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Crystal caresses Shelina's bare back with one finger, following the path forged by her spinal column, knowing very well that she was the reason why the blonde with long hair would sometimes shiver. Lying on her stomach, Shelina only covered her buttocks with the sheets, as her face was turned toward Crystal so that she could take a good look at her, in alternation with closing her eyes to enjoy the moment.

Not daring to ask her anything about her time in Hell, Crystal prefers to go down another path, softly whispering:

"I feel like you're too beautiful to be real"

Shelina cracks a smile, before getting on her side, her hand reaching for Crystal's jaw. Shivers down her spine, the dark-haired leans in closer, but Shelina stops her.

"I am real : and I am not leaving you again" she softly answers, biting her lips. As Crystal looks down, anxious, she adds: "I thought I made that clear last night... several times."

Blushing like hell (which never happens to Crystal usually), the latter just rolls her eyes, before leaning in and kissing Shelina's lips.

She then smirks, quite amused.

"Crystal clear" she then jokes, making Shelina's infectious laugh come out of her throat.

Gosh, I even missed her laugh - what is wrong with me? Crystal asks herself, before the narrative inside her head changes when she looks at Shelina, thoughtful: Or maybe what is wrong with her? How can she be too perfect?

As she is getting lost inside her own head, Shelina caresses her cheeks to bring her back to reality, before suggesting:

"As much as there is nothing I'd rather want than spend the rest of my day with you on a bed, I guess we should get dressed and go help the others: because as much as we are lucky to have found our way back at each other, Sam and Tierna are still missing their love."

Crystal sighs.

"Ugh, you're right" she concedes, before grabbing Shelina's back while the latter was trying to get up. This causes her to fall back on the bed, laughing softly, while Crystal kisses her neck and whispers inside her ear: "But I'm warning you: as soon as we get Abby back and kill Kelley, we'll never leave this bed again."

Shelina cracks a luminous smile.

"I'd like that" she whispers, kissing Crystal back, before they get up.


Sam is crying very hard right now.

"I-I've tried everything, b-b-but I cannot reach her... I can't reach Abby... She's in a d-d-dark place, d-d-darker than what I've seen in my mind, I-I can't go t-t-there... I can't f-find her..."

Her voice was breaking at every words, as Tierna's arms wrapped around her body weren't enough to console her. 

As the latter whispers comforting words into her ear, Christen turns toward Mapi and Ingrid, who seem thoughtful.

The blonde then makes her a sign to come outside the room with Ingrid and her.

"She is too far gone, isn't she?" Christen asks, worried.

Mapi nods.

"She is in the depths of Hell, in a place so dark that nobody can access her - she is on her own right now, but I am afraid she has chosen her side" the blonde states, disappointed.

"Her dark side has taken over: she is, after all, Satan's offspring" Ingrid adds, as if the prior sentences weren't enough. Realising that it was affecting Christen, she quickly adds: "I'm sorry."

With that said, she goes back inside of the room Sam is crying in, leaving Mapi and Christen face to face.

Shaking her head, Christen declares:

"There's gotta be something we can do - I refuse to believe Abby is lost forever"

"You and your friends must prepare for the worst" Mapi admits, before switching into Spanish. Christen shivers, as she knows she was doing that so that only she could understand her words: "Otros ángeles se pusieron en contacto con nosotros anoche: una vez que el proceso de traspaso de poder entre Satanás y su heredero ha comenzado, no se puede detener. Y una noticia aún peor: el tránsito de Abby ha provocado una distorsión en el flujo del tiempo, lo que significa que es aún más poderosa que su predecesora. Esto es malo, muy malo."

(English: Other angels have contacted us tonight: once the process of passing power between Satan and his heiress has begun, it cannot be stopped. And even worse news: Abby's transitin has caused a distortion in the flow of time, which means she is even more powerful than her predecessor. This is bad - very bad.)

"Estoy seguro de que hay una solución, y no pararé hasta encontrarla. Y necesito tu ayuda." Christen answers, confident. (English: I'm sure there is another solution, and I won't stop until I find it. And I need your help."

Mapi frowns, feeling like she was about to get played.

"Christen, no, por favor" (English: please don't)

But the dark-haired wasn't going to give up on her friend like that : after all, she had nothing to loose and rather everything to win - saving her family from a psychopath, and saving Abby from herself. 

She smirks, before announcing her idea to the angel, whose jaw drops:

"Me vas a llevar al cielo, para que pueda tener una pequeña charla con tu diosa." (English: you're gonna take me to Heaven so that I can have a little chat with your godess.)


"It wasn't a question, Marìa: si no vienes conmigo, encontraré otra manera, y lo sabes." she insists, knowing that the blonde would agree. (English: If you don't come with me, I'll find another way, and you know it.)

Mapi sighs: of course she had no other choice - she couldn't let her soulmate do a rather impossible and dangerous adventure without her present to help her in case, as well as avoiding her to get killed. 

What Christen didn't know was that angels weren't allowed to bring humans in Heaven, per sentence that the Council would eradicate them right away...


Abby closes her eyes.

Everything was so dark, yet so red, so luminous, but a subdued light.

She could see the flames, and she felt comfortable in the middle of them.

But she knew it could only mean one thing:


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