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The inside of the castle, or at least the huge corridor and dinner room Abby and Kelley just got into, was made out of very dark marble, with very little light, all coming from long candles that were floating in the air. The floor, even if seemingly unstable, was also made out of black marble, and the room was totally soundproof, preventing its occupants to hear the blood-icing screams from the dammed. 

With every step the two sisters took, another long candle would light up, as if the fire was creating itself all at once. 

At the end of the long room, there was a throne made out of human skeletons, in a very Game of Thrones style, but with more class. It was empty, as Abby could swear to have seen a brand new light in Kelley's dark eyes. A sound occurs behind them, that seemed pretty much like a door opening and then closing, and when they turn around, they see Alyssa Naeher, the so-called doctor and God's serval, coming into the room, a content smile on her lips. 

She immediately bends the knee in front of Kelley, as if she was her very own Goddess, before bowing out in front of Abby too, but less longly.

"Master" she then whispers, obsessed by Kelley. When the latter makes her a sign to get up, the woman says: "We've been waiting for you - please follow me."

Kelley smirks. 

"You'll always be the same desperate girl who's longing for someone who doesn't have the ability to experience feelings, right, Alyssa?" she then lets out, openly mocking the woman, who seems to be used to it. 

Without a word, Dr Naeher leads the way, as Abby follows right behind her sister. They turn left a couple times, before entering yet another enormous room. The only difference was that this one was unique: indeed, it was very hot inside, as literal flames were burning high, replacing the walls, while a black rock was sprinkle the unsteady ground, and there wouldn't be a real ceiling except for the dark clouds with thunder inside of them. 

Somehow, Abby felt strangely attracted to this place: suddenly, the memories she had of Hell as a baby came back rushing inside of her mind for a moment, as Kelley would just close her eyes and smile in contentment. 

Suddenly, the ground starts trembling, and Kelley immediately puts her knees on the ground, ordering Abby to do the same. When the blonde does, the flames get even bigger, as a strong, hot wind just brushes through her hair. Something odd happens: indeed, dusts coming out of the black rocks on the ground were mixing up with the flames, until a shadowy form appears, with big horns, making Abby shivers in every part of her body with fear. 

Kelley, on the other hand, still has her comfortable smirk.

The voice that emanates from the creature - visibly coming from the depths of Hell, quite literally - just takes over the whole space between particles, before making Abby feel like she was about to die a horrible death. 

Nevertheless, the words state the exact opposite:

"At last, my dear Abigail returns" Satan says, his voice obviously impassible and with no emotion other than pride. As Kelley immediately rolls her eyes, he continues: "Welcome back, my child: you are right where you belong."

Abby is on the verge of fainting.

"W-wait, s-s-so you're o-our... d-dad?" she weakly asks.

The shadow laughs out loud, before something inside of it moves, making Abby feel like she is lifted from the ground and back up on her feet again. At the same time, however, she is attracted toward the shadow.

More and more...

"I am your creator, yes" Satan whispers, visibly content. His red, glowing eyes that are the only visible part of this enormous shadow, are now set on his other daughter, as he states: "You did not disappoint."

"Am I free at last?" Kelley asks, hopeful.

For the first time since she's known her, Abby feels hope and weakness inside of her voice. But, rather, what she feels the most is confusion and fear.

Free at last? Abby thinks to herself, frowning, because I am there?

"You are" Satan states, impassible. 

Kelley's face brightens like never before, as she starts walking backwards toward the exit, a big smile on her lips - a smile that would in turn express utter happiness, but also all the evilness that was lying underneath the devil in a teenager's skin.

Shaking her head, as she is still attracted to the shadow, Abby yells:

"W-What is happening?"

"There, there, my child" Satan orders, as Abby's throat turns sore and narrow, which was obviously caused by a supernatural form. She almost chokes, as her creator says: "You've always been my favourite daughter - and only my favourite would be fit to be my replacement on this powerful throne."

"Wait, but-"

"You've been absent for too long, Abigail" the shadow continues, as Abby would feel the terrible warmth emanating from Satan's shadow. She would try and get away, but could never succeed, as Satan adds what feels like a coup de grâce to Abby: "Your sister took your place while you were on Earth, but you are the true heir: and now that she brought you to me, she is free, and you are to remain here and rule for the rest of eternity..."

"N-No, I-"

"Shh, my child."

Just like that, Abby feels the smoke of the shadow fill in her throat, as she disappears inside the shadowy form once and for good.


The door opens violently, as Shelina, too weak to even move, looks up: her beautifully grey and intense eyes are tired, as marks of cuts were showing on her skin, still bleeding, collected from the various tortures she's been given by Satan's demons. She would immediately shiver when she realises who has come to get her. 

Setting her jaw, she states weakly:

"I am never going to follow you"

Kelley erupts in a dreadful laughter.

"Don't you see now, my dear Shelina? I am free, and I need your powers to take me back to Sunnyvale, as you are the only existing portal between Hell and Earth."

"N-Never" Shelina weakly insists, feeling her body losing it. 

But Kelley raises her hand, forcing Shelina to get up just like Satan did with Abby. She then grabs Shelina's jaw with firm hands, pressing on the existing concussions and cuts, before her eyes become red and her hands on fire.

Screaming in pain, Shelina falls on her knees, fracturing herself into parcels of light. 

Then, the whole scenery changes: they are in the Black Forest, as Kelley can finally breathe again, before tapping Shelina's shoulder violently.

"See? You can when you want it badly enough."

With an evil laugh, Kelley starts floating away, followed by all the ghosts from the Black Forest, leaving Shelina passed out on the ground, surrounded by shadows... 

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