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Kristie's eyes open widely, as her whole body is trembling in an impressive way: her wrists and ankles being tied down with resistant ropes, she couldn't move like she wanted to. 

It had been this way for a few hours now: the blonde would wake up in deep pain, as if something or someone had taken over her thoughts and body, controlling her. She's hiss, make weird, dark noises, as her eyes would change colour, until she collapses again and looses consciousness. Since the original ropes wouldn't hold on, they even had to tie her down with chains.

Arms crossed against their chests, Tobin and Becky watch as Kristie's epileptic episode fades and that she loses consciousness again. 

"The witch definitely controls Kristie's body" Becky comments, half-terrified, half-confused. 

Tobin nods. 

"We gotta find a way to make it stop, because I'm not sure how long her body is going to take it..." the brunette reacts, thoughtful. 

Tierna, who was sitting at Tobin's desk, going over all the pages from Annemarie Press' old sorcery/history book, loudly sighs: so far, even after hours of extensive researches, she hadn't find anything. Throwing a depressed look at her sister, she then undergoes to get up and walk down the stairs to the kitchen, where Sam and Abby were themselves going through old books with the hope to find anything that could help make Krisite's state better.

When she found out about her sister's being possessed with the same witch that was trying to kill her heir, Sam immediately knew that Kristie had become her servant to some extent: she wasn't herself lately, and her dramatic collapse in the middle of the school's halls was just highlighting her condition. Her little sister, however, didn't know how to help her - if she really was used by the witch, then it meant that Krisite was The Bathtub Killer, which is pretty ironic since she said that this named was the worst serial killer name in history. 

Concentrated on their books, Abby and Sam did not hear Tierna go down the stairs. When the brunette sees them, she cannot help but feel a strange feeling in her stomach: as much as she enjoyed spending time with Sam lately - who appeared to be so smart and funny, even goofy without really meaning to be - she still felt jealous of her hanging out with Abby. Speaking of which, the latter did not speak to Tierna ever since they almost kissed. This whole situation was pretty hard for the three parts to grasp meaning of. 

After a moment, the two blondes realise Tierna's standing in front of them, thoughtful. 

"Found anything yet?" the brunette coldly asks, raising her eyebrows. 

"Yup" Abby speaks out, putting her finger on a specific line of the book, "it says here that, in her crusade to kill enough people to gather the energy necessary to murder her heir, the witch usually possess two or three people in order to go through with the actual murders - so I think Kristie is one of those people."

"So" Sam lets out, frowning, "it means that, even if we get Kristie under control, there are other people out there who are going to kill the witch's designated victims?"

Abby nods. 

"Doesn't it say how to save them from being possessed?" Tierna asks, impatient. 

As Abby frowns, feeling that Tierna's bad mood had more to do with her presence there rather than Kristie's state, Sam shakes her head, desperate. 

"We're still looking."


While Tierna walks away, Abby suddenly gets up and runs after her. She catches up to the brunette, grabbing her arm in order to make her turn around. When she does so, Tierna throws a deadly look at Abby, who frowns. 

After a moment, Tierna hisses:

"What now?"

Quite hurt, Abby whispers so that Sam wouldn't hear her:

"I should be the one asking that : you've been avoiding me since... you know."

"Obviously, you didn't want me to... you know" Tierna lets out - you know = kissing, which they almost did the other day, before Abby said she couldn't do it. Realising the blonde still is confused, she continues: "Listen, Abby, I feel like you're confused, and I just don't want to influence what you're thinking until you figure it out for yourself."

The blonde shakes her head, obviously confused.

"It's more complicated than this..."

"Oh, believe me it is: who do you love, Sam or me?"

A brush of hesitation appears of Abby's face, before she lets out in a whisper:


Rolling her eyes, Tierna shakes her head and walks away, leaving Abby staring at the ground, totally beaten: she could never chose - but did she really have to?


"I'm sorry" Shelina lets out in a shaky voice, out of her mind. She closes her eyes, before ordering: "Say that again please"

Christen and Sam exchange a look, before the latter softly repeats:

"You're the witch's heir"

"So, the one who is doomed to get killed so that the witch can honour some kind of immortality deal ?" Shelina asks, obviously highly confused.

"Yes, overall, that's it" Christen says, before thinking for a second. As Shelina buried her face in her hands, the dark-haired tries: "Good news is that there's a prophecy that might break the curse."

Shelina looks up, tears in her eyes.

"A prophecy?" she repeats, truly having trouble to follow. As Sam nods, the brunette adds: "What prophecy."

"Well... we don't know... yet."

"Great, that's just... great" Shelina lets out, before turning her face toward Crystal, who was in an hospital bed, still unconscious. As she tries to fight the tears away, she lowers her voice when she settles: "And I'm the one responsible of her current state..."

Christen frowns.

"We don't know that yet, Shel" the dark-haired says.

But the look in Shelina's eyes was clear enough, as the latter blurts out:

"We kissed, and she had a stroke: I can't see no other reason why she'd collapse"

"Wow, you guys kissed?" Sam asks, overexcited. When both Christen and Shelina throw her a dark look, she blushes and adds: "What? You guys would be so cute together, sorry not sorry."

Shelina loudly sighs.

"If only I wasn't hurting her while loving her"

Realising the last word she used, Shelina freezes: until then, she hadn't realise that her feelings for Crystal were so deep, but now that she has to give up on them, they felt like they never would go away, and that there'd be no other solution than letting the witch kill her to save Crystal's life.

As Shelina sits down next to Crystal's bed, crying silently, the hospital room's door opens loudly, as Tierna enters, holding an old book in her arms.

"I found it : I found the prophecy!"

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