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A big 'boom' has been heard even from the cave Mapi and Kristie are currently being held captive in. 

"Maldita mierda" Mapi hisses, out of her mind, still trying to remain calm (English: fucking shit).

Kristie, who had been heavily sleep-deprived and was starving for days now, only groans in response - but when she sees the look in Mapi's eyes, she understands that something big is about to go down. 

Setting her jaw, the American asks:

"I guess what you just said is a swear word, so what's going on ? What was that noise?"

"No idea" Mapi says, suspicious, "but we usually never hear sounds like that in Heaven, which means that the Goddess has lost her omnipotence and omniscience, because there are intruders  in the kingdom..."

"Do you think it's our friends?"

"I hope so, 'cause if it's not them it means we'll probably die"

Kristie rolls her eyes.

"Way to kill the mood."

As Mapi is about to answer, another huge explosion occurs, and the wall in front of the two blondes just seem to explode as well, as an angel is projected inside the room, falling at their feet, dead. A big hole was now on the wall, and they exchange a look of both fear and stress - this was their last chance. 

Helping Kristie up, Mapi then tries to break their chains, but nothing was enough to do so: she then stares at the angel, before realising they had lost too much blood and were dead already. Hardly swallowing her saliva, Mapi grans in frustration before looking around, trying to find something smart to do. 

They hear screams coming from the surface, so Mapi knows this isn't their friends: Heaven was under siege, and probably by the wrong people. 

"So we're just gonna stand there and do nothing?" Kristie yells, annoyed and stressed out.

"Well, if you've got a better idea to break invincible chains, then I am all ears, Mewis" Mapi yells in return, highly frustrated by Kristie's questions.

Just as those words leave her mouth, yet another angel breaks into the room, breaking another wall, before falling at their feet, dead - Mapi immediately recognises them, since she had shared her whole formation and childhood with them (she did not like either of the two fallen angels to be honest). 

But there were more pressing things ahead: the cave starts collapsing little by little, as the whole cell was in danger of collapsing any minute now. 

 Suddenly, Mapi has got an idea: since Kristie is, after all, the Angel of Death, and that this particular creature has always been depicted as dangerous and powerful, it meant that she might as well be the only one in this room able to break their chains. Setting her jaw, Mapi grabs Kristie's arm, before saying:

"Do it" the Spanish exclaims, smirking. As Kristie looks at her as if she's just lost her mind, on top of the explosions and scream that continue in the background, Mapi continues: "For fuck's sake, you're the Angel of Death, Mewis - find it in you or else we might as well want to die right now..."

"Jeez, okay, calm down" Kristie lets out, out of patience. 

As the blonde closes her eyes and tries to find the power she is supposed to have inside of her, Mapi just rolls her eyes.

"Sure, take your time - it's not like a war is happening in Heaven while we're in a fucking collapsing cave right now" she comments, irritated.

"If you keep talking shit, I might as well not direct my powers at the chains"

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