangle was drawn in between Ashlyn (Goddess), Ali (her wife) and Mary Zadorsky (her lover), visibly meaning that Christen found something rather interesting about this dynamics. 

Then, an arrow leaking Ashlyn to Shelina, as the brunette was visibly her direct heiress, which probably had pissed her wife off. 

"Quite the detective you are, Pressy" Mapi openly mocks her, still being a little bit serious though. 

Taking the piece of paper back, Christen angrily states:

"This might be funny to you, but something is really wrong with this place"

"What do you mean?"

"I can't quite yet put my finger on it, but something in my guts it telling me your 'Heaven' is bad news, and that what's going on at Sunnyvale actually is more complicated than what we thought..."

"Esto es ridículo : he pasado toda mi vida aquí y puedo asegurar que no pasa nada." Mapi states, visibly angry as well. (English: This is ridiculous : I've spent my whole life here and I can assure you nothing is wrong.)

Christen shakes her head.

"Marìa, I have an intuition, and my guts tell me to follow it" she whispers, walking toward the girl and grabbing her hands. While the blonde shakes her head angrily, the dark-haired continues: "I hope you'll support me on this."

Mapi sighs.

Without warning, she leans in and kisses Christen passionately, as if it was the first yet the last time she did. Christen immediately kisses her back, her tongue asking for permission. Things quickly escalate as Mapi's attacks Christen's neck, undressing her quickly.

After a rather hot and sweaty night, as while Christen is still sleeping peacefully on the bed, half-naked, Mapi gets up, gets dressed, before letting a loud sigh out: afterwards, her eyes filled with tears, she makes something appear from her hand, discretely planting it under Christen's skin on her back, without any pain.

Gently kissing the girl's forehead, Mapi whispers:

"I love you, Christen... And I am so deeply sorry."  


The Garden of Eden was, on total opposite of Heaven, exactly what the Mewis sisters imagined : endless gardens with flowers and plants of all colours, shapes and sizes, as the sky itself was a clear purple colour that would sublime even more the vegetation around them. 

The tunnel going from the Tree of Life in Sunnyvale to the one in the Garden of Eden (visibly the same, as if it was some sort of passage) lead right to not only the garden, but also to two people : one man and one woman.

Sam immediately realises who it is, as she whispers for Kristie's information:

"Adam and Eve..."

"I figured that one yet, dummy" Kristie lets out, quite annoyed by the lack of faith from her sister.

Shrugging, Sam just adds:

"I never know with you..."

"You two, enough" Kelley orders, as the two people are now looking their way.

They both were very handsome, as their eyes were clear and their hair of a shiny dark brown. 

When they realise Kelley isn't alone, they immediately walk toward the three girls, welcoming smiles on their faces. 

Quite immediately, Eve hugs Sam, astonished, before exclaiming:

"Oh, it's so good meeting you at last, Samantha! It's been a pleasure watching you from up here doing all those amazing things! Oh and, your powers? WOAH, I mean, this is so badass!"

"Uh... thank you?" Sam lets out, confused.

Then, Eve walks toward Kristie, who stops her before she jugs her as well.

"No touchy, thanks" the older sister coldly says, raising her eyebrows.

Quite alarmed, Eve turns toward Sam again, before telling me without telling them to follow her and Adam, who briefly waves at them. After a few minutes of walking inside the dense vegetation, they find themselves in front of a very cute wooden house, where wild animals such as deers or rabbits were eating grass all around. 

Turning toward them, Eve excitingly exclaims:

"It is so rare that we have visitors other than Kelley! Especially two fine women like you are! Welcome to our modest home, we didn't have time to prepare anything other than a vegetarian mean made out of the plants here!"

"Great" Kristie lets out grumblingly, before sighing and adding: "this is all very nice, but I don't get why the hell you brought us here"

She turned toward Kelley while saying this, ignoring Eve's hurt face. 

"Well, you wanted the truth - the original story - and who better to tell you it than the original couple, uh?" Kelley dramatically asks, raising her eyebrows. She then smirks when she realises Krisite's face hadn't changed a bit, before adding: "There is no harm in talking about this around a nice meal, right? I mean, Adam and Eve have kind of been my substitute parents ever since I was cast away from my home (Hell), and they have been so kind. Please just sit and hear them out, then you can go back to trying to kill me if you want."

Before Kristie can say something mean again, Sam grabs her arm and whispers:

"Let's hear what they have to say - who knows? Maybe it'll help us understand this whole mess a bit better, uh?"

"Ugh, fine" Kristie finally agrees, annoyed, "but if this is a trap, I am leaving you here and saving my ass."

"How thoughtful" Sam jokes, smirking.

That way, the Mewis sisters, the original couple and one of Satan's daughter all sit down and have a nice vegetarian meal. 

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