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Shelina is barely even conscious when two unknown angel grab her and carry her to the throne room, where her mother and her evil wife are awaiting - pretty anxiously.

Ashlyn sighs.

"They were never supposed to get here alive" Ali mutters under her breath, annoyed to the highest level. 

"Well, if only you had control of your little toys of angels, they would've sticked together instead of killing each other" Ashlyn answers coldly. As her wife is about to say something, she quickly orders: "Do not even think about answering to me - kill the anomalies, kill them all, and bring me Satan's daughter alive so I can kill her with my own hands."

"With little chance, she'll come to you on her own" Ali silently says, before exiting the room. 

Shelina, who is on the ground, groans weakly - her mind prison was growing more and more every minute, even though Sam's words would resonate in her mind - Crystal isn't alive... This is a skam to make me hopeful again, just to break me even more... I need to be stronger than that... Or maybe I could just join her and spend the rest of my death with her... - she frowns, NO, she wouldn't want that... She wouldn't...

When Ashlyn, her mother, grabs her hair in oder to get her to her knees instead of lying down, Shelina wines in pain: she then gets sat down on her mother's throne, her vision getting blurry.

"It is such a shame, my daughter" Ashlyn slowly articulates, as her words were visibly heartfelt. She takes a deep breath before grabbing Shelina's chin softly, and says: "There were so many greater things you were destined to achieve, if only your human mother did not hide you all this time and made you a liability..."

Shelina sets her jaw, boiling from the inside.

She slowly looks up inside her other mother's eyes - God's, to be exact - and says those words she wished she had said to Mary Zadorsky, the woman who birthed and raised her, and who made her who she is today.

An arrogant smile appears on Shelina's lips, as she says slowly, measuring her words:

"You were not even 1% of the mother she was, and I will not let you tarnish her memory: I loved her, and I will fight for what I believe in, for those who I love, because this is the woman she raised me to be, not a heartless power-driven psychopath like you."

Ashlyn smirks, impressed by her courage.

"And where are those you love right know, kid, uh? I look around and I see nobody, just you, all alone, about to die."

Shelina keeps sending her defying look, before her finger is set in her thorax, right were the heart keeps on beating for now.

She sets her jaw, before answering:

"They are all here - dead and alive - and this is something you will never understand because you don't have love in your life, you don't know how it feels, you're just sad and alone, and if you don't die today, then you will continue to go through immortality with only power and never love. I am actually sorry for you."

"Uh, this takes some balls given the situation you're in, Shelina" Ashlyn comments.

"I've got nothing to lose anymore, and I'd sacrifice myself for the entirety of humanity if I have to - I am not like you, and knowing that makes it worth dying for others, because you would never be able to do just that."

Ashlyn's face changes, and her smirk disappears.

"Love doesn't matter in the end, only power does..." she whispers.

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